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Amazing Feats by your Dark Angels


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At the last tournament I played I was being r*ped by a khorne deamons army, lots all my terminators, devastators, whirlwind and bikes but still had a single land raider and a 3 man tactical squad left. I used them to drive halfway across the map to contest 1 objective and claim another one in the last turn and won the game. My opponent was not amused :rolleyes:


In the next round I destroyed a Witch hunter army with 13-1 kill points, lost 1 attack bike, 1 bike (overheat xD) and 6 terminator.

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I recently played a 1750pt game vs Dark Eldar with my Ravenwing. It was dawn of war setup and seize and control.


His army consisted of a total of 19 kill points while I went with 2 full attack squadrons and Sammael in his speeder which was 11 (I think). Well, the game went back and forth, but my speeders and attack bikes hammered his skimmers straight away and by turn 3 I had racked up 12 kill points and had his objective as well. Well turns 4 and 5 were not good to the RW, and I lost nearly all my units so that by the start of turn 6 I was down to a lone bike squad and I was in jeapordy of loosing my objective. Well, on turn 7 (I hate going that long) my surviving bike squad got nailed and was reduced to 1 biker (Gotta love those fearless rules) and by turbo boosting I managed to snag his objective and when it came to kill points I won even tho he still had 4 units on the board!


Needless to say he didn't take it so well <_<


Cheers and Happy Hunting

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In my last holidays I was testing out my new list on my brother-in-law's orks. Standard 1500pt games for objectives on a board with lava rivers.

We always try to get our HQ into combat with each other as a mini-comp, he had a warboss and I had Dark Master Bathin (Sammael counts-as). Bathin survived with one wound then went and slaughtered the nearest boyz mob and shot a battlewagon with his plasma cannon. He finally succumbed to another massive Boyz mob, but in doing so drew them off the objective and granted me a narrow victory.

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Yesterday, game 3 in a tourney vs IG, spearhead, 5 objectives.


1 LRC with 5 terminators (sarge, HF, CF, Claws, TH) moves into his "base" (1 objective surrounded by a LOT of armour)... loosing the melta and the AC in the way... and then I land :D


Multiple assault vs 10 IG w/comissar + Vanquisher+Lasscannons dotations... wiped them ALL in the assault. Then took the shooting of a Vendetta, melta veterans, 2 multilaser and basically anything he could get hold of... the TH survived, to assault 3 AC dotations while the LRC wiped a close by 20 IG squad and the other LRC took down the chimera AND the veterans.


500 points wiped out 1000+ points.


Man... its the kind of assault we all dream of sometime :P

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During my first game against Tau, one of my veteran squad members gunned down roughly 15-20 firewarriors with a heavy bolter. The Tau player fired a railgun template shot from a hammerhead after wiping the floor with some Ultramarines and Salamanders Land raiders, and the template hit the veteran and two generic marines.

The gunner survived the shot, and continued killing Tau until the round ended.

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Played a game vs Blood Angels on sat. We were testing our Conquest Toronto lists (1750)

my list:




Deathwing x3

LRC x2

LR x1


VS his:




assault squads w/ priest x2

Tac w/ missle / flamer

2 baals

devies with 4 lascannons


It was looking bad as mephiston charged belials LRC and blew it up, killing one of his assault marine buddies, and belial's squad made all thier saves, it looks grim as belial and co. had to slog now and were faced with 4 lascannons and mephiston. It looked daunting but if i poured enough bodies and fire into the squad I thought i could kill him. I took 2 wounds off meph from my lascannon raider, and then charged with belials squad and a second one. meph only hit twice and wounded twice, i rolled 5 and 6 for saves then the brother with my standard and thunder hammer brought swift justice down on the bloodsucker in the form of three thunderhammer hits and wounds, the day was won for me after that combat.

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Played a game vs Blood Angels on sat. We were testing our Conquest Toronto lists (1750)

my list:




Deathwing x3

LRC x2

LR x1


VS his:




assault squads w/ priest x2

Tac w/ missle / flamer

2 baals

devies with 4 lascannons


It was looking bad as mephiston charged belials LRC and blew it up, killing one of his assault marine buddies, and belial's squad made all thier saves, it looks grim as belial and co. had to slog now and were faced with 4 lascannons and mephiston. It looked daunting but if i poured enough bodies and fire into the squad I thought i could kill him. I took 2 wounds off meph from my lascannon raider, and then charged with belials squad and a second one. meph only hit twice and wounded twice, i rolled 5 and 6 for saves then the brother with my standard and thunder hammer brought swift justice down on the bloodsucker in the form of three thunderhammer hits and wounds, the day was won for me after that combat.

the Emperor (and dead luck) truly smiled upon you that day

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Oh I have one to share of a DW termi winning the game for me....barely.


