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Cool stuff! Great tip on the skulls ;-D Fingers heal har har.

I read the first and last posts, and skimmed through most of it, and I hope to drop by every 2 days =-D

I have a question about the Iron Clad. Is the faceplate removable, like the normal dread, so that you could change it to Dark Angels or Black Templar?

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@Shortsonfire79: Piccys when dry but at the moment all Boltgun Metal and wet. Then a Badab Black wash, then my random overbrushing/drybrushing with Boltgun Metal again and Chainamail etc. Then swearing and comparing until they match the rest of my army. Probably a sort of group "Ooh look, they are metallic" shot later tonight :whistling: Meaningful painting will most likely be over they weekend.


As an aside my finger has:


i) Stopped throbbing

ii) Not fallen off


...which is nice.

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