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Amazing Feats by your Dark Angels


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I think I have a few awesome moments. let's see here.


One moment I recall very well is when I was playing a freindly game against my own ork army (my friend wanted to try them). He had two deff dreads and i had a dreadnought with an assault cannon and heavy flamer. The dreads were on either side of my DA dread and a small group of orks and a nob were coming in close. The first deff dread tried to kill it with a missile and missed (good ol' ork shooting) Then the second ran up and charged my DA dread along with the orks and the nob. My dread wound up a big swing punch and punched a nice clean whole throught he deff dread's face and out his back. The deff dread exploded, killing the nob and ork squad nearby. My dread shook the flaming debris away and proceeded to do the same to the other deff dread as it trembled in its boots (or pistons...or whatever ork dreads wear)haha.


Then there are the multiple Land Raider incidents. Over the past year or two i have played against my friend's Space Wolves army and like clockwork, my Land Raider manages to snipe off his characters with well aimed lascannon shots.


Example #1


Both our termie squads charged each other, cancelling each otehr out. Only the commander, named Skoll, is left standing. My Land Raider, in classic fashion, proceeds to blow him in half with it's lascannons and go on its merry way.


Example #2


Skoll is standing on the top of a building, the last member of his squad. If he contests this objective the SW guy wins. My Land Raider takes aim and blasts him in half and goes on its merry way.


Example #3


Skoll manages to take out Sammael with the help of his retinue, but the retinue is killed... Skoll is alone... as he turns around he sees my Land Raider aiming at him... he cries out "Oh for the love of ____" and he is blown in half via lascannon and my land raider goes on its merry way... Didn't see that coming! :lol:


Another really cool moment was this: Sammael lined up a plasma cannon shot and dropped it perfectly onto Ragnar's command squad. He killed 3/6 terminators. Then my terminators charged Ragnar n Co. They whittled the squad down to only Ragnar with one wound but were struck down by the simultaneously striking terminators. With only Ragnar limping away (stunned by a thunderhammer). Sammael swooped into assault with the mangy punk and lopped off his head. (BTW Ragnar is a scary bastard!!!! Luckily he was at Initiative 1 thanks to the thunderhammer wounds).


That's pretty much all i can recall at the moment but I am sure more will come soon. Most of my memories are army wide games in which they all did spectacularly, squad wise, not individually. I have a LOT of funny moments with my orks, but that is a different forum haha.



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I'm proud to say that I am able to join the honored ranks of people reporting on epic win of their army.


Last Saturday, I'm pitting off with a BT guy. He has 3 LRC chocked full of HQ, Initiates and neophytes. I was playing DW with 4 sqd of footslogging termies and 1 sqd in a LRC.


On 2nd turn, my LRC was within of his. Exactly 12". I rammed my LRC into his. Rolled in total of a str 15 hit, resulting in a pen and rolled a 6 for the pen result.....*boom* 1 instant KP. And my LRC just suffered a scratch to the paint.


It carried on to weather 4 more turns (we played till 7 turns. In all we played for just over 2 hrs) of melta and ass cannon abuse before being wrecked.


And I lost the game 3 KP to his 5 KP....because I stretched my army too thin.




I rammed his LRC....glory be to the Lion.


Edit: I forgot to add. Everybody was stunned when I ram his LRC to oblivion. Moral victory ftw.

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  • 1 month later...


Yes this is a bit of a battle report but this was quite a long fight!



Its been a while that there has been a post here so let me revive it with one hell of a crazy game result


The game was multiple objectives, 4 in total

The opponent Black Templars, Close combat orientated with onle a ven dread + 1 rhino as his only vehicles


During the game my forces were getting pounded by the Emp's champ and chappy + termie command squad


Turn 4 i lost my Crusader holding the following:


Belial - Claws

1 Termie with flamer

4 Termies with claws inc banner + apoth


They all survived and my turn 5 began, I charged the centre objective with the Emp's champ + tac squad + Ven dread resulting in a mass combat


The Fist took on the Dread while the others were stuck on the squad (my apoth was positioned to strike either), by his turn 5 only 1 guy from the tac squad and the Dread were left standing but i gathered a crowd... ie another tac squad and 2 assault marines


Turn 6 had the Chappy + termies join the fight while the Dread lumbered on fighting losing only his DCCW and so far i suffered no casualties, Belial only lost a wound.


