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Tips against ORCS


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This one I'll be putting down some tips on versing orcs (if you hadn't already figured that out)


1. Never let them charge you (I know easier said then done) most of their units will get about 3 attacks per model and with the furious charge they'll have str4 and I3. An easy way to avoid this is to keep any fast moving units such as bikes, or assault marines to charge them when they get too close, then charge another unit or two in to support them asap. by the time they reach your gun line they should have their numbers whittled down.


2. Focus fire, always focus a few units at one of theirs to thin their numbers and hopefully wipe them out before they reach you. Don't spread your fire too thin though as this will just result in multiple units at half strength ( about say 30-40) reaching your line instead of a unit or two at nearly full strength (25-30) reaching it. Also the fewer units there are the more that you can flank them and the more likely they'll fail a morale check (and faster since more attacks will be at each unit instead of spread out).


3.Don't be afraid to have sacrrificial units (small tactical squad or assault squad) get into close combat with a unit to tie them up while your fire line moves into a better position just don't sacrifice too many units or units that are too expensive (my limit per sacrificial unit is normally about 100 points I use a bike squad as they each have T5 so normal boyz need a 6 to wound them (as long as they don't get the charge) and if they run then you either cut them up with a sweeping advance or (if you run away) your almost gauranteed to get away.


4. This one is fairly obvious, templates, lots and lots of templates. Missile launchers are good for this as they also double as anti tankweapons as well as anti infantry (I use a dev squad with 4 of them) also another must is a vindicator (for obvious reasons). Chapter masters are also another great choice now as they're orbital bombardment can be used to wipe out heavily armour units such as mega armoured Nobz, and for only an extra 25 points over the captain its totally worth it.


I'll add more at a later date any specific questions msg me and I'll answer them to the best of my ability

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3 land speeders as a squad with 2 heavy bolters each, 18 str 5 ap4 shots a turn will mess up ORKS pretty darn quick or the 4 land speeders with twin heavy flamers ( i think you can do that) theyll smash the flame speedersthough but wont catch the hb speeders
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Shoot the fast stuff, shoot the large stuff, shoot the ard stuff - Always prioritise the faster transports and bikes with any and all firing, orks have some particularly quick transports which sacrifice longevity for speed and despite being low points value are a key asset to deny the Ork player.


After you have expended your transport target options then focus on large units and anything big and scary. This includes Battlewagons, Big mobs of boys, deff dreads and looted wagons with boom guns.


Then start to target those ard units of Mega Nobs, Nobs, Lootas etc. Anything that kicks out a higher level of pain than normal deserves your rightful attention.


Counter assault is key - Against Orks you will need some unit which is capable of dealing out some pain in assault phase. It is a fact that the Orks will hit your lines in the assault phase, dont deny it accept it. Once you have accepted that this is the case you must plan for that eventuality. Given that Orks rarely have an armour save of better than 6+ and that they will be coming to you, non jump pack Vanguard in a Rhino are acutally a decent option.


If you take a look around there are actually a decent number of threads on how to kill the Ork, none of them are within the last week or so but they are no less relevant. Most of the points which will be raised here have already been said, just need to take a look around for them



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Assault Squads can rack up insane kill counts vs. Ork Boyz mobs, with a combination of their mobility advantage, striking first in melee, and the Orks lack of Save.


2 Flamers helps as well.


It is well worth remembering that Fearless is very much a double edged sword to Orks (far moreso tha Marines), as they can be made to lose combat by a very wide margin, which can simply disolve their mob due to No Retreat! saves.

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A few things to add:


Good ork players will follow the mantra of "dakka the choppa and choppa the dakka." They'll focus on shooting your assault terminators, vanguard, etc. to death, while hitting tacticals and devastators and vehicles in melee.


Beware ork shooting. Don't think BS 2 and few low AP weapons means it can't hurt you. The new edition, plus their current codex, means they can put out a disgusting amount of firepower to demolish any infantry army regardless of the armor that they are wearing. Shoota boyz are the new favored troops of choice, with tons of firepower plus still 3 attacks when they charge. Nasty stuff.