I was playing a 1750 game with my pure DW army, vs SoB army. I had Belial with a command squad riding in a LR and headed them towards the main HQ unit of the enemy. But in the end, after jumping out, getting assaulted by those crazy chics with the mean swords, getting flamered to heck, Belial was alone on the charge and died promply in combat.


The rest of the game went pretty typical, evenly matched as we both started loosing things. I had on unit of termis scatter way in the back corner behind enemy lines. Not really anything useful. The unit had an assault cannon in it. This little unit of 5 terminators took shots every single round from heavy bolter squads, dreadnaughts, flamer squads that followed up by assaulting. Each round they moved foward, shooting at things as they plugged along.


The unit lost members rather quickly from all the incoming fire. By round 3 it was down to just the terminator carrying the assault cannon. He kept trucking across the board, shrugging off all kinds of incoming firepower. There was nothing within range to assault him and slow him down, so it was a race to the finish. He made a beeline for the main HQ unit heading straight in. I think one round in there I decided not to fire back and took a run move to make sure I made it by turn 5. He shrugged off everything that came his way, assaulted what was left of the HQ unit, shrugged off the hits in combat, as he had a powerfist, then proceeded to dish out a can can of DW wooparse, and finished them off. Gaining me the winning KP.


I promply picked up the model and ceremoniosly dubbed him new high commander of the Deathwing!! LOL

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3rd Edition - Faced the Black Templar (rules from Armegeddon) where a bunch of Twin Lightning Clawed fools come rushing out of a Crusader only to face my lonely Dreadnaught. With some very, very lucky rolling, I was able to slaughter all of the terminators and destroy the Crusader.


Same Dreadnaught, different Army - Chaos. Back in the 3rd Edition, you could roll a die before your battle with Chaos. If a 1 was scored, than that meant that either someone in this army is a Fallen or had knowledge of where a fallen was. When half of my army was being wiped out, this dreadnaught and a tactical squad wiped out all to the last man (meatgrinder mission) of that lowly Chaos army. My opponent was not pleased to learn what that roll stood for before the game began.


4th Edition - Facing the Nids, my Chapter Master and a group DW terminators eliminated a Hive Tyrant on the Third Turn after warping in on the second turn. I wanted my group to assist another group of DW near an objective, but a bad roll sent my guys 10" away from my template and placed them in front of the Hive Tyrant. After that, it was the best rolling I had ever done and the worst rolling by an opponent that I have ever seen.


5th Edition - Just this past weekend, took on a Smurfs player where we got to play with our Chapter Masters (2,500 point game). It took all day to play, but it was worth it. In the 4th turn, off of a DW Assault, three squads along with my Chapter Master warp in behind the Lord MacCragge. In the 5th turn, my opponent didn't have enough luck to survive 12 stormbolter, two assault cannon and one heavy flamer attacks to save his precious Marneus Calgar. Death to Pappa Smurf!

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My Cyclone model in unit Gideon has a current Kill points count of 21 in 7 games (about 15 are just his solo with no squad back up) my favourate was my friend D/Striking his Tau commander and retinus behind my sqaud and plasma deathing them, to have this one model backhand all 3 in one round of combat after shooting down the 2 shield drones). or poping a ork battle wagon and acounting for 12 boyz in the blast, then blowing up a trukk and mauling 10 boyz from blast and combat.


my friend afriad of him now

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  • 3 weeks later...

Playing a 700 pt annhilation game against a Chaos opponent. I was doing well with mainly a mech army just shooting away and being careful as I only had 2 five man tac squads one in a rhino the other in a razorback with the Int Chaplain when down deep striked a chaos terminator squad.

They ripped open the razorback with autocannon fire and the explosion killed 3 of 6 marines instantly.

The Chaplain shook himself out of the wreckage grabbed the sergeant and a surviving flamer operator and charged the terminators.

First exchange of combat the chaplain clubbed 2 terminators to death but to his dismay his sergeant and flamer marine fall before the terminators; but the chaplains grim work was done.

He had held the line long enough for a dreadnaught, smoke pouring from a damaged assault cannon to charge into the melee.