Turn 7 and a chappy + 1 termie was left standing along side the Dread, Belial was on 1 wound and my squad were still alive!


By the end of the game The Dread + that sneaky rhino were his only models left standing (damn rhino managed to get within 3" of the objective and still be 1" away from my squad to contest)


The result of that massive fight was as followed


My casualties - 0 (Belial only with 2 wounds gone)

Opponents Casualties - 27 models (18 tac marines, 2 Assault marines, 5 termies, termie chaplain, Emp's Champion)


Sorry for the size and battle report-ish layout but its the only way to do justice to how the fight went down.

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  • 2 months later...
Just finished a game today against my friends space puppies, a veteran combat squad and my command squad spent 2 turns footslogging across the table under heavy fire from all kinds of squads eventually reaching the building containing his objective the vet squad loosing 1 marine to 1 failed save from 3 plasma gun shots (the same shooting downing 1 wolf) they then proceeded to obliterate the 2 grey hunter squads in the building and capture the objective. but that's not all, after om nom noming on a 5 man assault squad Canis Wolfborn and 2 thunderwolves got shot to pieces by a tac squad who at the end of the game found themselves standing on my las objective surrounded by a LRC, the Wolf lord and 13 bloodclaws, they stood their ground but where ignominiously wiped out giving the new codex the game
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My unit would have to be Belial with his attached squad with banner and apoth.


Last weekend,at 1750, in a game against tau, they deepstruck and scattered right infront of his entire army. My opponent threw all his firepower at them, including 2 tanks(hammerheads?) and some broadside(?) and crisis suits, as well as 3 squads of firewarriors.


They lost one man, i must have made 12 invul saves. truly they were blessed by the Lion!


That same day against Orks, the same squad took out at least 1400 points of my opponents army, and killed Ghazghkull in close combat, without losing a single model!


Needless to say I am going to be buying some orky and tau bits to do up their bases.


They may be overpriced and underpowered compared to other armies, but they sure hit hard :)

I think in 3 games that weekend i lost a total of 14 termies

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1000pt game against Guard,

My army was


Chaplian in TDA

Banner TDA squad with 3 LC's, TH/SS with banner and a HF/CF

TDA squad with 3 LC's, TH/SS, HF/CF



Belial and the normal squad deepstriked first turn right in the middle of his army and hit. perfect. He lost lots and lots of Guardsmen!



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Mine is at apocalypse.


The battlefield is too big so I cant remember everythings, but all my sides happens.

I am at the left flank, to face "Da Greetide" or an ork player.


Force commander:"hold as long as you can!"


IG behinds me keep misses, so I have to work on it with bel and 10 termies.


After 4 game turn passes, bel and 10 termies all dead, but da greentide got only 26 remains, and easily cutted down by friendly blood angels. (then game ends, we won)


Bel and DW termies done a really good job.

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1000pt game against Guard,

My army was


Chaplian in TDA

Banner TDA squad with 3 LC's, TH/SS with banner and a HF/CF

TDA squad with 3 LC's, TH/SS, HF/CF



Belial and the normal squad deepstriked first turn right in the middle of his army and hit. perfect. He lost lots and lots of Guardsmen!




Woah, that's some brave deep striking !

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It got a lot more than that :) just the angle making it look less.


Also he only killed one Terminator in his round of shooting.. and for some reason thought it was good to clump near me.. so as you can imagine more guardsmen were fried and then the rest assaulted, Belial took on the Heavy Weapons on his own whilst the terminators take on the HQ and the platoon.

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I originally posted this in the AA forum RE; Devastators No Love. Or why to use them.


My last successful use of Devastators was a small 750 point game against Orks.


