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Targetting Independent Characters


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If an Independent Character is within 6" of squad can they still not be individually targeted?

I remember this rule from the previous edition but is it still in effect?

The reason I ask is because I plan to drop pod an independent character with my tactical squad.

I was thinking that if I arm the character with a combi-melta I could have him separate from the squad to target armour whilst the squad targets infantry.

now would this be legal and again could he be targeted separately even if he stayed within 6" of the squad?

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Target Priority rules no longer exist. If you don't want your IC to be picked off, he has to join a squad. Also, you have to keep himout of base contact in close combat, because models that are based with himmay direct their attacks solely AT him, and ICs MUST make base contact with the enemy if possible.
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My local GW store has a custom that clarifies this:

At the end of the controlling player's Movement Turn, all ICs within 2" of a unit that they can join are assumed to join that unit,
unless otherwise clearly stated to the opposing player
. ICs then remain joined or not to units until their controlling player's following Movement turn. Period.

This really simplifies things.

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Actually, forcing an IC to join any unit he is within coherency distance from clarifies things. What you're doing makes it marginally more complicated, but if it works for you, then do it.

The only issue I've seen with the forced IC joining is when the IC ends up within 2 inches of more than one unit. (happens to me a lot with using Lemartes to control the DC while having him joined to a VAS to make them fearless from shooting). Always helps to make it clear in that case which unit they are with.

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