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Claimin Objectives in 5th Ed


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Hi all,


So in the middle (Yesterday and today) of a 4 game tournament and it got me wondering yesterday as I looked around what is the better approach to claiming objectives in your opinion.


2 Options come to mind (there are likely to be more)


Grab early and bunker down


-Has the advantage in that no matter how many turns you get you are already on there so you are not going to be stitched in turn 5 being 4" away.

-Has the disadvantage of showing intent and therefore allowing your opponent to maximise their effort on countering your efforts from early in the game


Go for late breaking objective gathering


- Advantage being that you can beploy and opperate within reach of multiple objectives and late in the game make a break for the one you want. The enemy either has to rely on fast units or cover both.

- Disadvantage is that your unit either has to be very fast itself or you have to be good at judging when to make the break.



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Isn't there a significant tie-in to the minimum troops (and max uber) vs troops spam debate?

If you have troops a-plenty, dig in.


That said, given that only troops (or some other scoring unit eg SG) can hold the objectives, a lot of people seem to be gearing up for targetting troops early. In that case, keeping the troops in reserve, to protect them from shooting for a turn or two/three is a valid approach.


The problems with delaying/deferring the move to claim are:

firstly - game length is random so you move to the objectives with fast, but relatively weak units on turn 5 and the game lasts another 2 turns =c(.

secondly - that some players can't even get through 5 turns in regulation (6x30 boyz), so if the game is called and you're not in place yet ...


If you're going to camp, put your objectives in cover.

If you're not, then if you can avail yourself of outflanking, put them near the short edge.

If you're fast, spread 'em, if not, keep them as close together as possible.

If you're Tyranids, Orks, or BT, put them all in your opponents half, or mid-table, that's where you plan to be anyway.


Cheers, Paul.

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I think the answer to this relies on two things:


1) how flexable are your troops units?


2) what army is your opponent playing?


For instance bolter armed Grey Hunters or Sterngaurd vs Orks- dig in, hold, and shoot. Against Eldar? Stay in reserve and shoot from cover, move once its late game and your opponent hopefully doesnt have the firepower to wipe out squads holesale.


Etc etc.

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