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Mon Capitain


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There is no "best" option. Captains are very versatile in that you can take damned near any wargear available in the Codex.

Want someone to accompany your Terminators and provide a high Initiative set of attacks to offset the I1 of powerfists? Throw your Captain in Terminator armor.

Want someone to join an assault squad? Give that boy a jump pack.

Need scoring bike troops? Captain Bob on a bike.


Weapons and armour are really based on what you plan to be doing with him. Is he going to be an IC/MC hunter? Go with either the Terminator option, or give him a powerfist or relic blade and a plasma pistol. Maybe invest in a stormshield as well.

Mob control? Combiflamer, power weapon, and bolt pistol (for max attacks on the charge).

Hang back and take potshots? Bolter with hellfire rounds and auxiliary grenade launcher.


There's SO MUCH you can do with a captain that there's no best overall layout.

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Want someone to accompany your Terminators and provide a high Initiative set of attacks to offset the I1 of powerfists? Throw your Captain in Terminator armor.

I actually see no reason to take termy armour over arty armour. You already have an invulnerable save, it's cheaper and you can still sweeping advance, and if you want to you can still join a termy squad. Have I missed something? (Actual question, I'm not taking the mick if it sounds like I am)

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Want someone to accompany your Terminators and provide a high Initiative set of attacks to offset the I1 of powerfists? Throw your Captain in Terminator armor.

I actually see no reason to take termy armour over arty armour. You already have an invulnerable save, it's cheaper and you can still sweeping advance, and if you want to you can still join a termy squad. Have I missed something? (Actual question, I'm not taking the mick if it sounds like I am)


The ability to deepstrike and use a teleport homer are all I can think of off the top of my head. I'd have to look at the points costs of the Terminator kit (stormbolter, powersword, etc).

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A captain with a Relic Blade and Storm Shield is one of the best options out there, because you end up with an HQ that is actually different from all the Special Characters. He's resiliant, and dishes out the damage too.


Another good option is a Captain with a Bike, Relic Blade, Hellfire Rounds, and an Auxilary Grenade Launcher. You get three shots within 12" that pretty much hit and wound on a 2+, extra toughness and movement, and HtH punch, and he's different enough from Khan to make him worthwhile.


For the most part, though, anything you come up with can be done cheaper with a "special" character.

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True, this set-up is very close to Vulcan, but the RB/SS Captain is cheaper, and gives you the option of grabbing that Command Squad... which is probably the only reason anyone should consider a standard Captain without a Bike.
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What kind of army do you run? When I'm not taking a special character I usually go with a Chapter Master w/Relic Blade and Storm bolter. I put him in a unit of 10x terminators w2/CML. He can call down the orbital strike then shoot and advance with the terminators.
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What kind of army do you run? When I'm not taking a special character I usually go with a Chapter Master w/Relic Blade and Storm bolter. I put him in a unit of 10x terminators w2/CML. He can call down the orbital strike then shoot and advance with the terminators.


You mean in subseqeunt turns, right? Because the Orbital Bombardment specifically nullifies Relentless granted by TDA. Though if that unit starts on the board, that's one heck of an opening salvo. The OB, plus four frag missile or two kraks. KA-BOOOOM!

Though personally, I like to drop the OB from outside LOS, just to be a bastard.

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There's nothing much more I can add to this that hasn't been covered already, particularly with ShinyRhino's first post, and then reiterated by others later on.


All I will say is that I have used a Space Marine Captain, with Jump Pack, Relic Blade and Storm Shield since the release of the current codex and it has been fantastic. I initially thought the Storm Shield was uneccessary, I just took it because I'd converted a model that looks, if I do say so myself, pretty awesome and I liked the idea of him charging in with sword and shield in true heroic style, but it has proven very useful in the past. I attach him to my five man assault squad, which usually only serve as meatshields to him (in true bodyguard style), but the Thunder Hammer in the squad helps him survive being charged by dreadnoughts and the like.


I usually give him digital weapons too, which has sometimes helped get that extra blow to finish off an enemy, but can be dropped if points are tight.


That's what I use, and I've found it works really really well. Hope it helps make up your mind and clarify some of the points about RB/SS captains here. I'd reccommend a Jump Pack with that set up though.

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What kind of army do you run? When I'm not taking a special character I usually go with a Chapter Master w/Relic Blade and Storm bolter. I put him in a unit of 10x terminators w2/CML. He can call down the orbital strike then shoot and advance with the terminators.


You mean in subseqeunt turns, right? Because the Orbital Bombardment specifically nullifies Relentless granted by TDA. Though if that unit starts on the board, that's one heck of an opening salvo. The OB, plus four frag missile or two kraks. KA-BOOOOM!

Though personally, I like to drop the OB from outside LOS, just to be a bastard.


lol - yep! If I have any lascannons (or other high STR weapons) in the army it's fun to crack open a transport then hit the contents of the transport with that salvo.

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