Keep your vehicles moving. The only reliable anti-tank is power klaws, and that means that melee attacks are needed--so never let them get in free hits by having the vehicle stand still.


Always, always try to charge a unit of gretchin and a unit of boyz together if you can. Demolish the gretchin to get a high number of wounds inflicted in the combat, let your power armor weather the storm against the boyz, and then watch as fearless wounds decimate the ork boyz. The grot screen is one of the best things an ork player can include for their opponent to exploit.



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Beware ork shooting. Don't think BS 2 and few low AP weapons means it can't hurt you. The new edition, plus their current codex, means they can put out a disgusting amount of firepower to demolish any infantry army regardless of the armor that they are wearing. Shoota boyz are the new favored troops of choice, with tons of firepower plus still 3 attacks when they charge. Nasty stuff.

QFT the flying circus that all marine players cried about in 4th ed (was in 4th by current ork dex) were wrecked multiple times by my dakka deathskullz army. So yer fear the Ork shooting especially if they are as jammy as my brother when it comes to dice rolling.

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It's already been said, but missile launchers are great. They can take out hordes or insta-kill nobz. A devastator squad with 4 of them is very useful and worth the points IMO.


Following on from this comment a Dev Squad with 4 Heavy Bolters and Lysander. Not only will it kill a shed load of Orks on its own but Stubborn is a blessing when it comes to facing off against Orks, it keeps you in combat longer without making you suffer no retreat which allows you to stick in there long enough for help to arrive or allows you to effectively road block hard core units.



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Against the standard hoard lists I face at the LGS (usually 120+ models as troops) I find a Thunderfire Cannon is vital. Fire the subterranian burst shell at the edge of one unit closest to another unit (or 2-3 units as has happened before in Spearhead) and with a good scatter you can slow several units down to a crawl for a turn or two. Also don't forget the humble Whirlwind. Same template as a Vindicator for less points and, if they hide a unit for a turn, no cover saves (great against Kommandos/Shootas/Tanksbustas in woods and ruins). S10 AP2 means nothing if they get a 4+/5+ cover save.


Also, Dakka bikes. Attack bikes with Heavy Bolters and Kantor nearby are perfect for softening up a mob with a tactical squad then assaulting. 9 HB, 6 TL bolter, whatever your tactical squad has, Kantor's 4 shots, then 12 attacks with Kantor nearby has messed up many an ork mob. Or even just to throw at mobs like lootas w/ Big mek Shokk Attack gun in the back to stop their shooting for a turn or two.


10 scouts w/ BP CCW and sergeant with PW/PF. ALWAYS stuns an opponent that has never faced them before with their assaulting ability (especially with Kantor nearby) and now my regular opponents target them as soon as possible, I cannot say just how brilliant a well-used assault scout unit can be. Keep them behind a unit or to the flank, assault at whatever comes in range, they can mess up even a full 30-orc mob in combat. 31 attacks on the charge, 41 with Kantor nearby, WS3 S4, 4+ sv... they rarely fail on the assault, and have the ability if you get unlucky to still deal out a ton of hurt if they get charged. 155 points for my 10-man unit with Sergeant PW, leaves a ton of shooty fun to be bought.

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Just load up with a few Tactical Squads, split them into Combat Squads, and thin through the Orks. Then, when they reach you, you'll (hopefully) have weakened them enough to be able to finish them off in Assault. Heavy Bolter and Flamers are good, as are Storm Bolters and Razorbacks with Heavy Bolters.
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against certain ork lists a well entrenched TFC or two will either make them crawl or cry all the way to your ranks. Devastators are also good here. But many good points were already brought up, for example the dual HB speeders are an ace, and the post about target priority here is spot on.
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Another point about devastators - they are pretty durable against orcs so I find I don't need to take them in 10s. I usually go with 7 but that's partly due to the odd 3 points on my Chapter Master who has a storm bolter. I would be comfortable taking as few as 6 even with 4 MLs.


Anyways, I usually don't need to split their fire against orcs because their units are so dang huge so combat squadding devastators isn't a big issue.

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