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Sergeant With Storm Bolter

captain sox

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Hey folks!


This is my first ever post! I've been fooling with the idea of equiping all of my Tactical and Devastator Sergeants with Storm Bolters. Seeing how it's cheaper than the plasma pistol, I really think it's a good option. Would this effect his # of attacks in any way?


Also, as part of my chapters 'rules' my Tac Squads do not carry heavy weapons. They are loaded out with 9 bolters and Sergeant with Storm Bolter. I let my Dev Squad handle the heavy weapons.


Any thoughts?


PS - I have gained volumes of knowledge from this board, and I thank all of you!

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This is my first ever post! I've been fooling with the idea of equiping all of my Tactical and Devastator Sergeants with Storm Bolters. Seeing how it's cheaper than the plasma pistol, I really think it's a good option. Would this effect his # of attacks in any way?

Storm bolters dont count as pistols, so the bearer wont get +1A for two ccws in close combat.. however if armed with a relic blade/power fist etc then it wouldnt matter sonce you wouldnt get the extra attack anyway.


Also, as part of my chapters 'rules' my Tac Squads do not carry heavy weapons. They are loaded out with 9 bolters and Sergeant with Storm Bolter. I let my Dev Squad handle the heavy weapons.

I like armies with themes and thios is pretty cool, sometimes i feel heavy weapons can often change how a unit is used.. however i would be remiss if i didnt tell you that your missing out on free weaponry.. at least think about using the free flamer???



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I think its a great idea. Don't remember how expensive the Stormbolter is for a Sarge, but assuming its 5 points or less, it seems like a steal. If you're using a Power Fist it won't be an issue at all, but then again Power Fist is the normal upgrade anyway.
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This is my first ever post! I've been fooling with the idea of equiping all of my Tactical and Devastator Sergeants with Storm Bolters. Seeing how it's cheaper than the plasma pistol, I really think it's a good option. Would this effect his # of attacks in any way?

Storm bolters dont count as pistols, so the bearer wont get +1A for two ccws in close combat.. however if armed with a relic blade/power fist etc then it wouldnt matter sonce you wouldnt get the extra attack anyway.


Also, as part of my chapters 'rules' my Tac Squads do not carry heavy weapons. They are loaded out with 9 bolters and Sergeant with Storm Bolter. I let my Dev Squad handle the heavy weapons.

I like armies with themes and thios is pretty cool, sometimes i feel heavy weapons can often change how a unit is used.. however i would be remiss if i didnt tell you that your missing out on free weaponry.. at least think about using the free flamer???




You know, I forgot to mention something important. 3 units will have a Melta Gun and 3 will have a Flamer. So they will look like this:


8 Bolters, 1 Flamer (or Melta Gun) and 1 Sergeant with Storm Bolter. I can't believe I neglected the freebies! Still no Heavies allowed.



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I like Storm Bolters but for the same cost you can get any of the combi-weapons so it really depends on what you are using the squads for.

Looking at them and taking into account you're not taking any heavy weapons I would say assault/rapid fire attack.

In this case I would maybe take one of the combi-weapons either the same as the squad's special weapon or the opposite (eg. combi-flamer with flamer or combi-melta with flamer).

It's a decent trade off most of the time to substitute potentially 4-6 bolter shots per game game for that one shot that could flame up to 5+ models (if postioned right) or knocking out an armoured target.

In both cases the chances of getting a higher point/kill ratio are better.

Then again if it doesn't fit the fluff don't do it, IMO fluff is more important.

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Now it all depends on you plans for the Sergeant. If you are planning on having the Sgt wield a Power Fist or Lightning Claw (is this even possible in the current dex?) then it is fairly worth it. You can fire to maximum effect whilst still being able to charge on into combat (something I try not to do with my Tacticals).


As pyror pointed out you can take a combi bolter for the same cost. Depending on which variant you chose you can still use it and assault. The major difference between the Storm and Combi is on the move, with a storm bolter you can always fire 24" whereas with the combi you are hampered to 12". Not much of an issue because the unit you are leading is still stuck to 12" anyway when moving. You also get one additional bolt gun shot at 24" if the unit remains stationary again not much but the differece is there.