The chaos player lost his terminator squad and conceded.


The chaplain is amongst the terminators on the right giving them the good news http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y223/Weathered/40K/PB090160.jpg :lol:

The DA rhino is pouring plasma RF into an already damaged rhino full of Tsons and a shaken predator is resetting its targetting gyros and thanking the emperor for extra armour. The smouldering wreckage of the razorback is behind the rhino.

I guess its not that amazing but it was fun to see the look on my opponents face when those termis went down to one chaplain and the rosarius kept the chaplain alive.

The ven dread steaming down on the termies clinched the deal the chaos gods turned their backs on their traitor legions

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I took part in a huge apocalypse game my GW store had a few months ago with my Ravenwing. I had a int chaplain on a bike that had his retinue squad wiped out by some lucky plasma cannons run around the board causing chaos for multiple turns. The best was when he was charged by a 10 men vanguard veterans squad (the assaulty ones with pws), he took something silly like 30 pw attacks, didn't get a single wound on him, then killed 3 causing the vets to break and then ran them over with his bike.

I really love our chaplains

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My story is an oldie but goodie!


So, way back many moons ago when GW released the DA Prisina campain, our resounding all star Belial, was captain of the 3rd Co. In a friendly against a Lascannon heavy IG force, in a single round of shooting Belial faced and survived 16 Inv saves. He then rampaged along the IG line earning 4x his points cost and causing such a distraction that the rest of my force took the IG out piece-meal for the win.


Just remember another,

It was do or die in the last turn vs the Tau. Tau had 2 of the 3 objectives, one of which was held by full squad of 20 Kroot, fingers crossed and a shout of "For the Lion" I declared a charge with a full strength Assault Squad unsure of whether or not they were within range. To my delight, and my opponants horror, they were within range and preceded to annihilate the entire Kroot squad, taking the objective without taking a single wound !! For the Lion indeed.

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A 6-elf strong squad of Striking Scorpions, including Exarch, outflanked right next to a squad of Tactical Deathwing, with Belial attached. They fired upon the Terminators, and then assaulted. Not a scratch. The Deathwing retaliation wiped them out at least twice over (even with me forgetting to use the +1 A from the Standard!).
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my mate dosent collect any warhammer so he was using my imperial guard army i was using my space marines, he'd killed all but the heavy bolter scout in my scout squad, the next turn he fired every weapon from my Leman Russ Punisher, the Multi-Laser from my valkerye, 2 squads of guardsmen and auto-cannon from a Sentinel and the scout, by miracle, survived :)
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The game was Command and Control with Dawn of War deployment. I had a Dual wing with Sammael and Belial. I was playing a Fabius Bile list and was getting my butt kicked. It was turn 5 and Belial was alone, all my other terminators and bikes were dead ... Sammael was dead too. I only had a Landspeeder and a Attack bike left in addition to Belial.

He was fighting toe to toe with a lone Chaos Khorne lord. I had been ready to concede but my opponent talked me into continuing. The Khorne lord got 16 attacks, 11 or which wounded. Belial survived all but 1 wound ... luckiest rolls of my life. He killed the Khorne lord and then in turn 6 survived mass bolter fire and Fabius Bile's needle attack to contest the Chaos marines objective and win me the game as I had the Landspeeder and Attack back guarding my objective. The look on my opponent's face was classic.


Never Give Up! Fight to the End!

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The Infamous Lascannon Saga

My best friend and I have a classic rivalry going between DA and SW. I usually use a RW/DW list with Belial and Sammael and he tends to use a standard Wolf list with a few packs of grey hunters, blood claws, a dreadnought, and a few tanks and ALWAYS his wolf gaurd terminator squad(s). We play 2,000 pt games and his wolf guard squads are generally two, 6-8 models strong units + a hero. That hero is Ragnar Blackmane and his made up character Skoll. These squads/heroes and I tend not to agree and a healthy application of plasma and lascannon fire usually do the trick, much to the dismay of my SW opponent. I remember three different accounts of the above mentioned las and plas death being dealt to his beloved units.


-First big 2,000 pt game (my opponent was very new to the game at the time). The general RW scout moves deep striking DW with Belial etc occur and Sammael flies about, darting in and out of cover to deliver hot plasma cannon death to his SW squads. As our fully loaded land raiders meet in the center of the field, his termies pop out to contest an objective and whittle down my bikes. My land raider full of assault termies deploys them the next turn and charges. In the end, all of our terminators cancel each other out and only Ragnar Blackmane is left out in the open with one wound left. He legs it for the nearest squad in order to join up but is caught short. My turn the land raider pulls up to point blank range and fries him with lascannons.


