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Amazing Feats by your Dark Angels


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In a game of planet strike, a ravenwing bike squad cooked an entire unit of orks in a bastion with their flamers, which I later found out ruined the ork escape hatch stratagem, which had been set in that building!


In a normal game against guard, the same squad wiped out 20 guardsmen, a platoon command squad, and a Primaris psyker, through flaming then charging.


Playing an armour heavy-marine list, with a landraider (redeemer IIRC) and vindicator plus a few dreads n rhinos. My 2 multimelta attackbikes slagged the Raider and Vindi on turn 1!


Against a necron army, a combat squad with 2 men left, meltagunner and powerfist sarge survived rapid fire from a 10 man necron warrior squad, charged next turn, routed them and ran them down! This squad did the same thing earlier in the game to a unit of heavy destroyers.

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Playing against IG, I had left a combat squad with a lascannon in a building. 10 IG Veterans with plasmas got near and wiped out the squad, leaving a lone marine armed with a bolter, who just run out of cover.

Next round he got his self together and made a heroic charge, wiping out the guardsmen singlehanded in two rounds (swipping advance). Then he fell to massivew fire by a second veteran squad

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Earlier today Belial went beastial on some vanilla marines


He was the only model left on the table after heavy fire and he only had 1 wound left

he had 16 conscripts (they were a stragegic asset he won in the campaign) rapid fire lasguns, sternguard fire special ammo, vindicator shells, whirlwind fire, tac marine fire


over 2 turns he had to take 25+ armor saves and 10 invunerable saves... and making them all! "The Emperor loves Belial BIG-TIME!!!" was the quote of the day! xD


finally he died because of a sniper scout rending s shot to the face, but not after belial made a sternguard+ chappy flee (he illegally used combat tactics, fearless chaplain makes that not possible i know >:rolleyes: he got away with it even though "HERESY!" was shouted by me and others) otherwise he would have wiped them out and went on a killing spree for the next 2 turns max (turn 6 and 7 possibly could have been played)

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I had an Interrogator Chaplain with Crozius and Powerfist single handedly destroyed 5 chaos terminators and their accompanying chaos lord before continuing to rampage though a nearby squad of chaos marines. He's had numerous successes against the very same chaos army, and became the single most feared and hated figure amongst our gaming circle. He's been on long service leave since last year, since I began a new army. After all this talk I am tempted to blow off all the dust and return him to service though...
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Lat night I tested Ravenwing for the first time since I switched to DA.

Best moment and worst shots ever in this 1 game.


3 way match, DA vs IG vs Orks, in.......Carnage. The target is a shielded landing platform to hold at the end of the game.


Bike squad gets wrecked down to just the Sarg.....who charges into the IG firing line. He wipes 2 full squads out, before getting away for a turn, then shot down by some armor. That Sarge needs intombed in a Dreadnought!


And then beyond the disaster of failing my reserve rolls until like turn 4, my Vindicator went to pop a round into a large and angry pack of Nobz accompanied by a War boss in big bastard armor.

Shot scatters.......12 inches minus BS 4.....and annihilates 8/10 of my tac marines I was preparing to shoot and assault with to tie them up till the Deathwing and Ven Nought arrived.


Vindicator tanks are on the verge of retirement from my Chapter.

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went to a tournie and faced another DA player bringing DW to the table. he checks out my lsit and makes a comment along the lines of how useless the multimelta in one of my tactical squads was.


well, for the first half of the game, he's dominating, parking DW squads all over the objectives and picking my squads to shreds. down to just the MM heavy and a couple of meatshields, the tact squad then procedes to pick off random termies off objectives, supported by my crusader coming in from reserve and the AC on my own weakened DW squad.


the MM then smashes apart his dread coming in from reserves, and then continues picking off termies.


edit: forgot the time i ran a three ven dread list vs eldar. lost that one, but they were awesome, one dread in particular tarpitting a full sized wraithguard unit with farseer and 'locks, and even held up the avatar for two rounds. then the other dread just in the background hops in to tie them up further and survived to the end against everything

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Well time for some of my own.


First and foremost is Belial with Twin Lightning Claws, left standing alone after his command squad gets there clock's cleaned by 1 Winged Hive Tyrant, 2 Zonthorpes, and 20 Guants!!For the next 4 turns Belial is literally decimating everything in his way. First the Hive Tyrant drops in the 1st round of combat, then he drops both Zonthorpes in the following two turns, and then proceeds to kill some of the Guants when the game ends, all the while making all his armor saves and invulnerable saves every round. He ended up shutting down one half of the board and forcing my opponent to re-think his tactics thereby allowing me to outmanuver the rest of his army for the win!! Absolutly amazing rolling on my part, and from that point on all of my regular opponents stay as far away from him as possible.


