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Little yellow men from Earth


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This is definitely the best IF army I've seen so far, love the dark yellow you use, makes their armour look really substantial, kind of heavy-counstruction-equipment style. The black shield on the assault squad's sergeant is brilliant, I would definitely steal that idea if I had any assault sergeants left to assemble ;)


Great job, man.

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s'all a con there 6ft high really :-P


Talk about getting what you pay for! Although the shipping is gunna be a right pain, not to mention fielding them in the store.


"What the hell is that?" -- GW Employee


"Why, its one of my Space Marine tactical marines for my army of course, 1850 points right?" -- Me


"What is it, 6 feet tall? You have how many?!" -- GW Employee


"About 40 Tacticals, some terminators, dreadnoughts, and so on" -- Me


*GW Employee faints*


"I think this store needs to be bigger...."


Hehehe, fun times.

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here's a sneaky look at another commission that I've picked up for some fists, there will be three of these all from the Calgar box will take some better pic's as soon as I've got my light box set back up......


until then here's a crappy pic



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here's some more shots still can't seem to get the colour tones right stupid camera :-P






and the 2nd one





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