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salamanders apoc army


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well seen alot of apoc army's in progress here on the forum and i was thinking of posting mine.


allready posted some of my finished models in a previous topic but you can view then again in the link below.


like you will see i still have alot of work ahead of me :)


please commont if you like :)


space marine salamanders army (+/- 6000 points)




- captain with command squad: trasnport = razorback with twin linked lascannon)

- vulkan he'stan (converted him from scratch bits but it was not a terrific job. waiting for the real model to come out)

- librarian

- master of the forge with 2 gun servitors and 2 tech servitors

- chaplain in terminator armour




- 6 tactical squads

- 3 rhino's for the moment (still need to assemble the others from the battle company)


Fast attack:


- 2 assault squads

- 1 vanguard squad (6 models)


heavy support:


- 2 devastator squads

- 1 land raider crusader

- 1 land raider redeemer




- 1 sternguard squad (5 models. need to be 10) with drop pod

- 2 dreadnoughts with multi melta

- 1 dreadnought with assault cannon and heavy flamer

- 1 terminator squad with heavy flamer

- 1 terminator squad with assault cannon

- 1 assault terminator squad with lightning claws

- 1 terminator squad with thunder hammers



Sorry if the pics are a little blurry but it was difficult for getting them good on the camera :)


apoc army



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well just finished my drop pod.


here's some pictures of it.


i hope you guy's like it.


personaly i think my flames worked out quit good.


pls share your comments with me so i can improve my painting






well again an update on my army.


finished my company banner bearer today and my captain. i did not base the company banner cuase i'm thinking to base my marines all over. i've been looking at some basing here on the forum and goth to the conlusion that mine so far kind of sucked :lol:


here are pics of them.






Next up are my company champion.



my vanguard sergeant. The lightning claws are made out of power fist and added "claws" with putty. i putted the arms so as if he is pointing at someone and then wanting him to give him a good "whooping" with his ohter claw :D



and one of my assault marines.






as alway's. every comment is most then welcome.



well tried something else for my basing and took my company banner as my test dummie.


well it's not that high standard as i've seen on other posts. but i try my best :P


pls comment if you like it or not or if i should change something





sorry about the blurry second photo



All your stuff is pretty rad so far. My only concern is for your vanguard sarge. The LC's look more like power-fists, and something about the pose doesn't seem right.

Your basing is pretty cool, and the flames have nice detail. Keep going :lol:


thanks for the reply and advice mate. Well now that you mentioned the sarge and i take a closer look at him.. his right arm pose is indeed odd :).

i tried to make talons with puty from the fingers on the powerfist but that did not work that well.


i'm thinking of giving him two thunderhammers instead. Is more fluffy for my sallie army but it would make my squad and him verry expensive in pointcost.


what do you guy's think?

  • 3 weeks later...

ok lol. i did something wrong whith inserting the pictures. sorry guy's


here they are again. i hope you can make out who is who ;)










Woah dude awesome stuff! I like the lave bases except i think you should put some rock(s) for the guys to stand on. Otherwise they'll be burnt to a crisp. Especially your commander, His cape might catch on fire... oh wait- it's made out of lizard scales. Nvermind.


Also I can see some fingerprints in the lava, not too big of a deal... Your captain dude w/thunderhammer and wicked awesome shield is nice! Can we get a pic of him holding them?


Your vanguard guy with the crazy-awesome-tuning-fork is pretty cool, but he looks a lot like "the thing." Also, make sure to remove the mold lines from his plasma pistol.


I like your flames, they look really cool. They are different because they give you a feeling like "propane torch!" instead of "wood fire!".


The paint on the last jump pack dude is a bit thick, but it's ok. He also seems to have some gold "glitter" on his left shoulderpad, might just be the pic.


The standard bearer id pretty cool, like the standard. And the droppod is just awesome.


Nice army!

Woah dude awesome stuff! I like the lave bases except i think you should put some rock(s) for the guys to stand on. Otherwise they'll be burnt to a crisp. Especially your commander, His cape might catch on fire... oh wait- it's made out of lizard scales. Nvermind.


Also I can see some fingerprints in the lava, not too big of a deal... Your captain dude w/thunderhammer and wicked awesome shield is nice! Can we get a pic of him holding them?


Your vanguard guy with the crazy-awesome-tuning-fork is pretty cool, but he looks a lot like "the thing." Also, make sure to remove the mold lines from his plasma pistol.


I like your flames, they look really cool. They are different because they give you a feeling like "propane torch!" instead of "wood fire!".


The paint on the last jump pack dude is a bit thick, but it's ok. He also seems to have some gold "glitter" on his left shoulderpad, might just be the pic.


The standard bearer id pretty cool, like the standard. And the droppod is just awesome.


Nice army!


hey thanks man for the advice.


about the fingerprints on the lava i know of it. i'm still looking for a techniek to counter that. i'm working with water now to reduce the fingerprints but it dry's up to quick so i'm alway's left with some.

about the rock's well there some rock's in there. ;) the darker pieces of the lave are pretended to be sollid lava wich they are capable of standing on. but as witch the rest still trying som stuff out. maybe i should use lesser green stuff to make the lava and let it flow between soms rock's.


well about the vanguard.... he dropped on the floor :( so he's fingers are destroy'd. dont know if i'll remake them cause i was not pretty satisfied with the result. thinking of making him with two thunder hammers. :)


the captain i'm trying to finish as quick as possible. probably be ready tommorow night. i'll post a pic of him when he is finished. to be honest. i did not make the shield. ordered it from the same guy on e-bay who made the chaplain. he's stuff is just to awsome for my sallie army. the shields make excellent storm shields for 40k. the hammer i made out of left overs i still had from other stuff. i'm glad you like the cloak.


thanks again mate

Really great painting there man and that chaplain looks awesome.


If you want to make your guys stand out on the table a few rough highlights wouldn't hurt and here's a nifty thing I found that might help you with painting fire: http://hot-lead.org/advance/fire_theory.htm

Really great painting there man and that chaplain looks awesome.


If you want to make your guys stand out on the table a few rough highlights wouldn't hurt and here's a nifty thing I found that might help you with painting fire: http://hot-lead.org/advance/fire_theory.htm


thanks for the link mate. help's me alot.


been trying some highlighting out allready but cant seem to geth the hang of it. What i do with my marines if drybrush them verry light with a lighter green (goblin green) to give them some minor highlighting.

drawing lines to highlight them isent just my thing i guess. :drool: i'm alway's ending up massacrating the whole figure :drool:

  • 2 months later...


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