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WIP Wolf Lord

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I'm hoping to get some feedback thus far on my Wolf Lord. I know I have to GS the Ulramarine icons (what a project that is going to be) and he needs a left hand, which I can't figure out what to give him, but I just want to get some feedback.




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line the top of the cloak with fur (using green stuff)

if you need inspiration for that look at the inquisitor coteaz model or WHFB chaos warriors


maybe some pelts from the SW sprue, i wouldn't say use a PF either imo

new codex is making LC a SW special so maybe them, or something else, i dunno PF arent that great on wolf lords, TH are better

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well I sadly don't have lighting claws around so I used the CSM Power fist which I think I will paint up to serve as a Lightningclaw. I'm still very new to the game, and I don't know if LC come in pairs or if it is like a powerfist in that you can have just one
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well I sadly don't have lighting claws around so I used the CSM Power fist which I think I will paint up to serve as a Lightningclaw. I'm still very new to the game, and I don't know if LC come in pairs or if it is like a powerfist in that you can have just one


you can have them singularly or doubled up (2 LC gets you +1 attack)

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Yes a spear would be cool. I will tell you an easy way to make a spear. 1) get the command sqaud box. 2) Get the devastator box. 3) Get the AoBR captain modell. 4) take the standard bearer arm out of the sprue.4) Get the lascannon optic peice out of the devastator box. Cut off the scope peice, and file it down flush. 5) Cut the sword off of the captain just below the handqaurd. 6)put the lascannon bit on the end of the pole, and the sword bit on the end of that. You may have to file the lascannon bit some more to get the pole to look even with the blade. It looks good, and is simple. No GS or special tools required. :geek: . If you would like to see what it looks like, check out my WIP.
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