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Crashed Land Raider Crusader

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So I finished this in October. I thought I posted it, but I guess I didn't. All symbols have been hand painted.

The whole





The Details

This Terminator died on his assault out of the Land Raider



Engine Damage and leakage.


Hurricane Bolter damage.


Crashed Land Speeder. The pilot is dead, but the gunner is still alive, and he ripped off the Heavy Bolter to shoot at what shot them down.






Hit by a Multi Melta.



The track section blew out, and the Assault Grenade things busted.


C&C would be greatly appreciated.

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Thanks! Haha! That was always pointed out! The story is, it was driving, then had to back up due to a barricade, got hit, while backing up, and with only one track, it couldn't get enough horsepower to roll back over the pile of rubble in the back. X-D Good eye =-D
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The tracks look like the LRC was moving forward and the gear pulled the tracks forward spitting them out front as they would. Then again the track might just pile onto itself. Okay I think you got me on this one.


The thing that bothers me is the Terminator's pose. He looks kinda stuck on there. His feet aren't bent at an angle I would assume would behooves a dead man lying on rubble. I would imagine the right arm would be limp as well. :(


Definitely cool though. Great job on the armor penetrations too.


Are you making the rubble by putting the extra sprues in a meat grinder or cutting it yourself?

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I agree, the tracks look like they came off while backing up. To show this better maybe some tank tracks showing the movement of the vehicle in the mud/rubble. If it was backing up the vehicle is positioned wrong to go over the rubble you have on the scene base. What caused the frag luanchers to brake off? You show no damage that would have caused this.


The pose on the terminator is wrong for being killed while dismebarking the vehicle.


The landspeeder, how did it get there? There is no cater to show that it came crashing down from the sky or even showing the direction it was coming. Was it there before the landraider? There is to much rubble on the piece and no wall pieces to show where all of it came from. Was it crashing through a wall section or is it in the middle of a town square?


Don't get me wrong it is a nice piece of scenery, you just need to ask yourself questions on the scene you are trying to make. Great work though. keep it up.

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looks amazing. I wish I had that talent!


my only criticism would be damage to the land speeder and also to the pilot and termie. If they died there should be bullet holes, blood, burn marks from wounds, etc. Also the living astartes should also have some gashing, scratches from crash.


other than that I think its amazing and VERY creative.

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Gabriel Angelos: "Why is it we borrowed Land Raider crew from the Emperor's Pointy Sticks, again?"

Cyrus: "We needed crewmen and they offered to throw in free transport out here. Now we know why."

Angelos: *palms face*


Great painting on it, although the symbol on the side panel of the Land Raider looks a bit shaky. Let's call it debris scoring. Otherwise, absolutely wonderful.

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as soon as i saw this i thought it was great and that it would make a good objective on a gaming board

well done!

although i would say that the land speeder dosent look damaged up enough after smashing into the ground.

o ye and the leaking oil looks great.

keep up the good work!

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Looks great. I really like what you ve done with the model, although it seems like such a shame to condemn such a beast to the scrap pile!


As with others here I would have to say that the Terminator really lets the scene down. His legs and arms ought to be layed flat out or at least positioned with the scenery.

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Whose Ayame? And whats Zero Form?


Please pardon my fellow anime fan, terminatorinhell, he has yet to understand not everyone knows what anime and manga is nor is it for everyone 9however there is sure to be something if you like the idea of it).


Ayame if I remember correctly is a character from a mecha anime, can't remember the anime howver for some reason the name evangelion; Genisis keeps coming back. Anyway he's the main character of the show and has an alas called zero where he pilots a mech that does things mech do best: defy physics and blow **** up. Basicly the translation would be: 'Looks like it got mauled'


Anyway, tranlating anime speak out of the way for purposes of making things clear and shamelessly letting others know of anime, onto the land raider at question. First off bad points: that terminator is terrible, lazy work right there. You made no effort on posing the terminator like a dead person and is quite clearly straight from a box. Thats the worst bit in question, sorry but I'm being harsh because lazy work deserves no praise however the land raider on another note does but after the land speeder. Ok gunner alive but why is it a double barrel heavy bolter? land speeder in general only have a single barrel heavy bolter so thats undeserving and the land speeder looks like someone put it there and shoveled the debris (that looks like lego bricks but I can't do better so I'll let you off) onto it, no carved out skid mark and the angle of the crash is all wrong. Right thats the bad bits except the land raider track (which may I point out unless that barricade was a 10 foot adamantine wall with reinforced buttresses then I think the land raider would of ether drove through it or disgorged the terminators onto the terrain.


bad bits done, now for that exceptional piece of work on that land raider. You did very well on it indeed, the melta holes are really good and seeing at least about 3-4 major damage areas really does capture the essence of how a land raider is so sturdy. The assault cannons need re-angled but no points lost for them, I'm assuming it is still operational and the machine spirit is try some last ditch firing. The paint work is fantastic, the damaged hurricane bolters is justice (I hated those blasted metal ones) and the mangled assault launcher could do with blown out grenades but the paint work and detail on it lets you off.


Personally in total I give this diorama a 7/10, the terminator and land speeder let you down. Very well done piece but a few improvements needed, good work indeed. Should be proud of yourself.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Are you making the rubble by putting the extra sprues in a meat grinder or cutting it yourself?

