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Termy/Gate Rush


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Just thought of this and it scared me a little:


Libby - gate

+termies - 10 - heavy weapons

+scary combat caracter

+locator DP


= turn one termies on your doorstep

= lots of points, but darn scary




Demolisher cannons/plasma cannons

I would say enemy massed anti infantry, but 10 termies can take a lot and still come out dangerous.



Sample list:


Librarian - gate, machine curse (took curse to limit demolisher cannon threat)

Calgar (took calgar so as to not risk the termies running, and to absorb some lascannons, though lysander would also work and save you some pts)

Tac squad - with power fist, melta gun, missile launcher, rhino

Tac squad - with power fist, melta gun, missile launcher, rhino

Iron clad dreadnought, with drop pod with locator beacon

terminator squad - 10 with 2 cyclone missile launchers




so still a little to play with


I know its very one trick pony, but it just struck me as something i wouldnt want in my face on turn one.

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Four units in a 1500 point army? Seriously?

To heck with the Terminators. I'd bomb the daylights out of those two tactical squads. Once they're down, you're not beating me in 2/3rds of the possible missions.

Also, none of your units have transport. If I stay in my vehicles, how do you propose to catch me?

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actually both squads are in rhinos (its in the line)


and assuming cover (which i nearly always find my tacs in) 20 marines at reasonably long range, are darn difficult to take down quickly (which is what youd have to do before the big scary unit eats whatever it is thats concentraiting on the 2 tacs in cover a long way away)

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You can't use the Locator Beacon from the Drop Pod on turn one. The rules state the the Beacon must be on the table at the beginning of the turn for it to be active. The pod comes in automatically on Turn One, but it isn't there when the turn begins. That means that you can't use the Beacon until Turn Two. Use scout bikers if you want a Turn One terminator gate rush with no scatter. Keep the scouts right by the terminators, then boost them forward 24". That way, you know that the Beacon is no more than 24" away and you can Gate your squad right to it.


Personally, I think that Lysander would be a better option for you anyway. He already gives the unit stubborn and LD10 so they aren't going to be running very often anyway. Plus, you'd be getting bolter drill so those storm bolters are going to hurt more. Since you can't assault on the turn you gate, you are going to want to maximize your shooting while keeping your unit safe until they can assault on Turn 2. I honestly think your list is way too top-heavy for 1500 points, but since I'm new to marines I'll let someone else more experienced comment on the list itself.

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