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Ultramarines 1st / 4th / 10th Company


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Well upon gettingback into the hobby last september I wa sall fired up and got myself some guard, a battleforce (old one with Russ) and an extra box of guardsmen... but as we all know that never works out... so i found myself shelving them and going to marines... ultramarines at that due to havnig painted them when i was much younger (15ish). So i present my returning to the hobby fanboy Ultrmarines.



The 4th company, missing just a dreadnaught.







1st company - still have 30 more models to be painted as well as two drop pods, 3 land raiders (1 is now painted)














Spare Assautl squad sgts and extra assault marnies






Extra sgts including Pasanius Lysane





Bikers Still have 21 bikers, 6 attack bikes and 7 land speeders to add (May turn them into 7th company meaning anothe rcompany completed - Yay)






10th Company - still have 5 sniper scouts to paint and 5 already done but wern't in picture.






Armoury - comes to 5 razorbacks, 2 whirlwinds, 2 preds, 2 vindicators, 2 thunderfire cannons, (The 4 land raiders which i mentioned in 1st company bit, and the 8 rhinos used for the battle company)






Spare Dev marines






Army so far









I can see the end of the army, once the above mentions along with a 10 man kill team and some deathwatch are done then the army is complete, along with some more counts as

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You know what, I saw that chair with the jeans on it half way through and almost thought it was a titan! :P But I have to say you have commitment sir! I'm not even THINKING about companies and here you are with large elements of THREE!
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The jeans are a nice addition...for too long there are pictures of computer screens, keyboards and mouses. But the jeans are different (and I also thought it was a Titan at first glance). As for the 3 battle company worth of Ultramarines you clearly are a dedicated man with lots of spare time. I don't want to contemplate how much you must of spent on all those miniatures. One request though, could we also get a close up of your HQs.


Cheers, Messanger

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Well i'm unde rno illusion tha ti'm a tabletop quality painter noly, not the best but it helps in getting the army completed then i can do all the fancy highlights etc. That and i like the playing side more than the painting but i still do it becaus ei pride myselfon only fielding painted units.


here's a couple of pics from earlier in the painting process, some have been touched up i'd like to point out and will take more recent ones over the weekend when i'm better i hope.


pics from when i was beginning the army:


















Be kind as i've said this was towards the start of the army, and most have been touched up, once the army is done i'll do the highlighting of the heavy weapons like the meltas which are orange for eases sake at the moment.

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The army will all eventually get some lighter blue shading, just have to finish it all to base colours as i refuse to play with primed models.


The army has taken me almost a year to do so far, but thats casually most nights for a few hours.


Will get some pics up of the most recent marines, they have some shading (the captains and count as guys)

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