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Blood Dragon Test Marine


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Just wanted to share the start of my Blood Angel successor chapter, Blood Dragon's. Here's my tester marine, obviously far from being done, although you can see what I'm going towards. I'm still really unsure about painting the red. Right now I am a white prime, black wash, red gore, black line fix ups, and 2-3 thin coats of blood red with a small amount of white added for the high lights. Right now I'm thinking of trying out a darker red base worked up to red gore with blood red highlights... Right now the mini just looks more orange to me then red (which is why used white and not yellow/orange for highlight). Everything that isn't white right now will be red. I messed up on the blood drop as it should be on the other knee pad but oh well, thats why he's a test marine :) Anyway thoughts? I'll update this topic once I finish him.



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What part needs to have thinned paint? I know some areas are not that great since I bought these guys second hand and although I stripped them, I didn't get all the primer off, but when GW re-releases Blood Angels they will have a new sexy tactical box set that I will definitely be getting. I didn't think it looked that thick, but I guess I will have to be more mindful as I move on. The pictures were dark because there is crap natural light where I live. I took these pictures with the flash on, but I think it came out a bit better, and the colors didn't wash out or anything.




The red on the helmet is my blood lol..got it off after I saw the picture luckily with no stain or anything. Cut my thumb pretty deeply converting up some blood bowl models.

The paint isn't too thick. It looks nice and smooth to me. Perhaps the grey arm is what priompted that comment, as it looks a little chunky in spots, but I think that's just the resultof the refurbishing process. I do this myself, and know exactly what you're dealing with.

I like your bold contrasting style. Very cool and comic-bookish.

If i were to make one suggestion, it would be to paint the soft armor at the insideof the elbow of the grey arm to black. The rest of his soft armor is done that way, so keep it consistent.

Also, you have a spot of red on the center panel of his pack, as well as his right-side vents.


Good work!

Here's the kind of finished updated picture.


I am really unhappy with how this came out in the end. I am going to strip him and look around for a different way to do my red, as it looks bad IMO. I like the scheme though, so my army will look like this, however might go with a darker red, and I will definitly be doing another chapter symbol, maybe change the name.



I thought the gtey was supposed to e the scheme, I loved that.


Personally I think your Red is fantastic, very rich and vibrant, really pops. There are just some spots were you need to practice presision. Like the Bolter parts that aren't the casing, like the barrel or grip.


Your last scheme is a Son of Orar at the moment though sorry.

I rather liked the first set of pictures, when I thought that it was going to be a red/grey halved scheme with white armour pads scattered over the model!! ;P Before you go ahead and strip the model, try playing around with it by testing some black/brown wash. That should help bring the brightness down, and if it fails you have lost nothing.
Yea sorry, I guess I should have said my intentions of the model being all red and with white. Yes it is very much like the sons of orar, I was flipping through the "how to paint a space marine" book one day at my local GW and there was a very nice army presented in the back that is white and red, and that is what sold me on the scheme. Just have to really think on the red... maybe black undercoat and try out those new foundation paints (haven't tried them yet). We shall see.

I'm surprised everyone seems to like the "base coat" of white primer with black wash over top. I've never thought of doing a quartered or half and half scheme.


Drexsun- It's just the extreme to give it a nice "black lining". Perhaps it doesn't look that great in the photo, but it gives the model a good defining pop on the tabletop. Yea I did the dragon head freehand (I hate using decals) although I'm not particularly happy with it. I have a High Elf dragon that's very nice sitting in front of me, so I think I will have another go at the symbol.


Wiplash- hmm I'm not really a fan of gray, especially next to a brighter red. If I was to do a half-half scheme it would most likely be red and white. Guess I have some more research to do!


Okay, so I'm going to go ahead and tryout a half and half scheme over the test marine. So yeah hes going to be thick lol but he will be stripped at some point so whatever. Reminds me of the test marine comic on Turn Signals on a Land Raider.


Oh and hopefully I don't get in trouble (for posting a non power armor unit) but a small photo of my dragon that I'll be using for inspiration for the chapter symbol:



I've been working on my chapter symbol and I think I am finally happy with it. The shoulder pad still needs to be painted as it will ultimately be white with red trim.




Also thinking something more subtle for the name of my chapter like: Sanguine Dragons.


Going to do the base tonight and should be able to get a good start on the actual painting tomorrow (will take more pictures as I progress). I'm thinking of starting the white at gray this time to make it more subtle instead of the sharp contrast with the blue lining I did on the earlier prototype. Not sure if this is a good idea or not, since I think black lining is awesome on Space Marines. We shall see!

Nothing wrong with free handed chapter symbols. But if you want to make a whole army of these guys I'd suggest a more simple symbol, at least for the shoulder pads and such. Perhaps just a black outline of a dragon head, maybe with a blood drop for an eye? That'd be sexy me thinks!

Okay so here's the WiP shot. All the space wolf gray parts will be white. I will be doing the blood drop on the white knee pad for squad marking and the red side shoulder pad will have the company marking of the 4th in roman numerals. Have some general fix ups to do and then I will go on to doing the white. My only question right now is what color do I make the weapon? Most quarter and half schemes seem to use black and a metallic color, but I would rather not use any metallic colors so... should I go with red or white or another color?




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