My thoughts on the matter can be summed up in the following questions:


1) Are you intending to assault a lot? If no dont bother, if yes keep asking

2) Are you intending on arming with Power Fist or Lightning Claw? If no dont bother, if yes keep asking

3) Are you likely to assault hoard or attacking transports? If yes go for a combi weapon, if no go for it



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My 2 cents.


To reitorate, you still need to tell us what the other weapon for the sergeant is. It sounds to me that what you are mainly going to be doing with this squad is assaulting.


If power weapon: Always go with the bolt pistol.


Storm bolter + Power Weapon = Two S4 AP5 shots prior to the assualt, and 3 S4 attacks on the initial assault with no armor save.


Bolt Pistor + Power Weapon = 1 S4 AP5 shot prior to the assault, and 4 S4 attacks on the initial assault with no armor save.


If Power Fist: Take the Storm Bolter if you can afford it.


Storm bolter + Power Fist = Two S4 AP5 shots prior to the assualt, and 3 S4 attacks on the initial assault with no armor save.


Bolt Pistol + Power Fist = One S4 AP5 shot prior to the assualt, and 3 S4 attacks on the initial assault with no armor save.


Pretty straight forward in my book. Again, I have to assume that you are using this squad for close combat.

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This is interesting because I didn't figure what I was going to arm him with ASIDE from the storm bolter. I was just going to use a chainsword... but that seems rather lame now.


The main purpose of my Tac Squads is to assault, and engage in close combat fighting as soon as possible.


Lots to think about now!

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I always arm my Sergeants with a Power fist because I prefer to be able to wound (usually insta-kill) anything my sarge might attack as well as having something that can take apart armour.

True he will strike at last in most cases but then again at I4 he's not going to strike first a hell of a lot either and when he does it will be against rank & file that could of been insta-killed if he had a power fist.

Allow the squad to bear the brunt of the wounds leaving the Sarge to give the opponent the fist of fury in return!

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One of the biggest reasons why you should take a Power Fist is as a deterrent. Independent Characters will be scared to charge a PF, whereas a Power Weapon is just meh.


Strength 8 will insta-kill a captain, chapter master, Chaos Lord, Pheonix Lord, Warboss, and just about any other IC out there. They're rarely, if ever, going to have an invul save better than 4++, and even that is limited to only a few characters.


The Fist is the great equilizer. Sure, that Jump Pack Captain may be able to put out 4 strength 6 attacks on the charge, but failing a 4++ save means he's dead as a result.

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One of the biggest reasons why you should take a Power Fist is as a deterrent. Independent Characters will be scared to charge a PF, whereas a Power Weapon is just meh.


Strength 8 will insta-kill a captain, chapter master, Chaos Lord, Pheonix Lord, Warboss, and just about any other IC out there. They're rarely, if ever, going to have an invul save better than 4++, and even that is limited to only a few characters.


The Fist is the great equilizer. Sure, that Jump Pack Captain may be able to put out 4 strength 6 attacks on the charge, but failing a 4++ save means he's dead as a result.


Phoenix Lords are EW, Warbosses are T5. No S8 instagib there.

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Sgt's need at least a Power Weapon, preferably a Fist. You need to take a Pistol with PW for the extra attack. You can use a Plasma Pistol if you like taking the risk. If you have the points Combi-Weapon or Storm Bolter is the way to go. Storm Bolter is good for shooting out of Rhino hatches.


I managed to ID my opponents Chaos Lord this week due to having a Fist so the remaining three marines were able to run over and help with the other melee and I won the match.

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This is interesting because I didn't figure what I was going to arm him with ASIDE from the storm bolter. I was just going to use a chainsword... but that seems rather lame now.


The main purpose of my Tac Squads is to assault, and engage in close combat fighting as soon as possible.


Lots to think about now!

Consider playing black templars or space wolves? Wed love to have you... youve got the right idea.

