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A shiny Marine

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Well I decided to have a go at metcalfedan's awesome shiny marines in his Viva Metallica thread. So I scavanged around and managed to put a Marine together - a seargent he shall be. Next I basecoated him black, then applied a layer of silver


Now here comes the hard part - what colour do I make him? :D




As you can see, there's the post and the two washes I own. It's gonna be one of those two - making washes from other colours will probably go SOB's chestplates-up and look horrible.


So folks, yellow or green?

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Well I whipped up a quick test of each. It hasn't helped the choosing :Troops:




Thraka Green looks like shiny DA green, whereas the Sepia looks more like gold...


C'mon folks help!

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I don't really want washed out colours though... or tons and tons of layers again and again... :Troops:


That and if i dared dip my brush with a wash on into water it'd all get wasted...

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I also experimented over the past week using the washes over metallics, and i found that going over mithril silver with a wash of badab black followed by 2 to 3 medium washes of gryphonne sepia gets a really nice strong gold. So my vote is for the gold.
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Well if you want to see how Thraka Green comes out of a marine feel free to check out my Phoenixs Roost thread somewhere in the HoH. I personally think that your should possibly try to either create one of your Phantoms using the method, although that would probably require mixing Thraka Green with Asurmen Blue, so that probably out. Other then that do as someone here suggested and try a gold/green halved scheme. The colours go great together and it solves any probles of deciding what colour to use.
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@Terminatorinhell: It's always something simple isn't it? :D


@Dreams of Contempt: Heh wrong green matey :D Those guys are neon green. Thraka green does not give a neon green finish :) If it did I'd be using it.


There's been a few calls for a halved scheme. Yeahhh sorry that's not what I had in mind. It's kinda got to be one or the other. The only part where both come in will be on the plasma pistol - the colour I didn't choose will be the plasma colour.

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You don't want a halved scheme or quartered...

Ok, how about you do the shoulder pads in sepia, and the rest of the marine in green?

Or all green, but with the shoulder-trim in sepia?


Personally, I go for the watered down green.

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very simple.. do it green.. then if you dont like it give the model a 1 minute soak in mr muscle kitchen cleaner. This will remove the wash but not the paint so you can try the other wash (remember to rinse well after the minutes up)
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Just for show and to help abit, I've been improving the model with the appropriate colours and so on.





I've only added Tin Bitz in places to give you an idea of what's gonna stand out from the silver. Added a little decor to the banner so it isn't all plain either - I'll add a Chapter Symbol of sorts when he''s been fully painted




EDIT: I do still need opinions here. All are welcome and encouraged

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Well I knuckled down and got the layers down upon him. Here's how he looks thus:








Coloured the wires on the PF in Dwarfe Bronze. Now, what should I put as a Chapter Symbol? He can't really go without one.

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