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WH Model Range and GW's intentions?

River Black

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In what direction do you think GW is going to take the Witch Hunters model range once we get a new codex? Will they keep a lot of the same units and add some new ones? Will they eliminate certain units that they have already established models for? Is the model range going to turn plastic? Also will the inquisition and sisters have their own books? I was wondering because I would really like to pick up a few penitent engines and some other very flavorful units (repentia, arco-flagellants, ect...) but the only thing that is keeping me from ordering these units is the thought that they might be removed from the new codex when it comes out. I don’t want to get stuck with a bunch of expensive models that no longer have a place in the game. Does the fact that the almost all of the Inquisiton in WH codex has turned direct order indicate their intentions to eliminate them?
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Going off the most reliable information we have on the new WH codex, the new Codex should be very heavily focused on the Sisters of Battle (There's some speculation that the reason there are no references to Witchhunters or Daemonhunters in recent material is because they new codices will be named Sisters of Battle and Grey Knights instead). Repentia are certainly a safe investment as they're a prominent part of SoB fluff and extremely unlikely to get cut out. Acro-flagellants and Penitent Engines are also probably safe since they're Ecclisiarchal units that should have a place in the new Codex; if the SM and IG codices are any indication nothing is going to be cut out and several things will probably be added in.
I've been out of 40k for a few years and I'm getting back in. I play sisters as my main army, so I was wondering if there is any indication as to when we will be getting a new codex. I don't know if there is any information out like that but if there is I would like to know.

As Chengar said, there shouldn't be any SoB units dropping off the radar. It's my understanding that units that perform poorly (and therefore sell badly) usually get a nice buff so they start selling again. So with a bit of luck, Repentia might be awesome in the next codex :lol:


They tend to introduce new models/units for us to buy too, so maybe we'll see some new toys. I recall GW saying that they'd do models for all entries in a codex from now on so I'd like to see spangly SoB for Celestians (while they're at it, make them better too...). Same goes for plastic, since that's what they're trying to use for most things.


I'd prefer it if the =][= stuff didn't go (who doesn't love an Inquisitor rolling around in his Land Raider?), they should make it so there's less "red tape" with using them so you can do whatever you like with the codex!


It's far too early to say anything for sure though, so we're all best off giving the WH the support they deserve while waiting. Besides, SoB can do pretty good at the moment so at least it's still playable!

  WarriorFish said:
As Chengar said, there shouldn't be any SoB units dropping off the radar. It's my understanding that units that perform poorly (and therefore sell badly) usually get a nice buff so they start selling again. So with a bit of luck, Repentia might be awesome in the next codex :wub:


They tend to introduce new models/units for us to buy too, so maybe we'll see some new toys. I recall GW saying that they'd do models for all entries in a codex from now on so I'd like to see spangly SoB for Celestians (while they're at it, make them better too...). Same goes for plastic, since that's what they're trying to use for most things.


I'd prefer it if the =][= stuff didn't go (who doesn't love an Inquisitor rolling around in his Land Raider?), they should make it so there's less "red tape" with using them so you can do whatever you like with the codex!


It's far too early to say anything for sure though, so we're all best off giving the WH the support they deserve while waiting. Besides, SoB can do pretty good at the moment so at least it's still playable!




I don't see why any units would be dropped, the only thing I think will get a slight change is probably FoC slots... Seriously, Immolator as heavy? Nha... Don't think so...


Hopefully we'll get new, shiny and pimped models for stuff like, seraphims(Don't deny it, they're awful!)... Maybe we'll get new shiny stuff too like... Better stormtroopers! :D

And valks! Don't forget the valks!


Ok... That's just wish-listing... :cry:


But I don't think anything will be dropped, maybe just a little bit less focus on the inquisition itself... Maybe some new odd restrictions on certain units... I dunno...


He who waits shall see...



I would say that you'll be relatively safe for the forseeable future with any & all of the units in C:WH/C:DH in regards to actually fielding them. It's generally and grudgingly been accepted that we stalwart few will not see anything new codex or mini wise for a good while but that's not to say that GW might change its mind and release something sooner rather than later, just don't hold your breath for that to happen.

[shameless plug]

All the more reason to help out on the Inquisition Project ~!


It's a little slow right now and probably won't get any better when everyone goes back to school or work come fall, but at least you're not completely in the dark with us.

It'll also give us an excuse to design (and show off) new models? I'm itching to draw some very highly decorated Celestians and such.

[/shameless plug]


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