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Ferrus Sorrgol


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This is the first part of a mixed army project featuring Iron Hands (tech part) and Imperial Fists (troop/terminator part). Things to come will include: IH Razorback Stronos scheme, Lysander + full IF TDA Squad, 3 venerable Dreadnaughts, Thunderfire Cannon, Land Speeder Squadron, Troops.


A) Iron Father Bartolk of the Sorrgol Clan and Command Squad

Parts used: Techmarine, IH squad metal parts & shoulder guards, command squad sprue, Devastor squad signum & servo skull, Berzerker plasma pistol, guitar strings


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im liking the wires coming on the arms of the marines in the 3rd pic (going left to right) but the pictures aren't very clear so i can't see much else to comment on.


and i really have to know, what is that massive thing behind them??, it has very biiig feet and what looks to be chaos icons and chains...info please?



Yeah, sorry for the pic quality, I really don't know how the first pic came out so much better than the others.


I used guitar strings to connect all the hilts of the plasma guns with the shoulderguards, as it always seemed odd to me that special weapons are not connected with the energy systems of the power armor or at least use targeting systems connected with the bearer's autosenses. If it's just another gun, the next guy could also fire it. Plus, it just looks cool ^^


The THING in the back is a Chaos Reaver titan, converted from a (walking, remote-controllable) toy robot and various parts for my 10k apocalypse Iron Warriors/Dark Mech force. More pics about that project can be found here.

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