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Black Gorgons


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I wanted to go for a feral looking marine, kinda like the White scars. To do so I combined SM plastics with DE corsair parts.

I shouldn't have been surprised that I ended up with............a marine that looked like a corsair. :P


Anyways, I thought someone might like the conversion so here you go:


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Thanks for the comments guys.


Head is from a Chaos Biker.


I'm glad you got that one, cause I for sure didn't know where I got the head from. :huh: And Master Toddius got the other one, it's an RW biker.


He would definately work as a sallie sergeant, but I'm terrible at painting green. :) I'm working on my DIY chapter, the Black Gorgons, he'll be painted in boltgun and blue. Though I still need to consider how I'm going to paint the loincloth.


@Drexsun, he's going to lead my AoBR marines. I think I might be able to sneak in some conversions, but most I'll leave as they are.

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Great mini mate! Love the convertion and the gs work, the scale hides have always been something that I really like. I must say that the head is the bet part with the top knots and all that, kudos! I would love to see some more of these :D


Cheers mate

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Not sure where the head is from but the chest plate is RW biker.


Awesome conversion. This would actually pass for Loyalist as well in my book. Would make for a killer sallie serg.


"note to self - pay more attention to Ravenwing sprues" :D


I think he would make a pretty nifty looking White Scars sergeant. Maybe add some fur instead of scales...........

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Thanks guys.

@Animerik, with the feedback I'm getting I'm definately going to explore this conversion some more.


I definitely like the double topknot - that is actually the first time I have liked a topknot on any figure, for that matter...


It's exactly the same with me. The funny thing is I only added it as an after-thought. I was looking at the Elf head and thought how easy it would be to remove the face and add the top knots to the miniature.

Now its the defining feature of the mini.

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Almost two months to get this mini painted! :P

In my defense this is the fourth scheme he's been painted in. He started out dark blue, then black and green, then boltgun and black and now crimson and black. Just so you know, I'm really REALLY fed up with this guy. I guess now you all know why I don't have a finished army yet. ;)


If anyone is wondering about the green hair, please check out my IA on the Black Gorgons: clicky!

I've had some replies, but please feel free to comment on this chapter. I still feel that it could be a lot better, but I'm stuck at the moment.



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