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Kor´Sarro & Moondrakan

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Hi everybody!


Here´s one of the lastest commission that I´ve been doing:

The rider version of Kor´sarro Khan, captain of third company of the White Scars.



This works was part of a big comission for Van Zan a fellow member of this forums, that includes the previous on foot version, and 20 WS ethnic bare heads, to give some unique look to his army (I made the facial details a little bit bigger in request of Van Zan deeds, to make easy to paint and visualice the facial expressions).


This conversions was quite difficult, mainly because I have to redesign the space marine bike into a unique vehicle that shows strengh, agility, some "ancient relic of the AM" taste, and the techno-mongol look.


Also, I have to work in some magnetic device to make the model "detachable".

Van Zan gonna use this models on gameplay, so the transportation of the mini was an important item in the making of the pose.


The system that I use it´s quite simple, I put a magnet inside the rear wheel, and another one inside the BS of the central part of the base.

When the first layer of BS was dry, I put another thin layer of putty and make the "footprint" of the wheel and attached the bike to the magnet.

Then I make the splits of mud (or snow, I leave the open option for Van Zan).

So, when all it´s completely dry I remove the bike leaving a strong magnet device, PLUS some plastic to putty "fitting device".


Sorry, I didn´t take any pics of the WIP "fitting device", but I have this one of the WIP version of the model that shows better the area that I describe earlier.





Anyway, here´s the result of a couple of months of work:







One of the "hidden details": the servo-skull integrated to the bike... something like a automatic repair system.




Oh! I almost forgot... the sword position was taked from a scene from the movie "Mongol" (film that we take as inspiration for this project).


Like always C&C are most welcome.





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Wow FF, I have always been a big fan of your work and this one is my favorite so far. The details are so many still the mini is not crowded with details, there is movment and flow in the piece and the more you look at it the more things you see. I'm kind of speecheless now so I´ll just sya theis :Kudos!


cheers mate

Thanks a lot guys!


Iron Phoenix: The paint gonna run by VanZan, I´m pretty sure that he will gonna keep us updated about that.


Here´s a close up of the head-torso area... maybe you find it useful:








And finally some aerial view.





Thanks again to all for your comments!

Until soon.



amazing job! the detail on this piece is so over the op in a GOOD WAY! Cannot wait to see it PAINTED


My only criticism is the sword. I think personally it would look better if he had his hand holding it the other way, it would then look like he is coming in for a huge sweeping arch with his sword, rather than holding it like a dagger position


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