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Is Tigurius worth it?


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I was just wondering if anyone has used him? He's awfully expensive at 230 pts which is only 20 less than calgar, plus he only has 2 wounds? So would i be better off just going with an epistolary?


At 2k or better, yes. 1850 and down ... Meh.


Last game my opponent had Tiggy and a Chapter Master eat my Honorguard. All 9 of them. *His* HG finished my chaplain and Kantor. Then he thumped my LRC with the psychic gremlin power. A lot of dirty :lol: Tigurius us capable of a lot of dirty work.


I still won though, as the opponent didn't concentrate enough on objectives. :D


Tiggy is great against daemons. Negate their Invulerable Saves with NZ, then go Speedy Time and mow 'em down. Terminators with Storm Shields? Pff.


Only thing is, he's pricey, so at larger games it makes sense. He does blow for a measley two wounds, but so do all the rest, chaplains, captains ... just use him wisely, precisely. Marneus you can use like a sledgehammer.

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Personally, I never known which power I'm going to want to use until the game actually starts, at which point its too late. Do I think the extra 80pts is worth the extra power use, extra wound, and access to all powers? Maybe.



He has the same number of wounds as a regular Librarian.


However, Gift of Prescience is worth 80 points on its own, IMHO.

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Guess I'm going to have to give him a shot, I run a land raider with a captain w/ Relic Blade and combi flamer plus kitted out command squad, but this will be like 800 pts in one unit which is almost 1/2 my points. So what should i do?
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Have run a similarly priced uber unit of doom before and it will either work spectacularly or die spectacularly. Just got to make sure that there is an army behind it that is capable of supporting the uber unit and you will be fine.



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I'm not convinced on Tigerius. He's simply too many points for a "techy" style character, with some neat special rules but not a lot of punch. For similar (or less) cost you could get any of the other special characters who will, in general, outperform Tig in any given role. Gift of Prescience is pretty good, and having access to lots of psychic powers a turn is definitely a bonus, but you lose out on the flexibility of a generic Libby (who could take a JP, Terminator Armor, or Bike and gain way more mobility/utility, for less cost).


In general I would call Tigerius a 2k+ character, and even at those levels Calgar, Vulkan, or Pedro add far more to the overall battle effort. In fact, barring Cronus I would call Tigerius the most ineffective special character in C:SM.

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I can totally understand the unsecurity about using Tigurius or not. Basically I think in games of 1750 points and below I wouldn't use a HQ of more than 175 points (usually I prefer Khan without bike), but with more points to spend he can be a good addition to any army. But maybe this is the problem, he appears rather as an addition than as a "big hitter" by himself...but I think a Scriptor will always not be more. So I guess he is better than usual libbys - be it a Scirptor or a Epistolary - because he is much more flexible and adds with his reserve rule a nice strategic element to your army.


I used Tigurius recently in a double 3500 points list and put him to a drop podding Sternguard squad which devastated my opponent's Basilics as well as his most infantry units what gave me control over one table quarter...if these guys would have survived the approaching Greater Demon of my 2nd opponent, we will never know because they surrendered after two and a half rounds :devil: The point is, he gave my Sternguards a 5+ save, dealt some damage and took care for all my outflanking bike squads to arrive at round two (yes, i used Khan on bike...and to be honest Calgar in a LRR, but he didn't make it into CC because we just played few rounds :) ). Therefore I think there are more ways to play Tigurius effectively than holding him back.


Cheers, M.

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