Second most epic moment is a Librarian in TDA. Deepstrike down with a CC TDA squad with a Heavy flamer. Librarian rolls for the Hellfire psychic power, passes the test, rolls for strength.......Strength 10!! Rolls for AP......AP1!!!! Templete is laid down over top off a squad of Wraithguard and Uriel with a Warlock next to a Wave Serpeant. Most utter amount of destruction I have ever seen. All were gone thanks to one psychic power (really bad placement of the squad by my opponent, he had them all bunched up like Guardsman).


Last but not least I have an Assualt Cannon terminator who is aptly named Rambo. In every game that he has been played in, his squad is destroyed leaving him standing alone. He will then proceed to blast anything that is in his path, and he is the ONLY assualt cannon I own that I can get Rending rolls with. I went through an entire tournament without this one terminator being killed. He got extra purity seals after that.

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I'm usually not fond of Dreadnoughts. In fact, I haven't used one for about 10 years, until I had space to fill in a 2000pt game and didn't have anything else usable to make up the points. My opponent decided to fill in all his extra points with combi-melta armed Sternguard and a Terminator Librarian. They annoyed my Land Raider using the "jump gate" type Librarian power, but landed close enough to my Dread that I could assault them in my turn. They didn't have anything that could hurt it in CC, so they opted to fall back on purpose after it killed 3 of them, only to be Sweeping Advanced to death! 480pts taken out in a single turn, by a Dreadnought model I'd never shown any love to before. All he has to do now is learn how to hit with his TL Lascannon (I think it got 8 1's throughout the game) and I'll be trying to find space for him in a regular basis. :P
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Back in 2005, during the local tournament, I've played against a Tyranid player. In the centre of the battlefield there was a pile of rocks occupied by my 5 or 6 Devastators (2 LC, 2ML). They were assaulted by a brood of genestealers and lived to tell the tale. In span of two or three hth turns my little green tank-destroying fellas clubbed-to-the-death with their heavy weaponry all of the filthy genestealers! In the same battle, Gamerin (my Company Master - PS,BP) cut to ribbons a Hive Tyrant.

Back in the early 3ed. my usual oponent was Iron Warriors army running on the WD IA rules. In this particular game, my friend's Daemon Prince with wings assaulted a combat squad and not so quickly wiped it out. My marines managed to hold the beast long enough so the Air Assault Squad could intervene. The Daemon Prince has been badly harmed and flee with only one wound left. He landed on my minefield sure enough that it can't kill him. Well, he was wrong. The mines detonated, the archtraitor didn't saved his last wound and died.

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My Company Master Firenze and his command squad charged an annoying squad of blood claws and their wolfpriest, a total of 16 models against my puny 7 (i added a techmarine with servo harness to the mix). My command squad and tech marine were killed along with the blood claws unit leaving only the two commanders. The SW failed his Ld check and was promptly cut down by Firenze. Firenze then melta bombed the BC's Crusader, destroying that also and bringing Firenze up to have taken out 3 times his own points (135 for him :angry:). He was then blown up by a vindicator who took an affront to the carnage!
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Today in a 1000pt game in my campaign my bikers outflanked and caused chaos on the table versus Vanilla marines,

They were kitted as follows: Sarge power weapon + melta bombs, 2 Meltas


they first took out a vindicator on their first turn of shooting woth meltas, i was within 6 inches

They were then charged by the 12 conscripts which he gained during the campaign(killed 4 striking first), out of 28 attacks 12 hit and 4 wounded, sarge and one biker took 1 save each and the other biker 2 but the biker with 1 save died but i killed 4 previously and mowed them down


I then proceeded to drive across the table to the second Vindi on the opposite side loosing sarge to a plasma cannon, i pulled up behind the vindi with him and blew it up


the next 2 turns were spent on 2 remaining devs, who failed a lot of over heats (4 plasma cannons + sarge) he lost 4 out of 6 total marines to overheats in the first 3 turns! xD


If the conscripts were scoring and worth kill points the bikers would have killed 3.5 times their points value (which was 160 :P)


Another is my sole surviving terminator who scaled a 3 tier building in 2 turns to attack 5 scouts, killed 2... the scouts stayed put, killed 2 more in his assault phase and the nexy phase, after they combat tactics to the ground level i folowed suit and killed them off on the charge

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They didn't have anything that could hurt it in CC, so they opted to fall back on purpose after it killed 3 of them, only to be Sweeping Advanced to death!


well they did have krak grenades, so there's that, but you do know ATSKNF means that marine squads caught in a sweeping advance don't get wiped out? if you do, i'm curious to know how they died, no retreat wounds?

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It was a few years ago, 4E. I don't remember if it was current CSM or the one before that... I was fielding Death-Raven out of the new Dex, (Which I think makes it post new CSM...) in a Tournament. I think it was a 1500 point battle throughout the tourney. Fought a Black Legion army. I think it took all game, but when all was said and done, nothing remained of his force and I had minimal casualties. (All squads were still active.)


