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Project: Battle Company


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OK. I am planning on building/expanding my Iron Hands army to repesent a Battle Company for Apocalypse and still have a good cross-section of units for normal games of 40K.


For example: Two of my Battle Company Tactical Squads will be built so that they can represent Sternguard Squads in normal games of 40K. This means that their weapons options must be compatable with those available to both units. Because of a limitation on bitz, this type of "counts as" units will be necessary to complete the whole company.


There will also be a bit interchangability between certain members of certain squads: The shoulderpads will be used to distinguish certain squads by combining the shoulderpads in certain ways. Because the heavy weapons troopers will always have a plain right shoulderpad, they will be interchangable between some units as well.


In order to maximize the utility of my units, I'm going to bounce some ideas off of everyone here to see what tehy think and to test if my own reasoning seems sound.



My first idea I want to kick around surrounds my two Assault Squads. I would like one of them to be able to double as a Vanguard Squad in smaller games - I'm not sure how.


Here are the two choices I'm currently toying with:


Option 1) Both squads will be equipped with jump packs. One squad will have a power weapon as the only upgrade. This squad can then be played as either a bare-bones Assault Squad or a bare-bones Vanguard Squad. The other squad will be armed with a thunder hammer and two flamers to represent a tooled up Assault Squad. This allows for me to field either squad in smaller games depending on how many points I have to commit to the unit.


Option 2) One squad will be equipped with jump packs and a thunder hammer and two flamers to represent the tooled up Assault Squad. The other squad will not have jump packs and will deploy from a transport as either an Assault Squad or Vanguard Squad. Weapons a bit uncertain - but obviously compatable with either unit type.


So which option seems the better choice?


Are there better options?


Let me know what you think.

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Check out the Space Wolves codex. Their list allows you to have up to 20 Terminators that are each leading squads of power armoured Marines as well as an HQ Dreadnought choice, something Iron Hands do that other codecii do not reflect. Also, the Long Fang heavy weapons squads are the best Marine Devastators in the game, something else Iron Hands should have that other codecii do not relfect. The only downside is the lack of Techmarines in the codex, which can be ignored for the most part.



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The only downside is the lack of Techmarines in the codex, which can be ignored for the most part.


Not quite! You could use Wolf Priests to "counts as" for Techmarines (since they're the same general concept) and Thralls are pretty much straight conversions to Servitors! In actuality, the Space Wolves codex is more realistic to the Iron Hands than the C:SM, with the exception of Wolf Scouts and possibly Fenrisian Wolves; though I'm sure with a bit of fiddling you could rationalize either (Cyber-Mastiffs come to mind). ;) You could even take a Leman Russ Exterminator to "counts as" for an Adeptus Mechanicus tank, or suchlike.

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The Space Wolves will be getting an overhaul sometime in the near future (rumors have it at sometime this year or early next) and may be changed too significantly to pawn off as Iron Hands. Besides, Iron Hands fluff appears to have been retconned to some degree as well. So I'm sticking with the Space Marine Codex at the moment.


Back to the original question.

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If you want to use flamers in the tooled up squad, you will have to use it as an assault squad as Vanguards dont have the option to take a single one. Shame really

Yep. That is why I would only equip one of the two squads with flamers - so the other can be used as a Vanguard Squad if I wanted to.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I actually went with option 3 - build out a third non-jetpack unit. But if you're looking to keep costs down, build the jumppacks. I havent met a person yet that won't met me 'counts as' jetpack models for non. But going the other way around is confusing.
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Go with the jump packs for both squads,especially with planetstrike upon us.Also what about plasma pistols ,not always a popular choise but fit both vanguard and assult squads.cheers
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Also what about plasma pistols ,not always a popular choise but fit both vanguard and assult squads.

Yes, they would work for both squads, but I'm not sure the price tag for the plasma pistols is worth it, TBH. They only get to shoot once out to 12" - for 15 points and a chance at melt-down....I don't know.

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YES the eternal problem of the plasma pistol ,costly ,short range and blows your hand off .Alltho your 12 inch move helps with range a bit.All I can see then is to call it a power weapon when in a assult sq and a relic blade when in a van sq and give em melta bombs.I never noticed it before there isn,t that much duplicity between the squads.Looking at the sternguard tho much easier ,you only lose the combi weapons optionand are limited to 1 special weapon.cheers
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