I took:

Int Chappi, JP

One 10 man Tac Sqd PW, ML, PG

One 5 man Tac Sqd Flamer, Razorback w/TLLC

One 10 man Dev Sqd 2xPC, 2xHB


Not sure of the exact load out of the Orks but there were a couple of Truks, Nobz, Mega Boss, Boys, and three Defcoptas.


Three objectives, one each in our deployment zones and one in the middle of the table. I knew I couldn't let the Truks get into my deployment zone or I was dead.


Deployed my Devs as 5 man Combat Sqds, each with one PC/HB. Put them on the flanks of my Objective with a good field of fire into the center of the playing field. (Most all of the Terrain was on the left and right board edges 4x4 table.) Stuck the Combat Squaded ML on the OBJ, and loaded the Sqd Ldr and Flmr in the Rzrbk. It was going down the left flank with the other 5 man Sqd and JP Chappi following.


Luckly I got first turn.


Turn #1

Moved the Rzrbk 12" into cover behind a building with the foot troops and Chappi following. Destroyed all the Defcoptas and both Truks in the first round of shooting (had 36" on everything except his Objective). TLLC Rzrbk took one Truk out, HB/PC #1 took the other one, and a lucky scatter from PC#2 took out two of the Defcoptas and the HB finished the third. ML scattered off target. OH Boy was I lucky.


Ork player decides to move his 40+ troops on foot into no-mans land to try and capture the center obj. Leaving 20+ on his obj. Only weapon able to hit me was the Mega Boss Big Shoota, I took no casualties.


Turn #2

Moved the Rzrbk another 6" North, dismounted the Combat Sqd, and maneuvered the other 5 man Combat Sqd into some trees south of them. Chappi just sat and watched. The combined fire of 2xPC, 2xHB, ML, TLLC, SB, and 9 Bolters removed 17 Boys in one fell sweep. All my blast markers deviated just fine.


Ork player is stunned. He pulls all but about 10 Boys off his obj and tries to do a Waaghhh thing, failed but nicely clumped 30+ boys right in my kill zone. Still out of range of most all his weapons I take no casualties.


Turn #3

Taking a chance I move my 2 dismounts and Chappi east toward the Orks, (Now within 12" Rapid Fire) Wash, Rinse and Repeat. The Ork losses are worse this time and only the War Boss minus a wound and about 8 Boys remain north-east of the center obj. His losses have left him more than 12" away from my flankers.


Ork player now realizes he is seriously outgunned, and in true Orky fashion decides to abandon his obj and push those troops south toward my dismounts on his flank. At the same time he finally makes it to the center obj. I still take no casualties.


Turn #4

I mount the 5 man Cmbt Sqd into the Rzrbk and move it NE, putting terrain between it and the 10 Boys moving South. Rzrbk is now close enough to be on his obj by turn 6. Turn the Cbmt Sqd in the treeline towards the Boys moving south, Jump the Chappi about 15" away from the center obj. Wash, Rinse and Repeat. The only survivor on the center obj is the War Boss with one wound left. And his remaining Boys are still more that 12' away from my blocking force. My Chappi will be assaulting the dazed and confused War Boss, but with the higher initiative, PW, and Littany of hate, the outcome is already known.


Ork player concedes the game.


So where am I going with this? My Devs were the players of the game they were directly responsible for removing 50+ Orks off the table. I knew that getting into CC with them was a losing proposition so I decided to go shooty. The dice were in my favor and the Ork player played right into my game plan.

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I remember once back in 3rd edition, just when necron codex came out, i was facing a Monolith and over 30 Necron Warriors, not forgetting a Necron Lord with a Resurrection Orb(i'm not counting the scarabs and tomb spyders, the tacticals had their fun with them).


The only firepower i had against the Necron Monolith was Predator Annihilator and a Land Raider, but the Necron Monolith's Flux Arc took down the Predator, and the Land Raider in two turns. My tactical squads remained, and they merely had Plasma cannons which can't even dent the monolith.


