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The Pacheco Push

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I named this the Pacheco Push because I first employed it by accident on a guy named Pacheco.


First, you have to have a hard, single target fairly close to a soft target.


In this case, I had a bunch of zerks facing off against a full dire avenger squad which contained Eldrad that was right next to a squad of guardians that contained soft, fleshy guardians.


Anyway, you send 2 zerks after the avengers and 7 at the guardians. The zerkers take one or two wounds from the avengers and mercilessly slaughter the guardians. Oops. Eldrad et al now get sweeping advanced because of sorrow for their dead brothers.


The second use is guardians next to an Avatar (cron warriors next to nightbringer/etc) slaughter the softies and make the big ones take a bazillion saves and die. Works wonders on wraithlords, talos, greater daemons, daemon princes.

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It is a good tactic, but certainly not new. Its been in use since the fifth edition changes regarding "No Retreat".


Really usefull for killing Nids, charge some gaunts and a Carnifex at the same time, concentrate on the gaunts and get 10 kills, Fex kills 2-3 back, then it will have to make 7-8 saves. I feel a little dirty using it, but it is a legitimate tactic.

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Uh...Sorry you can't do that. ^_^


If you are in a multiple combat situation against squads A and B and you are still locked in combat with squad B when squad A falls back, you cannot sweeping advance ANYONE --you certainly cannot sweeping advance everyone.


Edit: Wait, I think I misunderstood what you were saying.

Edit 2: I just re-read the sections on multiple combats and sweeping advances and I still can't figure out how you are doing this tactic. Can someone explain this to me?

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Uh...Sorry you can't do that. ^_^


If you are in a multiple combat situation against squads A and B and you are still locked in combat with squad B when squad A falls back, you cannot sweeping advance ANYONE --you certainly cannot sweeping advance everyone.


Edit: Wait, I think I misunderstood what you were saying.

Edit 2: I just re-read the sections on multiple combats and sweeping advances and I still can't figure out how you are doing this tactic. Can someone explain this to me?

Well, I don't know about the Sweeping Advance one, but it works well with Fearless things and No Retreat.

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Well, I don't know about the Sweeping Advance one, but it works well with Fearless things and No Retreat.

Ah, okay I can see that. Yes, you could inflict a seemingly unfair number of wounds on a fearless unit by using such a tactic. So in the original post, did Eldrad make the unit he was with fearless? I'm not familiar with Eldrad's rules. It still sounds like in the first part of the OP's post, he is trying to sweeping advance multiple units by forcing one to fall back --which still doesn't work accord to the rule for Sweeping Advance. The second instance with the Avatar is fine though.

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Well, I don't know about the Sweeping Advance one, but it works well with Fearless things and No Retreat.

Ah, okay I can see that. Yes, you could inflict a seemingly unfair number of wounds on a fearless unit by using such a tactic. So in the original post, did Eldrad make the unit he was with fearless? I'm not familiar with Eldrad's rules. It still sounds like in the first part of the OP's post, he is trying to sweeping advance multiple units by forcing one to fall back --which still doesn't work accord to the rule for Sweeping Advance. The second instance with the Avatar is fine though.

Nope, Eldrad doesn't make them Fearless.

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Sorry to cut in on the naming convention but I and others have been using this tactic for a while now. It was dubbed "Multi Assault" and yes it is the ruination of Carnifexes and Nobs alike (charging the grots and the nobs and loading more combatants on the Grots side).


It is really great at removing high toughness fearless models. It even works with some of your toughest warrirors, multi assaulting a Demon Prince and Chaos Space Marines with your Assault Terminators and you can almost guarentee that you kill off the Chaos marines whilst putting a hefty combat resolution on the Prince.



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You know an Ork player that uses Grotz?




Yeah me ;) Bullet catching, objective grabbing, assault blocking, superior firing and 3 points a grot.


Stat wise they may not be great but they can still take down marines through massed firing. They are also a scoring unit at 40 points, cant think of a cheaper one.


Though of course this is a marine forum and I shouldnt go off on one about how great the xeno scum are.



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Yeah. Works much better against a fearless unit. Rack up kills on the feeb squad, which get applied as wounds in resolution to both units.


Apocalypse games are great for this. A guard conscript herd next to some fearless deathwing? Don't mind if I do...



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