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The final few...

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Well, the postman has just been and brought me an advance order that includes the last few space marine models missing from the "new" codex*


I'm kind of excited for an old fart as some of them are new to me and the game completely, and I haven't actually used them in a battle as yet (I avoided doing counts as). Sooo...

Personal Vow here. I will build and paint the Ironclad, the Storm, and the Scout squad that goes in said Storm ASAFP for my Silver Skulls army, starting right now**. I need them for a week on Friday anyway to face down my good mate and orky nemesis in his first 2k battle (he is new to the hobby and we have been working our way up slowly).

Anyone else who has got them/is due to get them is free to join in as a sort of mutual motivation club :D A realistic completion date for all three would be the 1st August, as officially they release on the 18th July, and I have a head start which isn't really fair :)

Right, to batt...erm, clipping.

*razorback options, dreadnought options, Legion of the Damned, and conversion beamer wielding Masters of the Forge aside, which I have converted myself anyway or have old metal models of.

**well, as soon as I stop typing this anyway.

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Wow! The Blastscape is a lot bigger than I imagined - I may have to get me one of those...


Oh and what are those two blisters may I ask?


Good luck :D


EDIT: I must say, I do like the look of the Playstation controller with built-in keyboard. :)

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Well, up to the sub-assembly stage on the Ironclad.


Waiting for glue to dry before more filing and trimming.

Very good kit all told, all options are included and crammed onto two sprues as the last WD (355) shows (this can make clipping them off awkward however as it is quite cramped). I'd give it 4/5. The "worst" bit is the hurricane bolter. The gun barrels just seem way too small, and the barrels are tiny for drilling. It also just looks too long when assembled. I'm thinking of cutting it back to the ejection ports, but even then my gut is the bolters should be inside the casing, a bit like the missile launcher on the normal dreadnought. The chainfist is also a bit clunky looking, the teeth aren't as fine or detailed as I'd expect. Just my opinion of course :lol:

Mind you I'm not arming it with them :) The CCW and the seismic hammer look and feel great. As an aside left over bitz include an alternate sarcophagus case that works with the normal dreadnought kit, a nice banner (assuming you don't intend to use it on the Ironclad like me), a big crux (which I'll be using for my strenguard's razorback to mark it as a veteran squads transport), a searchlight (no place to fit it really with a pair of HKs), and a spare CCW underslung weapon (in my case the stormbolter). As you get 4 "arms" if you have a spare dreadnought, such as an AoBR one, you could easily convert it into a second Ironclad if you are on a budget.

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Whilst waiting for the Ironclad glue to dry I have been checking the Storm sprues and pondering what to do.


It comes with six scouts: pilot, gunner, sergeant and three bolt gunners so in theory one of the squad is missing. Strictly speaking it should probably have a gunner as opposed to a squad member on the pintle weapon as it can still fire and fly when they disembark...probably splitting hairs there :lol: Then again if I am being anal I can try and squeeze a heavy weapon trooper on somewhere. It does NOT come with a assault cannon, heavy flamer, or multi-melta in the kit as an option. The multi-melta should be easy to crib from a normal landspeeder for the pintle mount, the other two will require converting. I'm using a heavy bolter to keep the points down and the range up so just an observation really.


The embarked squad are all bolt gun based, apart from the sergeant who is bolt pistol/chainsword. However it should be easy enough to kit bash/convert with other plastic scout squads to get whatever effect you want, so I am really looking forward to some of the craziness the B&C community will come up with :) As an aside some of the embarked crew parts would be very useful to anyone wanting to create unique poses for their "normal" scout squads.


Guess I'm going with a normal bolt gun squad with heavy bolter with a sergeant with chainsword and bolt pistol. Does make me wonder if Forgeworld will give this kit the same upgrade love that they did to the IG Valkyrie/Vendetta for the "missing" options.

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Looking forward to seeing your new additions completed by the due time...remember the Inquisition are looking so you had better not fail ^_^.

When I get a new dread, possibly the Ironclad, I will definitely be making a siesmic hammer, as that looks nothing like a hammer, more like E.T.'s fingers.

It isn't a hammer it is more like a mini earthquake making machine. The 4 "fingers" move at an extremely fast rate creating seismic activity on a small scale. That is why it will be so effective against fortified positions like bunkers. Of course can model the seismic hammer to look like an actual hammer if you want.


Cheers, Messanger


Edit - maybe you could apply similar rules as used in Call of the Imperium...such as an update every 2 days and if you fail an article for the Librarium.

