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I need help with the troops section of my army list


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Chaos lord-









winds of chaos


jump pack


4 termies each with combi melta


Berzerkers x10




Rhino with nothing added


Berzerkers x10




Rhino with nothing added


Berzerkers x10




Rhino with nothing added


Marines x9

2x melta

rhino with nothing added


10 lesser demons


5 raptors (this is where the sorcerer goes)


2 oblits


2 oblits


2 oblits


My plan for this army is to rhino rush forward with the 4 rhinos with the termies Deep striking in to sucker punch with their meltas. The sorcerer and the raptors will hide behind the rhinos until they see a chance to jump forward and warp time and WoC vital units. The lesser demons will either hold objectives or Deep strike in to contest one. The one unit of CSM will ride withe the lord in the rhino or hold an objective close to my side of the table.

But I have two questions as I am fairly new to CSM.

1. How do I handle my oblits? Do I just move them forward from my deployment or DS them in?

2. I can't decide if I want to keep the 3 units of berzerkers or switch them out for basic CSM. Can someone give me some advise please. I am trying to theme this army as recently turned traitor renegades.

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1) keep your Oblits in play and in a place where cover restricts both their targets and their ability to be fire upon- you pay for those weapon options, so make sure you can use them every turn ok?

2) Recently turned renegades? Well heres the question then- why do they have so many beserkers? Was this mostly a reserve company of assault marines? Are they a BA or RG successor? Whats going on here?


And what else do your terminators have besides combi-meltas? Or are you doing one of those "termicide" squads.

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1. Good advise on the oblits, I'll keep that in mind.

2. That is why I wanted soem other advise on this list. When I first made out the list I made them all berzerkers as I used to play CSM and it seemed my one squad was nothing but a fire magnet and rarely ever made it into combat. But with the theme being recently turned traitors I thought maybe going with basic CSM's and adding more troops.

3. I did try to make them a "termicide" squad.

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2) Recently turned renegades? Well heres the question then- why do they have so many beserkers? Was this mostly a reserve company of assault marines? Are they a BA or RG successor? Whats going on here?


Erm... Maybe the whole chapter simply turned to Khorne?

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2) Recently turned renegades? Well heres the question then- why do they have so many beserkers? Was this mostly a reserve company of assault marines? Are they a BA or RG successor? Whats going on here?


Erm... Maybe the whole chapter simply turned to Khorne?

True but not all Khorne followers are beserkers- theyre just all bloodthirsty :lol:.


My question about the termicide squad is simply because I think its a crime to have terminators, any terminators, that cannot ignore armor saves. I know its common practice with Chaos players these days... but frankly It just feels weird to have them without powerweapons atleast.


If it were me Id drop a squad of beserkers for a squad of 10 CSMs with with a flamer, wich nets you 90ts. 40pts could go towards giving your rhinos combi-meltas or flamers as a bit of a suprise for the enemy, two powerfists and two lightning claws on the TDA puts you five points under where you started.


Lastly, I would drop 2 Daemons to give your raptors a pair of meltaguns, giving you 11pts to play with, perhaps an icon of chaos glory for one of your marine squads?

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My question about the termicide squad is simply because I think its a crime to have terminators, any terminators, that cannot ignore armor saves. I know its common practice with Chaos players these days... but frankly It just feels weird to have them without powerweapons atleast.

Chaos Terminators come with Combi-Bolters and Power Weapons as standard, so they do all have Power Weapons. There's not much point in upgrading them as the Terminators are unlikely to be around long enough to make use of the upgrades.

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