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I had planned on going for a unit of Grey Knight terminators as allies for my Iron Hands... This then changed to a Grand Master, Grey Knight terminators and 2 squads of power armour Grey Knights as allies... This then evolved into me throwing my Iron Hands into a cupboard and focusing solely on a Daemon Hunters army.


Then the new Imperial Guard codex came out and I thought that taking 2 platoons of guardsmen would A. give me more, cheaper bodies on the table with access to some heavy weapons etc and B. a much needed break from painting silver (it did dawn on me sometime later that painting 50+ Cadians may soon get annoying... :lol: )


Looking at the list I can choose from, I have a few queries...



The Infantry Platoon entry is as normal

The Armoured Fist entry is now invalid as there is no Armoured Fist entry in the new codex - that ones pretty straight forward


Fast Attack.

The Daemon Hunters codex says Sentinel Squadron - In the new Guard codex, that option has been replaced with Scout Sentinel Squadron or Armoured Sentinel Squadron - can I choose from either of them? Or since the Sentinel Squadron entry technically no longer exists, do I simply not get access to Sentinels?


Heavy Support.

The Daemon Hunters codex says 0-1 Leman Russ Battle Tank - and again, in the new codex, the entry Leman Russ Battle Tank has been replaced with Leman Russ Squadron - so do I get to take 1 squadron of between 1-3 Leman Russes, a single Leman Russ, or again, since the entry technically no longer exists, do I simply not get access to a Leman Russ?


Answers greatly appreciated!!

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I suggest taking a look at the gotcha faq stickied at the top, that lists the boards oppinions fairly well, another place to look is the ard boys rules available at the gw website.


as long as there is no new codex or dh faq though nobody can give you an indefinte answer.



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  Wolfmanjack said:
You can still build Armored fists due to the fact that Chimeras are simply dedicated transports for infantry platoons however.


Yep. The options are more or less the same for the squad, too. Just mount the command squad in a Chimera and roll out. It's actually cheaper now, since the Chimera's cost dropped between editions.

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