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Amazing Feats by your Dark Angels


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Anyway as the title goes this post is for all those stories where any of your marines did something amazingly crazy!


My examples are of my Company Master (named El Grand Cap-E-Tan by my mates) and 2 different termies


Cap alone in 2 different batles managed to kill 9/20 BT cc orientated marines over the course of 4 turns of combat, and just recently take on a squad of Chaos Marines taking 3 turns of combat to kill 8/10 before falling in battle


I had a termie sarge get hit and wounded by 7 power weapons in one round of combat and makes all of his invunerable saves, he was the standard PF+SB


Another termie fired a frag rocket at a troop of Chaos marines and ends up scattering 7 inches around a building on top of his Deamon Prince's head, the scatter die sent it right across open ground to the opposite side of the building where i was standing out of official range of the Cyclone Misile Launcher from the prince!


Post any of your stories!

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My Sargent on a bike with a melta bomb was able to destroy an incoming wave serpent that was tank shocking in round 5 with death or glory and protected an objective which allowed me to win the game.


Belial and co. was able to deep strike in front of a huge number of Imperial guardsman (approximately 2/3 of the army) and weather 5 turns of shot, satchel packs, PFs from him command squad, and everything else that the player had and only Belial lived contesting his base and allowing me to win.

(this was the previous imp codex not the new one that was released recently.)


I'll post more as I remember / play.

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Mine would be back in 4th ed with the 3rd ed Codex. I had a RW Landspeeder with Heavy Bolter and Assault Cannon and I was fighting an armour heavy Tau force. Whilst most of my army proved to be ill prepared to take on the tanks my Landspeeder managed to kill over half a Kroot squad, kill the Tau crisis suit Commander, destroy a Hammerhead and shake another. This feat was made more amazing by the fact that it was hit by multiple railguns and pulse rifle hits which made it lose its assault cannon. The jink save managed to save it from a railgun hit and it then duly flew round the back of the aforementioned Hammerhead and destroyed it using the heavy bolter.


Happy days!

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Late 4th ed. apocalypse game, a melta-gun marine was the last remained member of his combat squad. Having nothing better to do he took a pop-shot at a Necron Pylon rolled a 6 to penetrate (4th ed remember!), 6 for a chain reaction, and another 6 to destroy the plyon and still managed to survive the blast!


Again the last member of a squad, a plasma cannon armed marine in the open was assaulted by the last remaining berzerker of a squad. He survived all of the attacks and then managed to club the khorne-nut into the ground with his plasma cannon.


I can think of at least two games where I was tabled with the exception of a venerable dreadnought. The dreadnought then proceeds to wander from one end of the board to the other slaughtering every thing in range, while the enemy's fire was re-rolled away to nothing. Venerable dreads are my absolute favorite unit!

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Guest Azeikel
I was in a game against space wolves (kill points) my army (deathwing) was being torn to shreds. By turn 2 Belail had his command squad shot out from under him and all my other squads were down to 1 or 2 men if not wiped out already. Belail then went on to slaughter half the enemy army single handedly over the course of the game. My opponent threw everything he had at Belail, but he survived, even cutting down the space wolf general in single combat. By the end of the battle Belail had only lost 1 wound and he alone managed to snatch me victory from the jaws of defeat. For a character with a mediocre stat line that aint half bad.
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A couple,


Master Gabriel borrowed a set of artifier armour and a relic blade from a vanilla chapter (basically I was enviuous of new codex and playing with those rules for a bit) ran into three genestealers alone and killed them all without taking so much as a wound. Hopped over a wrecked tank and jumped onto the back of a hive tyrant, again killing it without breaking a sweat. At this point with the rest of my army failing at armour saves and defending my home objective, Gabriel was the closest marine to the enemy objective by a long way. Climbing his way up to the building he managed to pull an entire tyrnaid brood off of the objective by engaging the straggler at the end. After being wounded twice he broke the enemy unit and sent it running to the nearest Hive creature which was not near the objective. Unfortunately another unit finally came in from reserve and swamped the objective. I had my own objective contested by last 6 marines and a warrior brood, so I needed Gabriel to charge the final unit and earn me a draw. Unfortunately, his armour too dented by the massive amount of combat he'd fought, he was unable to reach the objective, rolling a 2,2,1 for his difficult terrain.


