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Inspired to finish this by the Star Wars Marines!


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A long time in posting anything new, but I have to thank brother paulson games and his Lord Vader Inquisitor thread for getting me to resurrect a long forgotten idea. The Star Wars marines got me to pull this long forgotten kit off the storage shelf and work on getting it actually finished. Thank you Sir!


When the Witch Hunter codex came out, I had the idea of using it to create an Rouge Trader and/or Mercenary Captain character.(Based on an Inquisitor Lord HQ choice) He is wanted by the Inquisition and the Adeptus Mechanicus for dealing in xeno-technology and for helping human worlds aligned with the Tau. He would also be part of a renegade marine army as well.(That part is still a ways off)


After I got him built up, I thought that a large landing ship would make for a great terrain/objective centre piece. And what better model to base it on, than an old AMT Millennium Falcon. And so with a " What a hunk of Junk" I give you the Millennium Falcon-40K'd.


The ship with crew:



The rear showing the 'special modifications'. A combination of Imperial and Tau technology, no cockpit yet though.



The new sensor block:



Over all shot showing the new cockpit pod:



Side rear view showing three of four twin linked las cannon turrets:



One more beauty shot:



From the first picture, the Rogue Trader/ Mercenary is the the marine with the plasma pistol and power sword. His acolytes, medic and veteran guardsmen are metal marine scouts. The Kroot-Eldar hybrid is a Crusader, and the Tau drones are his battle field computers/sensors.


This one has been more a fun build. Something I can take out and do a little here and there. If time allows it, I should have it primed this month. If not, then there is vacation time in August to do some more work.


I will try to post more regularly. All the best for now, Newtype

It's coming along nicely ;) Glad I could help inspire :P


I have one of these, as well as Slave-1 which I think will be making appearances as terrain at some point down the road. I have so much stuff to work on it's not funny.


I'll make sure to keep on eye on this thread and see if there's anything I might want to use. I really like the rogue trader idea behind it and the crew could make for some cool star wars inspired conversions.


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