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Hello all, just thought i'd put this up for C+C, was looking at my bits box and had an idea:


Brother Tychicus, Techmarine of the Emperor's Blade Chapter:









not finished, still needs some more GS work done. thinking about knocking together a servitor model with another claw of some sort and a flamer so he can count-as having a full servo-harness.




was planning to just use the loader arm from the AoBR ML but had another idea and ended up using the full ML backpack:




a kitbash Thunderfire! didn't fancy spending out £30 on the proper model so... obviously extremely WIP, but my brother has some plasticard that i'm gonna pinch to add a cover and build an undercarriage with.


still not sure where to get tracks from though, any suggestions would be very much appreciated?



cheers for looking, C+C welcome!




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I agree with the guys above. A good start there - a nice and simple conversion. Maybe bulk the servo-arm out a bit. It doesn't look like it could flip a Predator. Some plastic card and guitar wires would be a good start there.

The tabard needs to be changed to something that doesn't look quite so..............phallic. Again, maybe guitar wires as nuero-interface plugs hanging from his belt might be a better start.


As for the Thunderfire, the Ork wartrak would be a good start. Or if you didn't want tacks, maybe mount it moon-buggy style on 6 big wheels. The ones from a Marine bike would work.

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thanks for comments guys!


@ all: the 'tabard' is supposed to be the extra plates of armour you sometimes get on Techmarines, the idea being to add something to make the robed bottom half of the mini (a style thing of the Chapters veterans/characters) fit more with the techy top - all i can say is that it doesn't look quite so bad in person!!! ^_^

maybe i'll give it another go, my GS work could do with the practice anyway! more guitar wires sound like a good idea, thanks!


@lestat: good idea about the wartrak too, i'll have to look into it! and the servo arm too, although i'm thinking that if i do a servitor/harness that will have a nice big servo arm for Predator flipping (sounds like a new sport!)





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Nice Techmarine, not too overdone either. The tabbard does need a change, but you could just make it the same width the whole way down, as with the normal Techmarine version.


Very interesting idea for the Thunderfire cannon - I think I will be borrowing that if you don't mind!

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In regards to the tabbard matter, i think if you actually bulked it up Ie made it wider you'd be a lot better off. I can see where you want to go with it, but i think if you make it look wider and try to maintain the 'plated' look, you'll get to where you want the tabbard to be at :lol:
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