My last hope was the Deathwing which didn't come on the second turn, but on the beginning of the third... The Angels Descended.


A group of 5 assault terminators armed with 2 Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields, and Three Lightning Claws + A Grand Master armed with a Sword of Secrets.


The monolith fired its Flux Arc at the terminators, but i rolled for every one of them their Invulnerable saves.

The Terminators led by the Grand Master came Furiously charging at the Monolith, and the two Thunderhammer terminators had the task of taking down the howering monstrousity.


I rolled four 6's to hit the Skimmer, i then got two 6's toi get a glancing, and i then got one 6 and the Monolith was brought to ruin. I had no time to enjoy the victory, for the horde of necrons was within striking distance.


The horror of the amount of saves i had to save on his turn... Gauss Rifles, all of them within 12 inches. So many invulnerable saves, and the Tactical Dreadnought Armor saved them all.


I charged the Grey Horde, every turn i stroke down the Necron Lord, but his resurrection saved him, He lost a lot of his warriors though, and only 5 of them remained thanks to his resurrection orb at the end of the game.




Two terminators were lost at the hands of the Necron Lord's Warscythe, but i managed to take the win against all odds. It is one of those battles that I remember clearly, and one of those numerous moments i have had with the deathwing: Winning against all odds, never giving quarter and doing impossible feats.

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mine was on sunday


it was a 1000 point game


i fielded 3 sqauds of termies and belial, my only special weapons were 1 heavy flamer and 1 assult cannon, various cc equip in 2 sqauds



my enemy feiled two 10 man tact sauds, a scout sqaud, termi capt and a dread



death wing assulted 1st turn, 2 sqauds come down, 1 st sqaud landed in front of scouts, 2nd behind a building, belials sqaud diddnt turn up at all



by turn 4 my shooting phase all he had left was 2 tact marienes


(ps sorry for bad spelling)

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Apocalypse. Assault Marine sergeant with power fist smacked a Bio-titan in the jaw, taking 2 wounds off of it. And that was with the Bio-titan charging.


Then there's Azrael, again in Apocalypse. Holds the top of a stair case. Cuts down, over the course of 3 assault phases, some 7 ork, including a Nob. Then neatly lops the head off of a biker nob and the lone biker accompanying him, 4 neat wounds. Before surviving a demolisher shell landing on him. He then charged down the stairs and jumped a warboss. Took the blasted thing down to 1 wound, then died when he failed a single 4+ save vs a power klaw attack.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Sammael performed nicely last night -- came on from reserve on Turn 4, just after a group of deep-striking Bloodthirsters landed by my objective. His Plasma Cannon took out 7 of the 12-man squad, and my termies' shooting finished the rest off. :D They didn't get to do anything!
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I have one about my Command Squad during my first game against Necrons. My opponent and I had little experience against each other's armies and, as such, much of the game was spent prioritizing threats. Having placed my Command Squad to the side, my opponent largely ignored them in favor of hammering, what he percieved to be, the more daunting Assault and Tactical Squads. I mean, what were six men going to do anyway, right?


The answer: a whole freaking lot. In the end, that same Command Squad tore through a Flayed Ones squad, three squads of Immortals, and a Necron Warriors squad accompanied by their Lord. The amount of men they lost: zero. Thank you, Apothecary. ;)

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I'm sure I've had some surprising wins but the only 'Amazing Feat' I can recall with clarity at the moment is a battle against Chaos. ..


