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Sons of Orar - 1st Company Veterans

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Hi, first post here. Decided to make a WiP of my Sons of Orar Veterans. Before I start, I don't game, so I don't plan on painting any plastic squads or anything. These are for display, hence the amount of time I spend, and the bases I use. Here's the first, the Ltd. Ed. Veteran Sergeant. Took 12 hours. I used NMM, and if you like you can vote for it on CMoN -> http://www.coolminiornot.com/226861






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Here's what I hope to do in the following months:


5 Vanguards

5 Sternguards

10 Normal Veterans

4 Chapter Masters

3 more Ltd. Ed. Veteran Sergeants (2008 GD mini (converted w/ jump pack to lead vanguards), 2004 Army Box mini, 2005 Sgt. Aurelius)

In my personal opinion I would have to say that model is perfect. Its absolutely stunning! Congratulations on doing a superb job. Its definately something for other painters to aspire to!


Keep up the good work. Would love to see more of your minis ;)

So, here's what two of the other three sergeants (which arrived this morning) look like:





First one is just your bog standard Sgt. Aurelius LE, but the second is the 2008 GD marine with champion helmet and when it arrives, a jump pack. He will be the leader of the vanguard veterans, his pose looks jump pack-like also (and the standard head is godawful anyway, the helmet is much better IMO). The sternguards, vanguards and chapter masters should arrive tomorrow. I have yet to get my hands on the army box sergeant (w/ mohawk), so if you know of one let me know.


Nice job on the painting.. its some good stuff.. I always wanted to get good at painting and if I do I want to open up a paint shop like bluetablepainting or something.. and just get a lot of good painters to join me.. You would be on the list.

- Drexsun


Okay I look foreword to checking back today after work to see how he is going. I get payed today so I maybe heading to my local game shop and picking up my Space Marine Codex and a model or two.. then tomorrow I am going to pick up some paints so I can start painting myself. Maybe post some stuff so you can see my crap work. Hehe.


- Drexsun


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