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Cannot compete with rumours but...

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Hi guys,


My latest additions for the Horus Heresy - all work in progress mind and some mould lines to remove.


First up is Skeld (his Wolf needs to still be wolfed up alot)





Some new Long Fangs too - thanks to H-Gate for the mk4 torsos!




More on my blog.





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Kudos to you - they are looking pretty damn cool so far. Great idea of combining Marine parts and Chaos warrior parts (might have to "borrow" that idea)


Got to love those helmets from Maximini too! (Got me some a couple of weeks back and still trying to make up my mind what to do with them ^_^ ) They just work so well with pre-heresy stuff.

Coming along very nicely.


The only issue I have is the lion still looks very much like a lion. I assume you have yet to get to its face.


If it was me I would clip the braided mane of and the top of the mane*. Wolves can have long fur but not as long as a mane.


The snout is also far too thick if you could get with a dremel to reduce it but your kind of limited here because the jaw is also thick. Using a dremel to take away some thickness, gs to add fur and lengthen the snout a touch might change the proportions enough. Could be hard work, might be safest to do on your presumedly spare white lion.


Whatever you decide, good luck.


*alternatively the top mane could be turned into a hump. Not as hunchback of notre dame but as in hulking great big dire wolf muscle. Example here: http://www.themoneywolves.be/images/Models/VC/DireWolf1.jpg

Even though I really like the Skeld conversion and absolutly love the moustache, one thing bugs me. You have him "ambling" (not sure this word is used correctly, had to look it up), humans tend to move the arm opposite the leg they're moving when walking/running. Do I make any sense? :)

@Kapturoski - First off - love our minis dude, very nice. Where does the basic head for model you use as your avatar pic come from?


I see Slekd as keeping his arm in front of himself as he charges forward.


I understand that if he was running without his axe his axe hand would be back and the other forward - so really the anatomy is not wrong. If you look at war films, generals who motion the charge keep their motioning arm in front as they move forward.


I suppose to avoid any confusion I could have alternated legs but I liked it the way he is.




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