DW vs Chaos (Slaneshi army) - 3rd Edition. .. We were playing a mission where all I had to do was kill the opposing enemy commander (a Slaneshi Daemon Prince from memory) and all my opponent had to do was defend his leader. .. Well as he was playing a fairly shooty Chaos army, he lined up his forces behind a low defensive wall, ready to cut down my Terminators as they pour towards his commander. .. Our first turns were fairly uneventful, I roll my Land Raider crusader into position and array my foot sloggers behind it and his shooting cannot manage to hurt the LRC while I consentrate all my fire into the squads around his commander. .. Then on turn two my LRC rolls right up to the low lying defensive wall and releases its pay load of GM w/ SoS and Assault based terminators 2" from his Chaos Commander. .. The Chaos commander is looking a little weary at the possibility of an early demise. .. Because of the low wall my squad has to roll for difficult terrain. .. OMG 1's!! Thats ok, my commander gets an additional Roll, you guessed it 1 is the highest I roll, my Terminator squad cannot move. .. Well my opponent trains all his Noise marine fire onto my command squad, I can tell you that Str8 Templates work really well on a squad that has just disembarked, squeezed out, in front of a LRC. .. Thanks to a lot of wounds and several bad rolling all the DW terminators are wiped out and my commander is required to make a single save. .. He proceeds to fail said save and T4 means instant death. .. needless to say the rest of my army walks to their deaths and the Chaos player takes the day. ..



The only other Feat of memory recall I have is Malyr, a resilient Tactical Marine that I modelled with a Bolter in one hand and a Bolt Pistol in the other (Gunslinger style) that goes several battles without been removed as a casualty once. .. Then he is Upgraded to a Sergeant and still goes several battle unscathed, including at least a few where he is the last Marine standing at game end (obviously battles I lost). .. Finally in a battle versus Tyranids (Greenwing this time) and Sergeant Malyr charges into HtH along side the DW GM versus a decked out Hive Tyrant. .. Well thanks to his notoriety for survival the 'Nid player chooses to make all his attacks on the Sergeant, ignoring the wounded GM. .. Malyr obviously doesn't survive the onslaught but the GM accompanied by a DW squad, clean up the Tyrant and proceed to roll on to victory. .. So Malyr, now a Veteran Sergeant, is hailed as a hero who saved the GMs life and I am remodelling him to wield a Bolter and Plasma Pistol plus I have a Watcher in the Dark that carries a Dagger of Secrets (I guess thats a Heavenful Dagger now) which was a reward for services rendered. .. Also the new Malyr has Bionics to represent nearly been cut in half by a Hive Tyrant, I'm glad the Apothecaries were on hand to patch him up. .. Now that I have returned from a lengthy hiatus, I'll look to finish Malyr in his new incarnation. ..

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  • 6 months later...

It's been a long time since the last post. Does nobody has more interesting stories about their Dark Angels incredible deeds?

Well, I think it's a good idea to bring this one to life once more. It's tough times for DA now on the tables and we need some inspiring feats to keep our morale high.

I don't know, is it a very interesting feat, but nevertheless...

When i've got my Black Reach set in October 2009, it was the dreadnought that I disliked most. Tacticals, terminators - I loved them, but Dread... Well, I must say, I thought then that he will be one of most useless units in my army.

In first games my ork opponent often confused the names of the units and called Dread "the Terminator".

And you know what? It was the right name for him.

From my very first game this dread has managed to kill every Ork Warboss he faced on table. No matter how the game ended - my dreadnought always earned a new Boss to his tally. And my opponent can really do nothing to him. He tried every anti-tank unit he can get from codex (we're using proxies sometimes), but they fail every time and end up obliterated by Venerable Brother Arnold and his plasma cannon (he's got a few upgrades for his glorious deeds :HQ: ). My friend even made a very-very-very special crater to place as terrain after the dread explodes. But he doesn't explodes. He kills orks, Nobz, bikers and warbosses and he's surely one of the best units in my DA force.

So, that's the story.

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Back when my bro played my army (long story), he marched his DA captian(one wound left) and lone sarg, bolth with power weapons into Tyhus, sarge gets killed first round of combat, 3 rounds later the DA captian took out Typhus's retinu, and took typhus down to one wound before typhus finialy killed the hero. Person in question refused to play my brother ever agian (he forfited at our stores toutaments to him twice). Under my comand i had samy on his jetbike shoot at a pred (all lascannons) wiff and hit the pred next to it and blow it up, then charged the pred i shot at and blow it up. Next turn made a 10 man scout unit flee from shooting with plasma cannon, and proceded to survive 3 lascannon shots, and a lot of armour saves. Last game i played DW led by benial took out: full unit of blood claws with Urik the slayer, and trickster, land raid crusader, land raider, 6 man bike squad, they only suffered one casultiy (also had no apoctary or banner).
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I have amazing luck with a Terminator Libbie.