Sergeant Beakie/Bekaus (origonally selected for his mark 6 helmet) has led my assault squad for a long time now. His weapons of choice are a chainsword and bolt pistol but no one seems to have told him he's not carrying a powersword and that he's not actually got the fearless rule. He has never failed a combat morale test. He's usually the last man standing and does a lot of damage to the enemy who have the worst luck in armour saves against him. If he goes down early the rest of his squad fight like absolute nutters.


The whirlwind, Fist of the heavens. One game against nightlords I managed to roll three direct hits in a row. The first of which killed 1 marine, the second four and the third 5. All of which succeeded in pinning the enemy units. Given that this last unit was a massive powerful raptor unit that was gonna take out my fire support element, I has the chance to completely finish it off at range, basically winning the game as my opponent then had to charge my heaviest guns with everything he had left given that he couldn't out shoot me. He didn't make it.


Man I love the Dark Angels

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First time I used a PA librarian. My mates winged sorcerer (also making a debut) assaulted me through cover. His every attack missed. I retailiated, with all but one attack missing. Its all i needed. He The wound was passed, the Inv. save was failed. Then I used the force weapon and he was killed outright. The rivalry maintains to this day.
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i had a fantastic shot with my whirlwind a few months back. i was faced by an entire squad of khorne bezerkers with about one turn befor they were in assualt range. i got a direct hit and coverd the entire squad (my enemy liked to bunch them together for some reason :L) all wounded all died. this was parially down to his terrible rolls. i almost felt sorry for him as he took the models of the bored. this wasnt the worst thing though, the next turn i fired my whirlwind at his only remaining unit which was a squad of obliterators. direct hit, three wounds taken. yet again some horrific roles by my mate haysey. the game was pretty much won by turn 2 and i finished the remaining wounds on the oblits with bolter fire. haysey has never quite been the same since the epic fail roles.....


o well, victory for Dark Angels :P

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After a hideous torrent of fire from a 20 men guard squad, the only survivor of a Ravenwing bike squad was its sergeant, armed with a mere chainsword.

I decided to charge the squad, only to realize I was still more than 18" from them. To top it off, I killed no one in the shooting phase.


He miraculously survived some laspistol fire and was charged in return (what can go wrong with 20 men, asked the guard player ;) ). The sergeant managed to kill one guardsmen before they were able to attack and they managed 5 wounds, which were all saved. Hilarity ensued as the guard squad broke and the lone sergeant mowed down the remaining 19 men.

Ah, such laughs ;)

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In a game of planetstrike a couple of weeks ago a single round of fire from one of my assault cannon armed deathwing terminators killed the chaos head honcho mr abbadon. 4 hits, 2 rending wounds, 2 normal wounds. 4 1's rolled for his respective saves. In the 13+ years I've been playing 40k in never ceases to amaze me.
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i have the opposite,


my new librarian fires his plasma pistol and over heats, i then use my amazing psychic shield to make a save because i can, i then suffer a perils of the warp and die...

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Playing my old Chaos I used Cypher quite a bit, once I came to grips with how unstable Khârn is.

Ever see Equilibrium? Cypher went Tetra-Grammaton Cleric on some Ultra Marine ass. Single handedly took down 1 5 man Ass. squad, a Dev squad, Marneus Calgar (punk imo) and 4/5 Termies before being warped off the board. Unforgiven or Fallen, DA is not to be triffled with!

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i have the opposite,


my new librarian fires his plasma pistol and over heats, i then use my amazing psychic shield to make a save because i can, i then suffer a perils of the warp and die...


I've done that one, when an enemy chaplain fired a plasma bolt my way. Perils of warp on a double 12 so the power fails and I have to roll his invun twice in a row to not take a wound. He failed and is now rarely used.