All by hand. I wish I had a meat grinder-like thing. But I think that it makes more dust than anything else X-D


I agree, the tracks look like they came off while backing up. To show this better maybe some tank tracks showing the movement of the vehicle in the mud/rubble. If it was backing up the vehicle is positioned wrong to go over the rubble you have on the scene base. What caused the frag luanchers to brake off? You show no damage that would have caused this.

The pose on the terminator is wrong for being killed while dismebarking the vehicle.

The landspeeder, how did it get there? There is no cater to show that it came crashing down from the sky or even showing the direction it was coming. Was it there before the landraider? There is to much rubble on the piece and no wall pieces to show where all of it came from. Was it crashing through a wall section or is it in the middle of a town square?

Don't get me wrong it is a nice piece of scenery, you just need to ask yourself questions on the scene you are trying to make. Great work though. keep it up.

Haha, well, I have no explanation for almost any of that...so I'll say ... planned, modeled, and painted in under 10 days ;-D Which is true.


Great painting on it, although the symbol on the side panel of the Land Raider looks a bit shaky. Let's call it debris scoring. Otherwise, absolutely wonderful.

haha, yeah, the symbol is quite..bad. I couldn't paint it before assembly, with the rubble and all. So it was really hard for me to angle my hands in there to paint it.


I know I've seen this before, perhaps on W.I.P. forums (the site not B&C), I have an account there too

MM..I don't believe so. I've only posted on Youtube and Deviantart. Maybe there.


Looks great. I really like what you ve done with the model, although it seems like such a shame to condemn such a beast to the scrap pile!

As with others here I would have to say that the Terminator really lets the scene down. His legs and arms ought to be layed flat out or at least positioned with the scenery.


Well, it was originally a Crusader for my Deathwing, but the paint job was semi-shabby, and I attempted a full body stripping....didn't work. So I just used it for terrain! Great huh? It seems everyone dislikes the Terminator and the Speeder. Oh wells. This was thought up of, made, and painted in 10 days. It was my entry in the MiniWargaming terrain contest.


First off bad points: that terminator is terrible, lazy work right there. You made no effort on posing the terminator like a dead person and is quite clearly straight from a box. Thats the worst bit in question, sorry but I'm being harsh because lazy work deserves no praise however the land raider on another note does but after the land speeder. Ok gunner alive but why is it a double barrel heavy bolter? land speeder in general only have a single barrel heavy bolter so thats undeserving and the land speeder looks like someone put it there and shoveled the debris (that looks like lego bricks but I can't do better so I'll let you off) onto it, no carved out skid mark and the angle of the crash is all wrong. Right thats the bad bits except the land raider track (which may I point out unless that barricade was a 10 foot adamantine wall with reinforced buttresses then I think the land raider would of ether drove through it or disgorged the terminators onto the terrain.


bad bits done, now for that exceptional piece of work on that land raider. You did very well on it indeed, the melta holes are really good and seeing at least about 3-4 major damage areas really does capture the essence of how a land raider is so sturdy. The assault cannons need re-angled but no points lost for them, I'm assuming it is still operational and the machine spirit is try some last ditch firing. The paint work is fantastic, the damaged hurricane bolters is justice (I hated those blasted metal ones) and the mangled assault launcher could do with blown out grenades but the paint work and detail on it lets you off.


Personally in total I give this diorama a 7/10, the terminator and land speeder let you down. Very well done piece but a few improvements needed, good work indeed. Should be proud of yourself.


yeesh. super post X-D The Terminator is a failure, and apparently so is the Speeder. At the time, I didn't even THINK of leaving some sort of crater trail for the speeder! Damn! The Terminator was just slapped on there, like you said, and I liked the prepositioned legs anyways, they seemed to fit...guess not X-D If you notice, there aren't even any bullet holes in him. The Speeder bolter. At the time (again) I had never had a SM codex, only the DA one, and from my understanding of the Ravenwing (which I now know) all speeders had the double bolter like Sammaels. Poop. The debris, was all cut by hand...that took for freaking ever. FOR EVER! And I don't understand your Land Raider Comment about the armor...


Edit: and thanks for explaining Ayaname


The metal hurricane bolters. Those were awesome, and it made it so much easier to rip apart when they were in pairs! That was a happy day. =-D My painting isn't good at all.. This is one of my best painted things. I'm especially proud of my freehandings that I never do.


Heres the Youtube video I made for it, but I wouldn't bother watching it, as Youtube removed the audio because I used songs that weren't WMG authorized... =-P

I need to get around to fixing that...

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I saw this on youtube, it's really awesome. I don't really care that the tracks are unrolled in front, it would make sense to go in reverse if you get hit by a huge melta blast so that you can look for the guy that shot you/ I just don't like the terminator positioning. Heavy bolter guy=awesome!
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speech bubble saying: "D'Oh!"

"Hello rocks, nice to meet your acquaintance"


awesome modeling work, Brother. I don't really like the painting..looks to flat in your pictures. Maybe add some highlights/washes to the red, and drybrush the metal. Your bolters/allmost all the gunmetal parts look clumped and overpainted. But, great job nonetheless!


All I did was paint with some sort of muted red, then gave it a lathering brown ink+red ink+yellow ink+flesh wash mix, and I think I might have just washed the metals with black ink. Everytime I paint metals it seems, the paint dries very, very quickly, even with added water. Its annoying, and I have yet to find a way to conquer this annoyingosety. Nothing special. I gave it a matte coat spray to take the entire shineyness off of it.

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