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In need of some suggestions

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Okie Dokie friends;


I am building my final power armored army until the next BBB. As the title says, it is a Blood Angels successor chapter. I am going back to my roots, Black, red and gold. However, I am at a loss for the Chapter Master. He will be a Dante stand in, on his way to damnation. I know alot of folks paint their Masters and Captains with gold armor. But I was thinking of departing from this trend, and painting him the same colors as the rest of the army, as a sort of mutual descending to darkness and Chaos.


Any suggestions would be nice. :HQ:. Thanks in advance

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I would have to concur as well, Termie B and Master 3. The black on the Master along with possible death company markings will make your fluff really stand out. What would be really cool is you could create a death mask for your commander along the same lines as Dante. Maybe do the same with a furiouso dread.
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I have alot of votes for CM 3. The model has moved past the building phase and has entered the painting stage. I am currently on the Torso. I am out of practice on painting with metallic paint, so it is going slow. So far I have dedicated 20 hours of painting. I need to hit the model with some dullcote, and decide where I want t go from there. Once I have the torse completed, I will post up pics. Thanks for your suggestions guys
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