I kinda' felt bad because that was the second time in tournaments that I wiped his army slick. Of course, the shooty 'Nid army I faced afterwards made mincemeat out of me... Could not kill Genestealers to save my life. (The 'Stealers were the only non-shooty thing in the army.)

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They didn't have anything that could hurt it in CC, so they opted to fall back on purpose after it killed 3 of them, only to be Sweeping Advanced to death!


well they did have krak grenades, so there's that, but you do know ATSKNF means that marine squads caught in a sweeping advance don't get wiped out? if you do, i'm curious to know how they died, no retreat wounds?



im pretty sure you cant use krak grenades against non vehicle models.

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Well, it's possible he decided that the fact he'd only be glancing on 6's with Kraks after needing 6's to hit in the first place meant that he didn't want to try, but more importantly if they'd not been run down that turn they could have used 4 combi-meltas to hurt my dread much more badly? I didn't know that ATSKNF means you take "No Retreat!" wounds rather than being run down though, as I only play Doublewing usually. :/ I only /ever/ take No Retreat! wounds, the running part doesn't happen. ;) More importantly, nor did my opponent, which is odd considering he only plays Raven Guard and DH at the moment. I still claim the moral victory though. :)
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Big thing happened at The Necro GT last weekend.


Belial and 2 terminators are charged by a squad of howling banshees AND shining spears. Because they couldn't reach Belial's base I was able to pick where he went. Suffice to say my 2 termies died... but I did enough damage with Belial to not only win the combat but BROKE the Banshees. This left belial to easily mop up the spears the following turn.


In this same game, on the last turn, a cyclone termie pulled a hail mary shot (47") to an autarch on jetbike that turboboosted and managed to kill him. This + belial surviving was what gave me the victory.

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I had a 1000pt battle with some Orks at GW, it was an objectives battle one of my tactical squads with no sergeant special weapons managed to survive 3 rounds of combat with 10 Ork nobs!! In the same battle 3 of my scouts with bolters survived

a charge by 4 Orks and won!


Sadly I lost the game due to objectives though I scored more victory points!


In another battle, my predator survived a hole game of lascannon fire and survived! And the anti Ork scouts managed to out do a devastator squad causing them to flee!!


DARK ANGELS ARE AWESOME!!! Even though they seem to be at a disadvantage with the new C:SM but they're soooo not!



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Well, it's possible he decided that the fact he'd only be glancing on 6's with Kraks after needing 6's to hit in the first place meant that he didn't want to try, but more importantly if they'd not been run down that turn they could have used 4 combi-meltas to hurt my dread much more badly?

oh most definitely - its not an ideal situation, but i was just pointing out he had that option available to him for that combat at least. and if they'd not chosen to use their combat tactics to deliberately fallback they would've just been tied in combat with your dread, not able to fire their meltas either.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I recently played a doubles match - my Ravenwing and a Black Templar drop pod list versus Tyranids and Tau. Poor reserve rolls hampered us the whole match, but on one of the last turns my 6-man bike squad with 2x meltas and a PF outflanked in front of a shooty hive tyrant near our opponents' objective. They managed to take one wound off the tyrant in the shooting phase and then charged into combat to finish it off in one turn without taking a single wound in return.


During the same turn, on the opposite side of the board, Sammael was guarding our objective in his speeder. A flying hive tyrant was poised to jump in and contest, but Sammael managed to hit with all his AC attacks and rolled four 6s for wounds, resulting in 4 rending shots on the tyrant. Our opponent rolled his 6+ invulnerable saves but failed them all and the tyrant died on the spot.


We went on to win the match.

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Just last week against Blue Smurfarines i had 4 Termies deepstriking, 3 of the 4 squads managed to roll 12,12, 9 inches of the spot (due to RW coming in on the 5th turn) anyhow, the 3 DW termie squads managed to deepstrike into a lake that we agreed on beeing impasable, hence going to mishap table, the result beeing that all 3 died in 2nd turn -.- Needless to say i bought 3 Land raiders after that same game...


A single SB/PF termie manages to survive marneus charge and do 3 wounds (standard bearer beeing close by) before dying next turn

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Yesterday I had my first game with DA against orks. I shot down a truck with a combat squad of tactical marines. It got wrecked and got thrown in to the air. Landed 13" ahead (he got a hit on the scatter). Since it was the trukk with his warboss and 9 nobz got out of the trukk that exploded there. 3" away from two combat squads, 5 veterans and Sammael. I could only charge with the veterans and sammael so I did it. His squad was filled with power klaws so I went ahead and hit first. Sammael killing one nob (doh!). But my veterans killed total 5nobz! He attacked back with a painboy on my veterans resulting in two dies. One nob and warboss attacks Sammael with power klaws. He survives without a scratch! The orks fail leader ship and are chased down by my DA.


A good first game

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