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Three Month Crimson Fists Battle Company

Twin .44

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Hey there all! Some of you may have noticed in my WIP of a full battle company being done for the Call of the Imperium. As many seem to have demanded, I am now putting up full group photos (with a decent camera!) of my three months of dedication. I know they aren't the greatest paint jobs out there, but I think they aren't too bad for 106 marines along with 9 vehicles done in under three months! And Some photos might not be that great. Was in a rush because all the other 40K folks were showing up for games and I just showed up to take these pics. Well, enough yammering, here it is!



































To view close ups and the entire company, see here.

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Beautiful army mate. Very crisp, looks awesome on the table top. You should be very proud of them


I am proud of them in fact. for how fast I did them and the fact that I did what many people couldn't, I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of accomplishment, thank you.


wow... that is just huge..... ;)


nice going there


cheers atin


Thanks. Saddest part is that isn't everything :tu: Still have a sternguard squad, two more tacticals, another captain, a dread, drop pod, another rhino, two wirlwinds and a Vindicator. I've also got a small blood angels force (Chaplain, mephiston, captain, assault squad, tactical squad), two GK squads, a GK terminator squad, GK Land Raider (To be built), and countless other stuff on my desk to be painted. I even just sold my entire Black Templar force of about 2500 points :devil:

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Great looking battle company! The paint scheme is uniform, and the weathering/battle damage effects on the vehicles are quite nice. I think doing some pics of them set up in an organised rank and file (per the battle company pic in C:SM) would be a really sweet shot! Considering this was done in only three months, I'd call this project a resounding success.
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Great looking battle company! The paint scheme is uniform, and the weathering/battle damage effects on the vehicles are quite nice. I think doing some pics of them set up in an organised rank and file (per the battle company pic in C:SM) would be a really sweet shot! Considering this was done in only three months, I'd call this project a resounding success.


I thought about copying that shot, but as I started placing the terrain and the models, it kinda started to shape itself around with the hard hitters moving in the front the multi-purpose tactical following up behind, and the big guns holding out in the back.

The tanks I kind of went for a "Battle training damage" with minor scrapes and bullets tinging off. not only that, it's extremely quick to do.

And I call it a success as well. As stated before, it's not bad at all for such a short period of time.


Freakin' awesome .44!


Just Freakin' awesome!


Why thank you sgtNACHO! stuff like that is what really drove this project forward.


Impressive... Now make another one!


I NEED A BREAK OF SOME KIND!!!!! besides, the Crimson Fists don't really have 2 companies. that have about one full one and a bunch of beaten and broken ones.....

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Then make a bunch of beaten and broken ones...


Actually in the planetstrike book they have to whole composition and I have a thread dedicated to it for that exact purpose (But now we have to look at it about a decade after the rynns world incident). so yes, I do plan on continuing with the chapter. next up is my ten customized sternguard units.

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can't see a thing, not even a tiddly bolter :lol:, you mind putting them in your gallary?


did you expand the photos? if not, I have individual closeups in my WIP that is linked in both my signature and in the first post of the thread.


very nice army


Thank you HJL!

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Nice jop done! The army looks good and i realy love them because they are sons of dorn :)


You should be proud and do not have to hide behind others with this good work :D


The emperor loves you more now

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Nice jop done! The army looks good and i realy love them because they are sons of dorn :P


You should be proud and do not have to hide behind others with this good work :)


The emperor loves you more now


Thanks nordy! There is no better army to have than a son of dorn :devil:


That's fantastic man. Congrats on having a full ARMY done in 3 months. I wish you many victories.


it was quite grueling work, but it was worth it!


Looks good.


And kudos for you for sticking to the project and getting a company done.


thanks grimfang. being the first to pull off a stunt like this was the driving force being the project, along with everyone that wished me luck along the way!

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Very nice! Makes me jealous, thinking about all the unpainted, partially painted, and old "crappily painted that need to be stripped and repainted" marines I have. Kudos to you and your Herculean determination!
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