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Little yellow men from Earth


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Hey all thought I'd share my take on the guys in yellow......


I've had this as a side project (sat doing nothing) for some time now basically I've been slowly building up a force of fists but the twist is that im only using 2nd hand minis from ebay.....this of course has some up's and many downs but that's the gamble :-)


So far the good has out weighed the crap and I've got a start to my force so with out further-a-do I'll get on with the pic's



What self respecting space marine would leave the battle barge with his commander leading the way.....not mine that's for sure!!!






Its a nice simple conversion based on one of Calgars boys with the ultra symbols lopped off and green stuffed away and a converted commander backpack


You'll notice I've gone with a slightly more industrial yellow than the "proper" bright yellow no reason other than I like it :-)

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The painted parts look good but the metal parts really look like naked pewter making the overall effect of a half painted/finished mini.

It is half finished?


If not maybe cover some more of the metal areas with other colours?

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which bits do you mean?


he's done its all painted maybe the pic's make it look to shiney???


its done with a boltgun-badab black wash-chainmail-mithrliy highlights i wanted to keep it looking like well looked after/master crafted equipment

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The only thing I could even think he could mean is the casing of the bolter?


same here?!? dont know what other colours i could add to that though?


anyway here's the next mini that i have painted


Chaplain time!!


I've tried to limit the colours used on him, also I've gone with a pale skin tone as well to contrast with the black armour, im also really happy with the way the winged shoulder pad turned out. I was planning on doing some scripture on the white part of the pad but I really like the way it looks so I'll leave it as is :-)







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is it just me or is that a robed bunny in the chest eagle box? I swear that what it looks like


Of course its a bunny what else would it be??? look up page errr No'302 of Codex Astrates the part about what not to wear for Chaplains, its all there honest. Tell you what I'll quote to save you looking "....and for thou to influence and inspire thou brother marines, thou shall done the image of the little bunny in a box about thou chest, and low shall they know the Emperors divine might" :-P


Awesome! I've never really liked that mini before


I know what you mean about the model I didn't realise how short it is if you took a plastic marine and straightened it up it would tower over him I'll post a comparison shot as soon as I can be arsed :-P

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paints nice and easy :-)


lyanden darksun

orgryn flesh wash

lyanden darksun leaving flesh wash in recesses

V watered down gryphonne sepia all over so it just darkens the yellow

lyanden darksun highlight

add bleached bone to darksun more and more for more and more highlights till pure bleached bone

skull white extreme highlight


time consuming but easy enough honest :-)

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all i can say is that it looks great

and is just making me more and more want to get IF (but then again i also like the CF) instead of my Salamanders (but i love my Salamanders a lot to) or my new WoC (which i love to aswell)

so stop making me want to ge things


Athiair :)


ps. i might be getting another small marine army along side my WoC (like the Marine player in WD does)

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Thanks :-) for that you can have another update



he's the first of a 5 man assault squad




oh and i know what you mean about wanting more stuff all the time grumble grumble stoopid games workshop taking all my money.......

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Oh, wow. I mean that assault marine is just amazing. I truly love the yellow you have going there and those eye pieces are among the best i'v seen, and i see a lot here at the B&C. My only gripe is the faceplate, it seems just a little too highlighted compared to the rest of the marine, but that may just be the camera. And the exhausts look good too! If only we had more imperial fists in this manly yellow :rolleyes:
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Actually I rather like that effect - it suggests that an explosion has gone off nearby which has been reflected in the lighting on the marine. I only have one minor observation which may be more to do with the photo and the angle rather than the actual miniature, but it looks like the knee pads could do with some more definition wheere they join with the thigh. Maybe a darker colour could be used to paint the joints between armour sections in that area. It's fine everywhere else, but I would expect the join there to be more prominent.


Otherwise a very good miniature indeed!

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Great models. The only thing I would say is that the shading on the cloak for the commander seems to sudden. Needs a more gradual change in the colour. It justs stands out to me as I dont think its up to the same standard as the rest of the model, or your others.

Look forward to seeing more

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Just realised that I'd forgotten about the dear departed brothers (painted these a while back now gone to the monster that is ebay). I was playing with the idea for the chaplain for some time, the wings really suit him, I think maybe one day I'll get around to doing another one just like it (but better).



Hope you people like this one better than the Hated Segway midget chaplain :-P








(I only have these old wahsed out pic's that make him look like he leaning back?!? bad photography bad!!)

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