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Honour Guard plus second HQ

chapter master 454

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Ok, I've dug out redundant marine models and they total ten in number so i decided it was long over due for a kit-bash and while they are still in the state of pieces all over the place the squad totals over 700 points but now it's going to hit about 900. It's not meant for winning lists but ones I feel like having a laugh so I wanted to know what may be better to have them leading them (alongside the chapter master who weilds a relic blade, plasma pistol and digital weapons. He also has standard issue artifcer armour): terminator clad chaplin or a terminator clad librarian with null zone and force dome. They are ofcourse getting trucked across via a 295 point crusader so I am obviously playing this not in any game I expect to win however I do believe the honour guard lay the smack down very well (some play testing saw th champion trump a warboss with quite some surprising ease, re-rolling hits and wounds along with the warboss having to re-roll successful invunerables killed him most times and in cases of no null zone the champion sometimes trumped him but in most cases caused him greivous damage. not bad for a 1 wound model) as I tested them against foot slogging nobs (play test in the sence of simulated combat, I just rolled the dice. The nobs had big choppas, still to test some things like getting the charge, being charged, they having power klaws etc.).


In total they are a unique unit in my army for I plan them to be completely WYSIWYG, grenades and all (some holding there bolt pistols, some with them holstered. The champion has his bolter slung over his armour so he can waggle his finger at his foes, and then they are sorry. Reference anyone!). The champion lugs an aux. grenade launcher because I feel like giving him one (making it from an ork aiming scope, they said they weren't using it anyway :) ) along with the banner for extra attacks. The problem is two things, one when they hit something it will be very very dead so I will attempt the orks multi-charge best I can. Then again even taking a charge they have 4 attack (PW+BP, banner) and five on the charge (a whole unit of marines with 5 attacks armed with power weapons plus an IC killer who gets 6 attacks) will most likely be able to handle even a full mob of orks with a nice round of pre-charge pistol plus one frag fro the aux. Ok I've gone on long enough about this and now most likely hitting tangents so many times I could make a circle: whats better: termy libby or termy chap?

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Why not power armoured Chaplain or even better Cassius. Rerolling all those hits on the charge is going to be really fun, Cassius adds some meaty weight to fire fights and he has 4 Attacks at WS5 on the charge with FNP and T6.


If you are going for a Librarian you can do better with a standard bolt pistol and force weapon librarian, upgrade to an Epistoliary and give him Null Zone and Force Dome OR Null Zone and Might. 4 Attacks on the charge with S6, rerolling any Successful Invulnerable saves.


Putting either of these in Terminator armour denys you the ability to sweeping advance, which is one of the benefits of taking Honour Guard.



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Why not power armoured Chaplain or even better Cassius. Rerolling all those hits on the charge is going to be really fun, Cassius adds some meaty weight to fire fights and he has 4 Attacks at WS5 on the charge with FNP and T6.


Plus the Chappy odes come with the 4+ invul...the Librarian you'd have to drop a SS on him to give him staying power.

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very true on staying power but when we have the majority of the squad packing no invunerable save and better armour save, termy armour with some range weapon would help more than making him the most durable. I'm also trying not to use that broken excuse for a chaplin cassius, and I want to keep away from SC for this honour guard unit. The question still stands on whether termy chaplin would be better than a termy libby in termy armour. Theres a trade off, make the opponents units more vunerable to my attacks and make myself more immune to his (null zone and force dome which would also be very handy for dealing with daemons however the chaplin makes my guys fearless (not much added since I could re-roll checks if wanted and still run away if the place I was in isn't very favourable however the re-roll to hit would aid in making these guys hit, their WS4 and their supposed to be better than a captain...I know making a unit of captains may be a bad idea but come on, at least WS5 for the normal ones and WS6 for the champion)) (fear my use of brackets by the way! ;) )


They are getting express delivery across field in a crusader and i don't exactly need the frag launchers (those guys already pack them). Lets remember I have the banner of the chapter here (re-roll leadership checks, +1 combat resoluation, +1 attack). Hmmm, so far it still seems like the two are equal...might just get both models and just make the unit have an interchangable form. Anyway, cheers for the help.

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Why is it that a Libby must take TDA to use a storm shield? It seems.... inane.



Very much so.

He's the character that's just begging for the Inv to take against PotW wounds and yet; the only way to get it to don Terminator armor. Such a poor choice by the author.


That; and the complete nerfing of the combat shield when it's most needed (5th ed)



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