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Jump chaplain. The green chapter!


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Finally got my behind in gear and shifted through my bitzbox and guess what I found, a dusty jump chaplain thats been lying there for a long time completely forgotten.


So I decided to take a couple evenings of just to speed paint this guy up (yes this is "good" speed paint where I dont care that much about errors or to ugly highlites).


I sculpted a chapter symbol on the left shoulder, sculpted a plasma pistol (yes its greenstuff) to look like his original mastercrafted bolt pistol and also applied greenstuff on the tabard hanging between the legs of the chaplain, I sculpted it to resemble scaly drake hide since I absolutely hate all kinds of purity seals and paper scrolls. The ones I had to paint up (since they are metal) were given small skulls in the middle.


The base was tough to do though, took me like a whole evening to build, sculpt, glue and paint it.








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Very well done! Good highlight and nice sculpting.


I'm sorry to say this but the first thing i had in mind after looking closer at your chapter symbol was:




Maybe its because of its colors, i don't know.

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