-The next game (a week or so later) the same setup. Sammael is flying around plasma blasting his terminators that CAN'T deepstrike (lol serves them right) as they run across the board trying to catch my bikes. I earlier committed my terminator assault squad to some blood claws and grey hunters. they performed well but went down under a hail of shots and stabs. Sammael proceeds to fly towards Skoll's terminator squad and blast it away with plasma cannon and then move out of range of the barbaric terminator hero, alone in the dirt. Up rolls the land raider, and BAM down goes Skoll.


-Sammael and Skolls squad have a face-off (again). As i pelt him with plasma shots, he returns fire and takes Sammael down to one wound. Skoll is reduced to two wounds after the barrage of plasma. Sammael charges Skoll (victory was imminent for me and my friend convinced me that a hero showdown would be epic). I wound Skoll but he makes his last save and lives, hefts his axe, and smashes Sammael out of the sky. As the beaten Skoll turns toward his next target ont he horizon he sees the rumbling of a large white land raider approaching. He runs for it but does not make it to cover in time and is blasted once again by lascannon flavored revenge!


-A game much later, the same scenario plays about. This time however, Skoll and his terminator squad managed to kill most of my assault terminators and suffer relatively low casualties. As they ran up to the top of a building where the objective lay, Sammael pelted them with a direct hit from his palsma cannon. Both remaining terminators go down and Skoll is alone, only one floor below the objective. My opponent looks at Skoll, looks down, sees my land raider below him. I quietly reach down and angle the lascannon sponsons on my model upwards towards Skoll. My opponent looks back at Skoll, then back to the land raider... BAM two hits, two wounds, two failed saves, Skoll is down...again...via lascannon...again...


Another great moment was when Sammael and Skoll's squad had a game of chicken. There were three terminators left (one with an assault cannon i believe) and Skoll at one end of a relatively open field. Sammael swung around and faced them, pelting them with plasma all the while. When it got to my turn i had reduced the squad to only Skoll with one wound, but Sammael only had one wound as well. I charged the SW hero, lopping his head off before his bulky powerfist could strike. :confused: and speeding into the distance to melt more Space Wolves.


Against my two friends at my local GW store, it was again my DA vs my friends SW and my other friends Chaos army (but he uses the SW wolves because that's what book we have with us and I don't mind). Again, 2,000 pts. My buddy deploys a termie squad with Njal "The cheese-ball" Stormcaller on the far end of the table. After a small firefight, a single RW attack bike with multi melta speeds towards Njal. My friend had moved the terminators forward through some cover, but kept Njal screened by them so he could get a head start over towards a squad in a better position. My attack bike intercepted him with a long flanking move and saw Njal wihout a squad and fired a point blank shot with his Multi-melta, instant killing him. The biker then survived a hail of gunfire the next turn but was shot down by rockets as he tried to turbo-boost home :/


Later that game, Belial and his squad of shooty terminators stalked teh ramparts of a landing platform, withering the approaching chaos marines with Storm Bolter and Assault cannons fire. They managed to kill roughly 12 chaos marines and sent one squad running to the hills. Not one of them fell as the chaos fired wave after wave of bolter, melta, and rocket shots. (gotta love DW apothecaries!).

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  • 2 weeks later...
This was more dumb luck then anything else but I still brag about it. I was running Ezekial and 5 Company Veterans against my friend playing Tyranids. He had deep struck a Trygon and several Ripper Swarms close to the squad but then forgot to assault the ripper swarms into my vets and assaulted the Trygon into a nearby tactical squad. Somehow, my shooting from my veteran squad kills all the ripper swarms but the Trygon kills all of my tac marines. In a desperate move, I assaulted my veterans into the trygon and got a lucky force weapon kill with Ezekiel, passing the psychic test for it on nine. I'm kind of new to 40k so I don't really know if thats SUPER amazing, but I had fun.
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Regardsless of whether its amazing or not... it makes you feel good and you can jab at your buddy with it :P


A week ago, at a friendly tournament, my BA buddy was 2-0-0 so far... and he had this BIG grin. Turn 2, 50% of my bikes come out and stun,wreck,immo most of his tanks... his face... ^_^

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