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Raptors 2nd Co

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hello board,


first pics post on this forum so be gentle.


I'm painting for some times now, with somes paused moment, I recently go back to pens.

I'm found of fluff, sotry and BL books (or french version "Bibliothèque interdite") and I will write soon my vision of raptors IA (sorry for me jumpacks deepstrikes are not compatible with high trees and canopee :lol: )


So i hope this post to be another motivation to continue my project , need your help :P


Stop speak, pics :


The AoBR test marine, still WIP :








So critics, advice, stone throwing ?



EDIT : Oh, and sorry pics are blurry, phone ones, that's the only thing I have :D

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Is that yellow on the fore head supposed to be a Raptor's head?


If so it looks alright, I can't say much as its probably better than mine.


If it isn't... ... work on your straight lines.


Nice battle damage, not too much that it overwhelms the mini.

Your chest eagle is a litle too dull for my taste, it looks like it got a little dirty, of course maybe thats the look your going for :D


Anyway its alright mini, and perfectly fine for tabletop, minus the lack of weapon or a right arm for that matter.

Hurray !! some CC ;)


So first the yellow supposed to be a company mark ( strange aspect due to battle damage) , like in Rogue trader, I use it because I wanted to have some ref to the "god old past" (my dwarf side :P ) and to brighten a bit the mini, wich would be really too dark otherwise IMO . It works well on the red scorpions for example :)


And the chest is normally a bit more silver, but I didn't want it to be bright :) I wanted it dirty and dark, to be more discreet, they change colors from a bright blue and yellow to a dark Olive drab , that's not to wear a PIMP silver eagle :D


... Or a yellow stripes on head , I know :HQ:



But please more CC, I'll try to do better pics soon, those are really destroying the work on the mini :(


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