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This is interesting because I didn't figure what I was going to arm him with ASIDE from the storm bolter. I was just going to use a chainsword... but that seems rather lame now.


The main purpose of my Tac Squads is to assault, and engage in close combat fighting as soon as possible.


Lots to think about now!

Consider playing black templars or space wolves? Wed love to have you... youve got the right idea.


Yeah I was thing what chapter do you do?


And cool idea with the only bolters and special weapon thing I may do that with my sons of orar

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  • 4 weeks later...
This is interesting because I didn't figure what I was going to arm him with ASIDE from the storm bolter. I was just going to use a chainsword... but that seems rather lame now.


The main purpose of my Tac Squads is to assault, and engage in close combat fighting as soon as possible.


Lots to think about now!

Consider playing black templars or space wolves? Wed love to have you... youve got the right idea.


Yeah I was thing what chapter do you do?


And cool idea with the only bolters and special weapon thing I may do that with my sons of orar




I've actually created my own chapter called 'Storm Seekers'. My basic army list is set up like this:


2 10 Man tac squads with no heavy weapons (Flamer or Melta Gun is allowed)

- Sarge has power weapon or power fist.


2 10 Man Assault Squads: 2 Flamer per squad

- Sarge have power weapon or fist


1 10 Man Dev Squad With either 4 LC, 4 PC, 4 HB or 4 MM

- Sarge has a power fist.


1 10 Man Terminator 'Shooty' Squad.


1 Vindicator


Custom Chapter Master with Storm Bolter and Lightning Claw.


I'm planning to make a list with 2 Tac Squads, 2 Assault Squads, 2 Dev Squads, a Dread and a Vindicator.


Troops fight, Devastators Devastate, Terminators Terminate, and vindicators Vindcate!



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This is interesting because I didn't figure what I was going to arm him with ASIDE from the storm bolter. I was just going to use a chainsword... but that seems rather lame now.


The main purpose of my Tac Squads is to assault, and engage in close combat fighting as soon as possible.


Lots to think about now!

Consider playing black templars or space wolves? Wed love to have you... youve got the right idea.


Yeah I was thing what chapter do you do?


And cool idea with the only bolters and special weapon thing I may do that with my sons of orar

I do Space Wolves- we have no heavy weapons in our troops units, and they are all armed with BP+CWW or Bolter+CCW that still gives two attacks- but no charge bonus. You can have a seargent with customisable wargear, and a couple of powerweapons or fists on your basic troopers- and you can buy them a special weapon and/or plasma pistols.


Theyre a little more expensive though- 18pts with bolters but without grenades. Very good at assault, and fairly good at ranged support if you dont expect to take out main battle tanks from accross the board.

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This is interesting because I didn't figure what I was going to arm him with ASIDE from the storm bolter. I was just going to use a chainsword... but that seems rather lame now.


The main purpose of my Tac Squads is to assault, and engage in close combat fighting as soon as possible.


Lots to think about now!

Consider playing black templars or space wolves? Wed love to have you... youve got the right idea.


Yeah I was thing what chapter do you do?


And cool idea with the only bolters and special weapon thing I may do that with my sons of orar

I do Space Wolves- we have no heavy weapons in our troops units, and they are all armed with BP+CWW or Bolter+CCW that still gives two attacks- but no charge bonus. You can have a seargent with customisable wargear, and a couple of powerweapons or fists on your basic troopers- and you can buy them a special weapon and/or plasma pistols.


Theyre a little more expensive though- 18pts with bolters but without grenades. Very good at assault, and fairly good at ranged support if you dont expect to take out main battle tanks from accross the board.


Trying to recruit another Blood Claw? Good work man.


Seriously though, I'm interested to see how well a tactical squad can pull off the role that I use hunters for, charge them forwards, rapid fire bolters like once and then assault the next turn (With one powerfist and two power weapons) I see the combat being drawn out more because the basic troopers have no access to power weapons and therefore more saves for the opponent, combined with only 1 attack from the tacticals and 2 from the sergeant. And tacs can of course fire their bolt pistols before they've charged, if there's one thing I've learnt it's don't sniff at pistols.

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