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My New Salamanders


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Below are some pictures I have taken on my New Salamander Army I am currently doing. I decided on a very Dark theme for the Salamanders based on the Lit I could find on them. Any and all feedback welcome.



This is from the free term you got with the WD with the Ork



This Rhino is also a Razorback with a removable roof section




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They are looking pretty good so far although its harder to pick out some of the details as the lighting is very dark. The flames look really good - would definately want to see them in a close up


My only criticism personally would be that they are rather darker than Salamanders usually are, but thats very much a personal choice.

i am in the process of getting some better detail shots. Will have them uploaded soon













Looking good and very old school. Very close to the original colour scheme for Salamanders. They were a really dark green (Darker than the Dark Angels) when I first started the hobby. Just starting to get back into it after a 15 year break, to find the Salamanders had changed colour and chapter badge. Starting a new Salamander army using the lighter green scheme.
Yeah it my intention to take the Salamanders back to their origins. I like the idea of Jet Black Skin, Burning red eyes that can stop a rebellion before any shot are fired. I want to do some harsh conversions for some terminators I have an idea for. Will post some pictures when i have started them so you can see what I mean. Thanks for the Crit so far, hope to have a sizeable army soon.

Did you use any highlights though? maybe you did as photos can sometimes cut highlights out, but I don't see much there, that's why your models detail is lost, because its just a solid slab of dark green.


If you haven't yet I'd recommend some highlights, maybe goblin green or so? Other than that looks fine :)

As promises here is a sneak peak at some terminator conversions I want to do. I have just started them so will get the idea.








Thanks to this forum for some great inspiration!!!!!!! :)

If I remember correctly, the old colour scheme was -


1. Basecoat Salamander Black (No longer available, so would have to use Chaos Black).


2. First highlight 1:1 mix of Salamander Black and Salamander Green (Again, no longer available. Dark Angel Green is probably closest).


3. Second highlight was Salamander Green.


4. Detailing included red eye lenses, yellow chapter badge (Lizard head), and red squad markings. Flames and text relating to fire were optional.


Alot easier to paint than the current colour scheme.

Did you use any highlights though? maybe you did as photos can sometimes cut highlights out, but I don't see much there, that's why your models detail is lost, because its just a solid slab of dark green.


If you haven't yet I'd recommend some highlights, maybe goblin green or so? Other than that looks fine :)


I used very sutle highlights but yes, they dont show up too well on the photos. I keep adjusting the mis slightly so hopefully will get some better results with other models


Thanks for the recommendation :o

I made some modifications to my Greyknight Conversion to Salamander Terminator. Decided to make hime one of the company Captains w/ termintor Armour.




The powerfists are almost ligtning claws, but I do like the look of them!!



With the Salamander History, Decided to incorporate a flamer into one of the fists (mastercrafted?)



Side shot showing additional details



This is my first conversion using Green stuff and parts from numerous different models. All feedback welcome.

Hey Guys and Gals... I have started painting my conversion. Will field him as either a Salmander Capt with 2 Lightning claws or a Tu'shan with Marneus Calgar specs. Let me know your opinions







Thanks in advance for any sugestions you may have.


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