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How to kill a Carnifex in 500Pt?


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My venue is starting with 500pt tourneys to get everybody broken in before they slowly increase. I want my list to be an all comer, but I know I will face a Carnifex.


I'm doing a one shot army with no scouts and a 5-man squad of sternguard in a razorback.

Throwing in a Librarian HQ with a Storm bolter leaves me with 55pts.


Option A: Buy 3 extra Tac. squad bodies, and a combi-weapon for a SG

Option B: Buy 2 Power fists

Option C: Buy Epistolary


What powers should my Librarian take?

Smite: 4x 1/6 chances to deal a no AP save hit

Avenger: S5 AP3 template that has 33% chance to deal a no AP save hit

Vortex of Doom: Need I say More?

Can't use Might of Ancients and nemisis weapon together unless I buy Episstolary

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I cant remember for sure but i dont think the force weapon can insta-gib a carnifex (someone will clarify im sure).

Its a shame your not using scouts, a few snipers are good against MC's


Other than that the sternguard will be the chaps for the job.



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I think I'd take the power fists if I had to choose from those. Maybe a fist and a combi-weapon? Epistolary seems too expensive for games of 500 pts.


And for the second psychic power, The Avenger might be good. At least I wouldn't like it being used against me.

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My venue is starting with 500pt tourneys to get everybody broken in before they slowly increase. I want my list to be an all comer, but I know I will face a Carnifex.


I'm doing a one shot army with no scouts and a 5-man squad of sternguard in a razorback.

Throwing in a Librarian HQ with a Storm bolter leaves me with 55pts.


Option A: Buy 3 extra Tac. squad bodies, and a combi-weapon for a SG

Option B: Buy 2 Power fists

Option C: Buy Epistolary


What powers should my Librarian take?

Smite: 4x 1/6 chances to deal a no AP save hit

Avenger: S5 AP3 template that has 33% chance to deal a no AP save hit

Vortex of Doom: Need I say More?

Can't use Might of Ancients and nemisis weapon together unless I buy Episstolary

*blink* what are the other rules for this tournament... Ie do you need any troops?


My Personal Preference would be to upgrade the razorback to a Lascannon+TLPG variant.


Cause if Im getting this right, your army looks like this:


Libby- SB- 103pts.

5x Sterngaurd-125pts.



wich would only put you at 268pts... leaving you with 232pts.


You mention a Tac Squad... perhaps it is a 7 man unit? So that would be- 122pts... and leav you with 110.


At wich point I would buy the other 3 men, and a Rhino, for 83pts, leaving you with 27 for options. Taking the Free ML and Flamer keeps you there... and perhaps giving a PF to your sterngaurd seargent. *Shrugs*


Can I see your full list perhaps? It would help greatly in assisting you.

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I'd say that a Tactical squad with Meltagun/Plasmagun/Power Fist would be quite useful. Shoot him up @ 24" (which is beyond his range if it is a Dakkafex) and then start to close on him and charge when he's close enough.

If its a CC Fex, just keep firing until he charges you, then Fist him down.

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You might consider replaceing the lib for a captain, and taking a comand squad with 4x plasma. Thats about the cheapest plasma spam you will get and by math-hammer (and asuming no cover saves), long range will do 1.777 wounds and rapid fire will do 3.555. Also 4 plasma guns at 500 pts where you dont have to worry so much about AV 14 will bring about slaughter on its own.
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Being within synapse range only protects you from Instant Death caused by High STR. Force Weapons (and the Talasarian Tempest Blade) bypass that issue.

No they don't. Read the Tyranid FAQ.

Eyescrossed has it,
Page 28 – The Hive Mind and Synapse Creatures,

second bullet point.

The second sentence should be changed as


Tyranids within Synapse range as described above

(including the Synapse Creature itself) are not

affected by the Instant Death rule. Note that this

does not apply to Ripper Swarms.



It's a blanket immunity thing.

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To be honest, you already have a unit of Sternguard. Hellfire rounds are practically designed for killing monstrous creatures. I'd focus the rest on balancing your force. If you spend too much just on anti-carnifex weapons then you'll be screwed against mobs.


Leave the 'Fex to the Sternguard.

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Thanks for the imput. Sry for not posting base army.



Tac. squad 5-man

Tac. squad 5-man

Sternguard 5-man



Total: 445


If a flamer is needed then I'll use the template Psychic power

If I need a ML or other cheap heavy weapon, I'll buy it for 5pts in the SG squad on the extra body I'll buy.

The consensus is to get at least one fist.


Playing it, I'll leave the Librarian with the two tac squads as a fireing line, and mech the SG to/behind whatever threatens it.


I'll probably end up only running this army in a single tourny. It's just because I've been wanting to run a 5-man SG squad in a Razorback. Afterwards I'll be running a 10-man Tac squad in an rino.

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Being within synapse range only protects you from Instant Death caused by High STR. Force Weapons (and the Talasarian Tempest Blade) bypass that issue.

No they don't. Read the Tyranid FAQ.

Eyescrossed has it,
Page 28 – The Hive Mind and Synapse Creatures,

second bullet point.

The second sentence should be changed as


Tyranids within Synapse range as described above

(including the Synapse Creature itself) are not

affected by the Instant Death rule. Note that this

does not apply to Ripper Swarms.



It's a blanket immunity thing.


Huh. What a load of cobblers. I hadn't read the 'nid FAQ. In that case, Commad Squad full of Plasma Guns with a Relic Blade/Plas Pistol Captain. Lets see you shrug off 9 dice of S7 AP2 mofo. Add a Razorback with Assault Cannon for surety.

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Thanks for the imput. Sry for not posting base army.



Tac. squad 5-man

Tac. squad 5-man

Sternguard 5-man



Total: 445


If a flamer is needed then I'll use the template Psychic power

If I need a ML or other cheap heavy weapon, I'll buy it for 5pts in the SG squad on the extra body I'll buy.

The consensus is to get at least one fist.


Playing it, I'll leave the Librarian with the two tac squads as a fireing line, and mech the SG to/behind whatever threatens it.


I'll probably end up only running this army in a single tourny. It's just because I've been wanting to run a 5-man SG squad in a Razorback. Afterwards I'll be running a 10-man Tac squad in an rino.

So it looks like you need HQ+2xTroops then. Hrmm.

Well in that case Im going to say you need to buy a combi-melta for your tac seargents... your sorely lacking AT firepower.

A Powerfist on your Sterngaurd Seargent will help vs Monstrous Creautures.

And then Meltabombs on each Tactical Seargent- just in case.

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It's called mutagenic acid, sterngard carry plenty of rounds filled with the stuff.


Scouts are better (per point) at shooting 2+ armor save targets, by an impresive margine if I recal. Sternguard (when rapid firing) are better vs 3+ targets, though by a less impresive margine. Scouts still win if the sterngard cant rapid fire (and rapid fireing means your in charge range). Just a thought. I still suport plasma spam vs fexen.

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