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Best way to build a Vulkan Army?


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By sheer fluke, it looks like I might be headed to the second round of 'Ard Boyz and I would like to build a better list than the one I used in the first round. With the increase of AV, I started running a Mech Vulkan list with LRC/Hammernators, HF/MM Speeders, a Bike Captain and full MG/MM Bike Squad, 3 Rhino Tacticals, 2 Combi-Preds (for long-range firepower), and a Vindicator. While this hodge-podge worked alright, it definately isn't tuned and I don't think it takes full advantage of the pure win of Vulkan. (Guys in my FLGS call him Vulkan Cheese-stan) What I'm curious about is what people would consider the main Vulkan power builds. I'm thinking something along the lines of:


1. LR/Hammernator Spam

2. Drop Pod Vulkan

3. Sallies on Wheels (Vulkan, Bike Captain, and Bikes as Troops)

4. Mix of the above


Am I missing any? Which do you think are the most effective and what are their strengths/weaknesses? I know my list suffered at the hands of horde Orks and horde shooty armies, as it does best in the 12"-24" range.

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You're missing a lot. :)


Attack bikes with multimeltas are an emperorgiven combined with vulkan. With twinlinked multimeltas their efficiency is vastly upgraded, and they IMHO have a place in every vulkan list.


Likewise, speeders with multimeltas and heavy flamers are absolutely terrifying when combined with Vulkan.


Sternguard with two heavy flamers are also good, albeit generally it's better to get speeders with hflamers/meltas instead... Unless you're facing stuff like nightbringer. This is when their special ammo really helps.


TBH, predators are nice, but attack bikes and speeders are generally better for anti-tank and anti-infantry alike when combined with vulkan.

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I posted my list in the Army List forum:



The big thing I'm looking for is what general types of Vulkan lists people have had success with or seen in action. That and a dicussion of what units are "must have" or so/so. For example, I prefer MM/HF speeders over ABs, simply because they are less likely to get instant-deathed and are better able to survive small arms (S4) fire.

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I've been running 2 LR's one regular, one crusader with 5 TH/SS termies in each, 3 HF/MM speeders in a squad, 2 tac squads in rhinos with MM, MG/Flamer, PF and an assault squad with 2 flamers in it. I have been keeping the assault marines behind the raiders until the termies jump out and assault. I will generally do a counter assault the next turn to clean up anything the termies didn't kill. They also add some insurance incase I'm rolling bad with my terminator armour saves (Last game I played I rolled 3 1's out of 5 dice on normal armour saves).
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