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@Temprus: Ironclad sat in the middle of the blastscape for size comparison...


@Messanger of Death: Every two days seems fine. Mind you I already owe an article on putting heavy flamers/twin-linked heavy flamers on...well, everything ;)

So, I got the posing sorted to look a bit more dynamic than the "square on" ones GW seem to have built theirs as. Not fitting the HKs as it'll be a waste of 20 points, this guy will be wading in. My ork mate already calls him burny-burny-stampy-smashy dred, and he hasn't even fought him yet :) I'll probably fit a chapter symbol skull on the right shoulder and the left leg plate. I'll cut them off the metal Silver Skulls shoulder pads and do some serious filing down, as opposed to using the resin ones from FW like I normally do on vehicles.


I'm thinking he deserves one of the five FW dreadnought pods I have in the cellar, but we'll see. Dropping him in un-supported on turn one will just get him fragged, I'll need to drop in a tactical squad first, which would involve building a normal pod. Hmmm, decisions decisions.

Currently the Storm is in bits and partly assembled. I'll post a piccy when it is fully assembled, and then get on with the crew/embarked squad, then finally the squad on foot for when they disembark.

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Hello Marius Pedro,

Please add some extreme close-up pics of the Blastscape. Specifically the terrain with the crashed ship parts on them. I have seen other pics online that indicate that these terrain pieces are not as detailed as the castings that GW showed on its website.


As I have ordered some, I will be most disappointed if GW pulled an old Bait-and-Switch on us. Showing us the Original castings on the store website and in White dwarf while sending low detail versions to the folks actually paying for the goods.


Thanks for your help,


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@minlwintun: No need, they are poor quality and low detail. They are not like the ones in Planetstrike or WD 355. Disappointing but there you go. I still have my crashed Aquila lander from BoM, and it is much better in representing a crashed ship.


@Pulse: I didn't fancy the look either when I first saw the e-mail from GW a few months back but...it is sort of growing on me. The battle I am building it for has been brought forward a week so I'll see if it out performs my twin-linked flamer one (normal dreadnought) in torching nobz, 'ard boyz, and one shotting warbosses ;)


As an aside the Storm is pretty much assembled, just a few fiddly bits (hand grips/foot rails etc) but letting it dry first.

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What do you think of the Blastscape pieces? I was really dissapointed when I had a look at some in a bag in my local GW...


The Ironclad looks gorgeous though... I might have to buy one and delay starting up Imperial Guard...

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I solved my Storm's missing weapon options problem by taking the Ironclad's spare Heavy Flamer and mounting it like the Storm's included Heavy Bolter. It looks a little janky because there isn't a visible tank for fuel but there is an upside. The rear of the flamer is the same shape and roughly the same size as that of the Heavy Bolter so the gunner's pose still applies.




Are you planning on magnetizing the embarked crew? I did mine but my magnet placements did a number on the look of the cabin so if you have a better way of doing it, could you possibly take some pictures?

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Update time. Storm is assembled. Just building the scout squad on foot.




@Sonic Para: I'm not going to magnestise, just going to paint them seperately and pin them on later. I picked up a second Storm on Saturday. I'm putting the heavy flamer and squad with combat blades and tooled up sergeant in that. I'm using the heavy flamer from the new IG sentinels, worked well as a dry assembly.

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A temporal update, this is what they looked like quite a few days ago:


The Silver Skull emblems are actually clipped away from the new GW metal shoulder pads. They look awful on marines (way too big, jutting out so to speak), but when clipped away carefully and filed look "reet purty" on vehicles. And plastic terminators. So between these, the old Blood Angel veteran shoulder pads, and the resin skulls from the FW purity seals pack I am pretty much covered for "stylised skulls". Still too big for scouts though :jaw:

Note the "clipped away carefully". I wasn't on pad number ten which meant I mutilated the skull and drove my clippers into my left forefinger. Not to the bone but enough of a mess that it has slowed me up (luckily I had a tetanus boost a few years ago). It was a moot point anyway as I was out of black spray, which I ordered and it arrived and then it rained for three days. No spraying outdoors when humidity is high or it is pissing it down, and she who must be obeyed objects to indoor spraying and being poisoned :D

Anyway they are actually black undercoated and outside drying at the moment as it is (relatively) sunny today. We also all know how pointless pics of black undercoated minis are ;) So much for having them painted by tomorrow...

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