He has:

A. Survived 3 turns of shooting from a Baal/Tactical Squad with LC/Plasma gun(only to slaughter half the Tact afterwords)

B. Wipe out a 5-man DC with Chaplain in CC(several turns ofcourse)

C. And Force Weapon killed Dante 12 times :cuss

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  • 1 month later...
i was against a grey knight army and to this day, Belial has never managed to make me so proud!!! He wiped out the entire greyknight terminator squad by himself but was just out of range of the grand master. the very next turn the two duked it out in what only could be descroibed as a blood bath and in the end though, he took a force weapon to the face from the grandmaster and subsequently died. however, the grandmaster was attempting limping off with his one wound before the rest of belils command squad showed up and proceeded to power fisted the crap outta him. i was so proud of my unreliable hero, i almost cried.
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It has been so long since I used my DAs, this is all I can remember.


I deepstriked a DW squad onto the objective and despite my friend cheating (firing 3 weapon systems on his tau battlesuits and I don't know if I even had a multi-tracker, which would only allow 2 anyway), not to mention he took like like 10 saves on his shield drones merely disregarding any wounds that got past the first hit), my DW held the day, just barely.


I do remember wreaking havoc with my sword of secrets, back when it was a S6 power weapon but I can't remember any specific details.

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Last tourny...


1.- 1 last standing terminator (the one with CML) in some ruins... 30 boyz and 1 wagon getting closer and closer... but they don't know he is a hero! 52 shots from the boys... saved everything. Heavy dakka from wagon... saved.


In my turn, I launch my lonely missile... and assault the wagon! Immo. xDDDDDDDD


That single model held the flank for 4 turns!


2.- LRC with Belial, sarge, HF, claws, CF, TH. Some ruins, with 3 levels, with some 25 termagaunts (the ones that shoot, not sure the name) along with 8 warriors... and they hold the base. Disembark, flamer + SB, 12 gaunts gone.


And I'm thinking... this is going to hurt SO much...


Get shot by the remaining 13 gaunts + 8 warrior that just happened to be in range: loose the TH


Assault by gaunts + 6 mantifex: 0 casualties. Everything that can hits the gaunts, kill another mantifex... win the combat by 5, fearless... 5 more gaunts and 2 mantifex :lol: In the end, I wiped out the combined assault with only the TH casualty.


Con the game 2 bases - 0 and lost 8 terminators... he had left some 10 warriors and the prime with 1 wound. Killed 6 swarms, 10 infiltrating genestealers, 8 warrior with wings, 3 guardians, 6 mantifex and A BUCKET of gaunts (some 50 in total).


3.- A negative one. I'm down to 1 terminator, with CF, vs an Immo dread... 4 full turns (yeah, 8 combat rounds)... and the dread killed me!

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By The Emperor's Name... the tales of death and glory told of the Deathwing are as countless as the stars.


I had one tourney where I lost 3 Terminators... over the course of SIX games. I actually left the 2 Id lost on the 5th game out, as a sign of my smug assurance of victory. There was nothing in the galaxy that could breach those Terminators armor that day. Terminators online and advance worked time and again. The third Terminator went down in turn 4, and this affront so angered his commander, I actually brought my command squad into H2H. Game was really over at that point.


Had another game where a Termi with powerfist punched out a Baneblade. Same Terminator later took a demo charge directly to the head, killing all the guards around him, and breaking him out of melee. Needless to say, the rebel guardsmen paid the full price for allowing him to unleash his assault cannon once again. This guy became a minor "Special Character" in my circle of friends. Hes called "Thad, The Unstoppable." Decorated with the tread off the fallen Baneblade and a Purple Heart looking metal for making o so many invulnerable saves.

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