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Honor Guard and Epistolary


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I am going to be running an episolary with terminator armour and storm shield with calgar and a 5 man honor guard and I wanted to know what would be the best set of powers to give him, any and all advice will be appreciated.
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Ok now are you really sure about all this? Forgetting everyones usual beef with Honour Guard there are a few other issues with this set up.


1. You are making a Calgar unit even more expensive and turning one solo hard case into a fairly meaty single shot disaster (one S8 template on this unit is likely to kill all but Calgar).


2. You have just ruined the one thing that Honour Guard have over and above their closest rival, Assault Terminators. You have stopped them from making sweeping advances by putting a Terminator Librarian in there.


Assuming that Calgar does not have Terminator armour in there already I would not go for the terminator Librarian, your guys are going to beat an infantry unit in combat, fail to kill them all because you cannot sweep them off the board and then they are going to get shot to death leaving only Calgar.


If you are set about putting a librarian in there, hell a normal chaplain will add more to the squads combat effectiveness IMO, then I would think about what it is that the Honour guard either lack or will do poorly against.


- They have no invulnerable save

- They have power weapons so only invulnerable saves stop their attacks

- They can only be transported in a landraider if you have the terminator calgar and/or terminator librarian


My top candidates would be


Force Dome - 5+ Invulnerable

Null zone - re-roll invulnerable hits

Gate of Infinity - Personally hate this one but others like it

Avenger - Toast some MEQ

Might of the Ancients - Aids high T kills and does some damage against Vehicles

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