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Khan and Tigurius


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I'm thinking of trying a new army build in the 2000-2500 point range, and was curious what people thought of using Tigurius and Khan together, allowing the entire army to outflank and rerolling reserves. I was thinking that possibly a Biker Army with dedicated LRC/LRR transports and other fast elements might make for a fun army. Anyone tried this combo at all?
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Outflank replaces Combat, and....not too sure about the re-rolling for reserves....


But if it doesn't replace Combat Tactics, which I don't think it does...It could work.


Outflank with a Tact Squad with a Dedicated Land Raider. Hit their gunline from the rear. Hilarity ensues. That or....Sternguard. Or...TH/SS termies.


Given the options available, I think this could be a very viable army, assuming the Bike Squads are over the 5 Man thing to make them Troops.

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Outflanking the entire army is pretty silly. Your opponent will just set everyone up in the center, or stack one table edge.


It's only useful to outflank your enemy once he's dedicated some of his units to a perticular strategy, then you use outflank to ruin that.

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Outflanking the entire army is pretty silly. Your opponent will just set everyone up in the center, or stack one table edge.


It's only useful to outflank your enemy once he's dedicated some of his units to a perticular strategy, then you use outflank to ruin that.


I think a fast Bike/Mech army could take advantage of this, as Bikes have an 18" charge/24" RF range, while Mech Tactical squads/Sternguard have 26" RF range. Termies in LRs have a 20" assault range coming in, leaving very few places an opponent can hide. Even if they castle in the middle, they had better be very tightly packed (especially in 2000+ point games) or they'll eat charges. Couple this with Vindicators or other heavy hitters coming on from your board edge, and I think you could have the ability to deal some damage. Also, you don't have to outflank everything, especially if your opponent goes first. Let him deploy thinking you're going to outflank with everything, then declare you're going to deploy normally and watch him squirm. I think it would be especially fun against someone running 2 Masters of the Fleet (or whatever subtracts from your reserve rolls). You can reroll any successful ones, so you can pretty easily hold things back until late game for a ghetto version of Ninja Tau. I don't see this as being a 'Ard Boyz caliber idea, but I think it would be something that could spice up normal FLGS matches.

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Just because you CAN doesnt mean you SHOULD or WILL.


Its a wonderful combination- just make sure you have enough forces to produce an Anvil, or coming in from others areas than the flank.

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