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First test dreadnought


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First GK dread I painted.

Bought this one used and glued together and over painted (bummer but it was really cheap) and decided to use it as a test model for my upcoming dreads.

I tried to pry apart the bitz in order to get more space for the brush to work in but after breaking apart stuff (alien super glue) I gave up and just painted the thing assembled as it was. (though the arms are loose and exchangeable, I´ll get lots of extra FW arms for all dreads)

I toyed a bit with various colour schemes and came to a finalised version after a couple evenings of painting.

I´m getting fed up trying to paint already assembled and over painted minis but I have no heart to throw away all the used cheapo stuff lying in my boxes but the next dread will be a crisp new and unassembled one with better paint quality to it then this test mini.


The base was really the only thing that was painted from scratch and not some over used thing.

I want a base theme with daemonic ruins with glowing runes. For my GKs with infantry the runes are being eldritch blue, for terminators fiery red and for dreads ghostly green. Dunno yes if it will give a cool or just stupid look to the army and it will be a while till enough is painted up and I can find out.









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Unless I'm much mistaken the two different colors of missiles probably represent krak and frag missiles. Which I think is an interresting concept.


The only problem seems to be the Lascannon lense, it's not painted at all as far as I can see.


Otherwise fantastic work, I can't really even tell that it was painted over a bad paint job.

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Yeah, they are supposed to be krak and frag missile warheads.

Would it look better if I changed the green missiles to blue or should all be uniform red you think?


The lascannon lense is painted up now, looks green. Forgot it amongst all the otehr details.


And yes it is overpainted, the text on the dread front plates, on the book and on the legs etc is actually so overpainted that most of it was covered up and I had to freehand paint letters in dark brown to show that there are supposed to be letters there. Was a bummer to do and drags down the finish but it makes for good practice as well.

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I like the green, though I'd paint a 4th missile green so there's at least more symetry to the load though for your color scheme a yellow or orange might be less contrasting, for some the green might clash though I think it adds some nice detail.
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THAT was a overpainted mini? I think your a dirty liar. That model is very well done considering tho.


And i for one love the base idea. The green runes makes it look very xenos--y? It kinda makes it look like he waltzing over a Necron Monolinth. Neat.

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I like it. On the missiles thing: missile/bomb type is commonly represented by a coloured band or tip. Following this approach- eg. giving the missiles a different coloured tip, should work well on a miniature like this dread because the common elements would tie the scheme together while the different elements would give the desired effect. Or so I'd hope. ;)
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What's a grey knigget?


A very old Monty Python joke. Its Knights spelled with bad phonetics. And it would actually be pronounced Kah-niggits. :D


Anywho, I really like how you've used the NMM that was developed for your Sallies and brought them into the GK's as well. I think its a great paintjob with yet another cool base.


If uniformity is an issue for the missiles then do them all one color and created a band around them in different colors for frag and krak. For intstance do them in red and then have a blue band for frag and just red for krak.


Are you planning to do a GK army or is this a one off?

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Yeah, they are supposed to be krak and frag missile warheads.

Would it look better if I changed the green missiles to blue or should all be uniform red you think?


The lascannon lense is painted up now, looks green. Forgot it amongst all the otehr details.


And yes it is overpainted, the text on the dread front plates, on the book and on the legs etc is actually so overpainted that most of it was covered up and I had to freehand paint letters in dark brown to show that there are supposed to be letters there. Was a bummer to do and drags down the finish but it makes for good practice as well.

I'd say paint the green missiles white instead so it doesn't look so Christmas like. I like the idea of having the frag & krak missiles represented with different colors.

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That's overpainted? My god, if you hadn't said, I wouldn't have guessed. Looks absolutely gorgeous, although the three green missiles look a bit out of place.


I agree - it's a beaut!! Wish my overpainted purchases could be done up tho this standard. (or even my new ones!)

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Here are the bases and how they look compared to each others.

lenses also painted




I´ll redo the missiles later due to popular whining :lol:





The grey is:

Black + white with white as highlite.


The silver is:

Black + white + blue of any kind (I use enchanted or ultra) + white with white and blue as highlites (blue only if needed, otherwise just white).

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