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Chaplains and Chaos

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If Chapter Masters were turned, then anyone can turn. And my Chaos army of choice is Red Corsairs, so you can imagine I've wondered who my turned Chaplain(s) might be. Although I've hinted at the plural, I have to admit that if turned Chaplains were ten-a-penny then the Empire would patently have fallen long since. Some simple arithmetic:

  • Assume Chaplains live an average of 500 years: that's 1000x(30,000/500)= 60,000 chaplains in all those years (at a rate of 1/chapter).
  • Assume 10 Chaplains/Chapter (@ 1/company): that's 600,000 in those 30 millenia.
  • If as few as 1/100th of 1% of Chaplains turn then that'd be 60: approximately 1/generation (according to the 500 year span already assumed); or 1/17 chapters (assuming they're evenly disributed).

You can play around with these assumptions and figures a bit, but I still think that you're getting a phenomenon which'd be real, albeit pretty darn rare. So no squads of ex-Astartes Chaplains I guess! :D


The question facing me now, naturally enough: who is my Red Corsairs' turned Chaplain? ;)

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I'd think the Traitor Legions' Chaplains probably became the following:





Perhaps even Possessed? In any case, I've never heard that a Chaplain CAN'T be tainted, especially Pre-Heresy since they didn't have a religion (Imperial Truth doesn't count). Word Bearers alone are proof that isn't true.

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The way they write the current time line... heck anything is possible. What haven't we seen? :)


a grey Knight turn to Chaos?


"the invaders banished over a thousand Khorne Daemons before succumbing to the rage of Goreswirl itself."


Maybe the planet killed them... or maybe they fell to the rage of Khorne...


You can trust your imperial masters when they say they cannot be turned but the power of Chaos knows no bounds.

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The way they write the current time line... heck anything is possible. What haven't we seen? :o


a grey Knight turn to Chaos?


"the invaders banished over a thousand Khorne Daemons before succumbing to the rage of Goreswirl itself."


Maybe the planet killed them... or maybe they fell to the rage of Khorne...


You can trust your imperial masters when they say they cannot be turned but the power of Chaos knows no bounds.


im not going to continue the argument ;) it would get out of hand and we'd both loose some teeth

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