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A DW squad (AS,PF,SB/PS) was first shot down to a man and then assaulted by Pedro Cantor and a five-man Sternguard squad. Over three turns i was able to kill off the Sternguard and passed every invul. save against Pedro's Powerfist. Finally on turn 5 pedro and the terminator both hit, wounded, and failed their respective Invul. saves, insta-killing Pedro. To this day that Terminator retains his name: General Bad-ass
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I suppose its not all negative from me, i had belial land 3 hits on a carnefex in close combat, wound with all 3 and kill it before it could hit him... he now has his own carnefex head waiting to be stuck to his base.
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To this day one my crowning moments from my DA came from a lone attack bike.


After blowing up an annoying wave serpent with his multimelta he was promptly charged by a squad of banshees with an executioner. They all failed to wound and my counter attack killed 1. Suffice to say they failed their leadership and was mowed down by the bike. The attack bike then managed a last turn turboboost to contest an objective which brought me the win.



Another star moment occured within the last couple of weeks...


Belial and his terminator squad w/ banner and apothecary took a turn of shooting from...


1. Baal predator

2. 3 x attack bike w/ multimelta

3. Dante + honor guard with meltas

4. Furioso dread

5. 10 man tac squad w/ flamer

6. 10 man Assault squad


After the dust cleared I had lost 1 terminator. The following turn I assaulted an unharmed dante + honor guard and although belial died to dantes attacks he managed 3 power weapon wounds which all were failed by dante. The rest of the honor guard we promptly defeated afterward.

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in one game I played, Belial, an interrogator-chaplain and a termie squad (4x TLC(apoth, banner and cyclone included), 1x THSS) killed over 20 gaunts, 2 carnifexes, a hive tyrant and a zoanthrope.


I had a chaplain with 3 assault marines charge a necron lord + immortal retinue, kill 1, they failed morale and got caught in the sweeping advance.


A speeder got a railcannon to the face and was shaken. He then turboboosted to an objective, winning me the game:p


Had my unit of sniperscouts kill a wraithlord in a single round of shooting.


Unit of 3 ravenwing bikers (2x plasma gun, apoth sergeant) kill an avatar in a single round of shooting, later they we're charged by 6 howling banshees, banshees failed to kill even a single biker and the bikers killed 3.


And I've seen one of my dreadnoughts fight for 4 turns with a single fire dragon with meltabombs, the fire dragon did manage to destroy his weapons and immobilize him :P

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While no single Dark Angel in my army has done anything especially epic for a while (they're all modest and enjoy teamwork, honest) Belial and his Terminator buddies, on their first outing, took down a Carnifex in close combat. Belial managed to bring it to one wound, and the other guys in the squad killed it before the Thunder Hammer could swing! They then proceeded to take down a squad of Rending Genestealers + broodlord, though at the end Belial was alive on 1 wound, with one Terminator at his back.
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My turn :)


I once played against Chaos Marines and will never forget my Deathwing squad teleporting, wiping out full 5 man squad of Chaos Termies in the following turn, advancing on the 10 man marine squad and killing all of them. I had luck I know but I ended with one terminator on the field. My adversary really bowed down before the might of the Deathwing :)


In another battle with Chaos scum I used my favourite Bad Ass Ezekiel. He did his best and killed Chaos Lord and his retinue (!!!) almost outright. I was shocked but the anger of my friend was unforgettable :o

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Back in 3rd addition I had 1 last tactical squad left against 15 hormagants, 7 genestealers, and a carnafex. They killed them all and only my sargent was left.


As for 5th...


Id say my best glory would have to go to my chainfist termy in squad 3. He was the last alive of his group and then procedded for 2 turns to make his way across the board twords a land raider. The person i was fighting layed everything he could into the termy and he made ever single save...including 5 6's for invols. He did this for 2 turns and then charged the land raider and blew it up..he failed that save.

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Last Planetstrike game my DWT squad was slugging it out with a tooled-up melee Carnifex. Before I get to swing my fists I'm facing 6 invulnerable saves. The Lion and the Emperor were truly watching over me as I proceeded to roll 6 6s. Needless to say, my opponent was pretty amazed and said Deathwing truly lived up to their reputation. And everyone can guess what happened to the Xeno to be purged after that. Lost the game though. :D
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