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Iron Warriors WIP

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I got some really positive comments on my Iron Warriors test model and list so really want to build an army around them. Here are some WIP models I've done so far and hopefully I'll be able to get some more stuff tomorrow to get the project underway.





I wanted them to have their hazard stripes in different places as well as painted in different styles as if the marine painted himself making each model unique.




ps. sorry for the poor quality pictures my cameras being weird lately.

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Those models are pretty awesome.

I really like the drak grim gunmetal armour and the brass/gold on the trim sis pretty good too.

Nice hazard stripes too and i like that you've placed them at different parts of thier armour,its a nice look.




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Awesome, pure awesome. Loving the hazard stripes and mechanized feel of them... everything an Iron Warrior should be! Jobs a good'un, Keep on trukkin' lad! (oops, my inner ork leaked out there, lol)
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Cheers for the positive comments,


Here is my first rhino






And some more marines build for my second squad, I really like the champion




with any luck I should have another 2 rhinos built tomorrow as well as the other marines.




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This is a WIP shot of my warsmith using Chronus and I'lluse GS to make his chest and leg armour look like daemonic face are coming out of it like the warsmith in Storm of Iron. I'll be converting the other torso into honsou.




This pictures a bit blurry but I've used a spar bionic saw arm from a servitor



This is a before and after shot of the great effect badab wash has on boltgun metal.






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