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Little yellow men from Earth


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So is ebay where all of the marines are headed? or are they actually for an army?


Yep they'll prob all end up on ebay at some point gonna make up an army first though.


I'm and painter not a gamer :-) been doing commission work (hint hint if anyone interested) and the rest make and nice profit......most of which goes back on ebay :-( .....



Here's the other dearly missed brother (also gone to ebay, somewhere in Germany if I remember right), he was the first test mini to get my new upgraded paint job. Also used up my second set of wings on him, and again I think the pose works well (even if the black on the wings is very crapply done).









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Damn those wings do truely look very very good on this model (if my remember right they are from microartstudio), and for the painting both thumbs up they look truely cool.



cheers :-) and yup microart wings I would do it veeery different if I did it again

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Gahh I go away for a couple of days and already the threads forgotten about and slipping down the pages ;-P



Well hopefully this will rekindle your interest :-





He's the first of my none jumping vanguard squad (I know one day I'll actually keep my attention focused and maybe finish a whole squad of marines before moving onto the next models?....hummm one day, maybe..)


Not sure if I should redo the helmet white or leave it as is?



edit: just noticed that I havent painted the lense of the helmet will retake the pic when i have :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

well its been a while since there were any updates on here so...here you go



here's the next assault marine done the rest of the squads close behind so stay tuned :-)








you'll hopefully notice the better quality photos as I've finally got myself a nice light box to take pic's with/in(?) I'll retake all the older crappy pic's when I get a min

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Update time again :-)


And shock horror I actually finished a squad!!


Ok so it may not be and assault squad (although there almost done....I'll have a painted army at this rate if im not careful) but a squads a squad...


So here we are, I've had these kicking around for age's, so they really deserved to be finished first :-) so enough rambling ...



I give you THE SCOUT SQUAD!!!!












and a group shot



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well slipped down a page again I'll keep posting and.....sniff....maybe some will comment :-P


aaaaanyway here's the next squad I'll start with the new recruits














and here's a group shot



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Impressive stuff ;)


Got to say I'm particularly fond of your Assault Marines - especially the Sergeant ;) I love the way you've worked his shield, and may, just may, have to steal that idea and use it on a shield or two in my own army :cry:


Keep up the great work!

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Am I the only one who thinks his Yellow armor looks like NMM Gold? I honestly thought that whole Honor Guard was painted NMM Gold.


That said, god damn, that Chappy with the wings is awesome. Nice models all around. My only suggestion is to thin your white for the most extreme highlights. They sometimes stand out a bit too much. Everything else is great, though. Keep it up.

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Ahhh i love that Assult Squad Sgt! Red helmet with white stripe, thats the way a Sgt should look like in an IF amry! The Stormshield is well done, i think i copy that half eagle for some of my marines :)


Only thing: Why have you paintet some of the jump packs front black? I think it looks much better in yellow

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