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Scout Bikers - Does anyone use them?

Blood Scorpion

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I added 5 more to my list and converted them from SM bikers, i have scouts with PA legs, but what do i care it saved me £30!!



Stole the words right out of my thought bubble


Exactly what I am planning, just need to get me some plastic scouts.



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You want to be careful with 4 man squads as your not gettign any 'bodybags', every casualty will be felt as they are all 10 points more expensive with nade launchers.

True, and I normally agree with taking non-upgraded models to shield expensive upgraded models, but I'm not so sure in this case as I'm trying to maximise the hitting power to smack my opponent as hard as possible before he's had chance to react. I don't expect these guys to last beyond turn 2 in most games! As I said, I'm now thinking 3 x 4-Man Squads, so that's 12 models that would be working together to clear a section of the battlefield. I could go with 2 x 6-Man Sqauds instead so that I've got a couple of "bodybags" in each unit but that reduces their hitting power (initially at least), although they are therefore cheaper this way.


1) 3 x 4-Scout Bikers (3 x Power Weapon, 3 x Meltabomb, 9 x Grenade Launcher) - 420pts


2) 2 x 6-Scout Bikers (2 x Power Weapon, 2 x Meltabomb, 6 x Grenade Launcher) - 360pts


What do you think is best?

Would anyone care to comment about the way I am thinking of playing Scout Bikers? At 1500pts is this too much investment into what may well be suicide squads most of the time or is the potential damage they can cause great enough to warrant trying it out?

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Would anyone care to comment about the way I am thinking of playing Scout Bikers? At 1500pts is this too much investment into what may well be suicide squads most of the time or is the potential damage they can cause great enough to warrant trying it out?

Well i had the same thought process when building my army, plus i too had the problem of the FA FOC being in high demand (i use LSS).

So i went for

10 bikes, fist, 3 nade launchers, cluster mines.....275 points


If needs be i can combat squad them for maximum damage (first turn assault s against weaker opponents), as a ten man unit tey are pretty good vs MEQ and have rapid firing nad launchers with plaenty of ablative wounds...

And 275 for ten bikes is not too bad.. considering the upgrades you get with it...



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Would anyone care to comment about the way I am thinking of playing Scout Bikers? At 1500pts is this too much investment into what may well be suicide squads most of the time or is the potential damage they can cause great enough to warrant trying it out?

Well i had the same thought process when building my army, plus i too had the problem of the FA FOC being in high demand (i use LSS).

So i went for

10 bikes, fist, 3 nade launchers, cluster mines.....275 points


If needs be i can combat squad them for maximum damage (first turn assault s against weaker opponents), as a ten man unit tey are pretty good vs MEQ and have rapid firing nad launchers with plaenty of ablative wounds...

And 275 for ten bikes is not too bad.. considering the upgrades you get with it...




how difficult do you find moving the whole 10-man squad around the tableif you don't combat squad them? I run an 8-man regular biker squad very often, with attached attack bike. That is a monster sized squad that draws a lot of template weapons, and has trouble avoiding charges due to the large footprint of the unit. How do you keep your scout bikers safe from retribution?

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how difficult do you find moving the whole 10-man squad around the table if you don't combat squad them? I run an 8-man regular biker squad very often, with attached attack bike. That is a monster sized squad that draws a lot of template weapons, and has trouble avoiding charges due to the large footprint of the unit. How do you keep your scout bikers safe from retribution?


Generally how i use them depends on whether i get first turn or not, if i get first turn, scout bikes can get first turn charges, so i can either combat squad them to tie up two weaker units, or use the whole squad of them to hit a larger/tougher target..

But how i use them will vary from most marine players, becuase a turn later i can have as much support as i need from infiltarting scouts.

Otherwise a ten man bike unit is quite scary as an outflanker.



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I used my 5 man squad once (3 gl sgt with pw n mb) in 1000 pt 4 player all codex marine KING OF THE HILL game and they harrassed 2 five man combat squads with ML for the entire game. The pride was rolling 10 wounds for cluster mines on a 3 man scout sniper squad (it started at 5) that was falling back off the objective on the first turn.


My army which I took out a captain standing on the objective on the last turn causing a draw for everyone was:


Captain-bolter, grenade launcher, relic blade, hellfire rds, and MB ( he ate Krak missile 1st turn and failed his inv sv)


all squads 5 man


sniper scouts- Telion hvy bolter


sniper scouts -missile launcher cloaks


bolter squad-missile launcher


shotgun squad- 5 shotguns (flank charged a sniper scout squad killing all but 1 and was then counter charged on the next turn by assault marines led by a chaplain)


melee- 4 bp ccw, sgt with a power weapon


melee- 4 bp ccw, sgt with a power fist (assualted a ten man marine squad left 2 standing for 3 of mine and died horribly next turn)


biker squad- 3 gl sgt pw and mb ( see above)


predator destructor-hvy bolter sponsons (killed the captain with 4 heavy bolter shots which he failed three 2+ saves)

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