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Standard tactics for holding objectives


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I am wondering about creative and functional ways of holding / gaurding objectives. Mostly thinking of using Rhinos w/ Storm Bolters and 2 firepoints w/ Heavy Bolters, etc.


Any insight on some good standard ways to hold objectives that consistently have worked for you.


I am very new, so thanks for your tolerance :lol:


much thanks

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Well, for one, when you place objectives, make sure you either put them into area terrain (so that whomever is holding it gains a base 4+ cover save for being in area terrain), or put them very very close to area terrain so that you can keep your scoring units in area terrain and still hold the objective.


If you're camping an objective in a rhino, then always make sure you drive the rhino itself into area terrain. This way, if the rhino gets blown up, then your scoring units inside will still remain in area terrain, and hence will be at least partially protected from further shooting.


Also, if your opponent is shooting your scoring units (who are in area terrain next to an objective) with AP1,2,3 stuff, then going to ground is probably going to be your best bet to keep them alive, as units going to ground in area terrain gain a 3+ cover save (2+ if they're scouts with camo cloaks). This is especially applicable if you have a combat squad guarding an objective, since it makes them live A LOT longer.


When placing your scoring units around an objective, make sure you spread them out with ~2" between each model. If it's a building or a ruin, then use the various levels to further spread around your guys inside. This way your opponent can only hit so many of them with his blasts and flamer templates, and so you basically minimize the hardcore shooting against them.

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Giga's ideas are solid, and I'd echo all of them.

I'd avoid the idea of parking a Land Raider with a tactical squad inside. Why? Raiders are an offensive platform, not a defensive one. They're better used taking your OPPONENT'S objectives than sitting on your own. Plus, all it takes is a last-minute rush by any enemy unit to nullify the presence of the Raider by contesting your objective. That's a big, fat waste of a 250 point offensive transport.


The idea of firing out of a Rhino's hatches is a good one. I do that a lot. I'll sit my Rhino near the objective, and fire the stormbolter, as well as my heavy weapon of choice and a single bolter at anything in range. But, the real thing you have to decide on is when to dismount. Is it better to have more bolters firing a single shot at 24", or just the heavy, one bolter, and the Rhino?

If the opponent is using a lot of high strength ordnance, I'd stay buttoned up for longer, popping incoming transports with your heavy weapon, and taking potshots with the Rhino's stormbolter. Remember that the Rhino and squad are separate units, so can fire at different targets.

If the enemy is a horde or footsloggers, dismount when they get within bolter range. You'll want that mass of fire for taking down numbers. Staying buttoned up inside won't help you a lot.

Also, make sure that your exits don't get blocked up. If the Rhino pops, and you have to disembark, you want to make sure your unit is still within the 3" of the objective whenit hops out! Nothing worse than being forced to exit on the WRONG side of your Rhino, and losing the objective at the last moment.

Also, there's nothing wrong with driving the Rhino away/forward to assist the squad. Unit of Ork Boyz bearing down on your objective? Drive that Rhino forward for a tank shock to lump the Orks together for template fire! A non-savvy opponent might even be distracted by the presence of the Rhino, and attack it instead of your squad. Orks are crazy like that.


The embarked versus disembarked timing is a tricky thing to get a hold of. But, remember that no unit should operate in a vacuum. You should have something nearby to support that unit, be it another tactical squad on overwatch duty, a Whirlwind ready to bomb invaders back to the Stone Age, or some Assault Marines just behind a hill.

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