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Sign up to co-write some articles


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Hi all..


My intention last year was to have my full set of scout tacticas finished by now, the trouble is with my lack of experience with certain armies, im struggling to garner enough knowledge to write them up in a coherant article.

So i am asking for guys who would be willing to help me with the content of some of my planned tacticas.


For those that dont know me, my scout tactical handbook can be found here.

As you can see i have the following articles written, although i acknowledge the daemons article needs a re-write at some stage.


Space marines







So im looking to write the following articles.



Dark eldar


Witch hunters

imperial guard


The eldar article will wait until Grey Mage has finished with his tactical thread in the librarium found here.

Im hoping i can drag him in and pick his brains whilst writing that one.


So if anyone wants to help, please post or pm me. The level of participation is completely upto you.

I will be writing the orks article myself very shortly, so keep an eye open for it as im sure that one will need some guidance aswell.


Thanks guys.


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Thanks guys i appreciate it..


@Minigun, ive started the chaos discussion its in the forum..

@Grey mage, i figured id wait til your librarium articel was complete and use it as a base, then maybe get you to check the first draft?, if thats ok, ill give you full credit and a link to your finsihed works.

@Jezroth the daemon article is here. Its incomplete in that im missing alot of the more indeopth deamon tactics.. fell free to knock it abut as much as you like.


Thansk again guys.



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